Chapter Nine

1728 Words

‘’You are obsessed with him’’ J.J chuckles like he even said anything funny. I roll my eyes and turn the steering wheel. I park the car in front of the coffee shop and my best friend jolts out of the car and runs into the building. I take my time as I walk in, nervous for some reason. I enter and he is the first person I see. His jeans that are a little faded, his all-star’s sneakers that are worn out. His grey eyes, black hair, dimpled smile when he notices me. Those things that make my heart race. I walk over to him and he watches me; his stare hungry and yearning. I stop in front of him and he smiles even wider “Hi” I manage, breathing heavily. He replies “Hey there” his voice travels. It travels so deep within that I feel it resonate. His arms are across his chest, he is as

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