Chapter Eight

2096 Words

“He reacted to it in a different way than we expected’’ The woman in the black dress frowns, she shakes her head ‘’What do you mean. You said the success rate was extremely high’’ The man nods ‘’Yes but its been a couple of hours, and he isn’t waking up. We might have to kick start the revival process, but it will leave a lot of complications’’ ‘’what do you mean by that? This was supposed to be a sure thing. I thought we already discussed everything we needed to’’ she is upset and terrified because this wasn’t part of the plan. ‘’I am sorry ma’am’’ the man in the lab coat apologizes. She sighs ‘’ what complications?’’ There were irregular activities in his neocortex, it is a part of the brain and we have the belief that if he wakes up, he might have some of the following’’ He

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