Chapter Seven

3076 Words

Jared’s pov. ‘’I am falling, and I don’t know what to do’’ words escape my lips. All eyes on the table turn to me. I know I am being cheesy, I know I shouldn’t be saying this considering the situation, but I can’t help myself. Mom raises a brow “What are you talking about?’’ she looks confused. f**k I don’t blame her, I am not making any sense. ‘’I love him’’ I say the words out loud for the first time since I saw him in the school cafeteria. New and alone, he didn’t know where to sit or who to talk to. Bren had just started at our school and he looked like a lost puppy, I didn’t know I was gay until I kissed him the first time. At first, I thought we were just friends, I finally saw someone I could have a conversation with but the more we got to talking the more I realized that this is

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