Chapter 7

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"What are you doing?" Lisa narrowed her eyes coldly. "I… I kissed you to thank you for taking care of me." Basil decided to be honest. "If you want to thank me, you can pay me money without having to use your body to return it. I'm a real person, not a lustful woman." Lisa said coldly and got up to leave the room, because anyway he woke up, which proves he's okay. However, before she could take a few steps, he grabbed her hand and held her. "Where are you going? Can't you go?" "I'm tired and go to bed." "I'm so hungry, can you cook porridge for me? Please." "Porridge over there, you can eat it yourself." "But the porridge is cold." Lisa glared at him, she really doubted if he was a man or just a big kid. Just being a little sick is so horrible. However, before that, she had taken a bank card from him in advance to pay for his care, so she couldn't leave him to starve at this time. So she decided to go to the kitchen to cook another hot porridge for him. She doesn't know how to cook, so in her house she has a very large cupboard full of all kinds of canned goods. Especially the porridge she has a lot of, full of flavor. Just put it in the microwave to warm it up and you can eat it. She went out for a while and brought a bowl of hot porridge to his bedside. "It's to your liking, isn't it? You can rest assured to eat it, it's delicious, you'll definitely like it. You slowly eat me back to the bedroom." Lisa left the bowl of porridge and wanted to go, but once again, before she could leave the room, she heard him say tiredly. "I'm too tired to bring myself a bowl of hot porridge, can you help me eat? Your bank card is already taken." Basil pretended to speak up to remind her. Lisa raised an eyebrow, how did he know she took his bank card? Obviously he was in a coma at that time, maybe he pretended to let her take care of him. She narrowed her eyes coldly and asked him. "You're pretending, aren't you?" "What did you say? look at my hands, what did I do wrong that you don't trust me like that." Basil's voice was extremely pitiful. On the surface he said that, but inwardly he laughed to himself, because he wanted to have her pity, but he disregarded everything. If the employees in his company heard this tone of his, maybe They would probably faint from disbelief. ###Chapter 11 Lisa's special hobby "So how do you know I took your bank card?" Lisa decided to be honest so he had to be honest with her too. "When you went out, I checked my wallet, so I found out." Basil is honest. Lisa raised her eyebrows, now she understood that she misunderstood him. That's right, if he checked his wallet and found a card missing, he'd be sure she took it. Because clearly in this house there are only you and her. He also couldn't afford to drop it anywhere, because if he dropped it, he would lose his wallet, not just a credit card. She raised her eyebrows and sighed, if she took his money, she should work. She brought the bowl of porridge, then slowly fed him. He was also very cooperative with her, not continuing to make things difficult. Until the bowl of porridge was empty, she brought him a glass of water. After serving him wholeheartedly she spoke up. "Rest, I'll take you home tomorrow." "Your porridge is delicious. When you come back home can you cook for me every day, of course I'll pay you extra. Also, can we stay here for a few more days? It's very comfortable here." Basil honestly voiced his praise. He also didn't expect that she also knew how to cook, she was such a beautiful and talented girl. He was really scared, if he didn't hurry to think of a way to keep her close to him, he was afraid that another man would take her away. He wanted to take the opportunity that the man who entered her house was also the last man. Although the company still has a lot of work waiting for him to return to handle, he thinks that if he hides here for a few days, the company will not go bankrupt because of that. But even if I go bankrupt, I still have a lot of real estate and other assets. I will set up another company soon. The important thing now is that he wants to spend more time alone with her. If he returned to his house, although he lived alone, but there were many maids moving around in the house, he would not be free to pretend to be taken care of by her pity like here. "Sorry, come back to your senses. I don't know how to cook, the porridge I just bought is boxed porridge I bought at the supermarket. If you like to eat, you can give me money. I will help you clean up all the porridge at the supermarket. It's okay if you want to stay here for a few more days. As long as you pay the rent for me, that's fineI signed a contract to be your mistress, but I won't sign a contract to cover your accommodation." Lisa replied calmly. She knew for sure that he would like the space here, because it was clear that the atmosphere here was very suitable for relaxing after a long time of hard work. This house is what she bought and gave the mechanic a lot of repairs to the style she wanted. So all the houses nearby didn't have a design like hers. "I'll pay your rent, but what if I want to buy your house back?" Basil spoke indifferently. If he bought this house from her, then he wouldn't need her approval to move in. In the future, he will also come here with her more often, because the taste of this house is not only comfortable but also makes him feel very warm and has a family atmosphere when staying with her. She and he are like newlyweds who come here for their honeymoon or rest after tiring working days in the bustling and crowded city. "Not sold." Lisa didn't have to think twice and answered. "You keep bidding, I'll pay no matter how muchOr do you want to talk to something? A certain villa in the city center is fine. I'll trade it with you." Basil guessed her refusal because he was afraid he'd pay too low, but he absolutely wouldn't let her down with the value he offered she was a money lover, so he thought with the attractive exchange he offered she would agree to sell. Surprisingly, the result is still the same. "If you don't sell, you don't sell. I'll rent it to you, but you can only stay here for two more days. Now rest, I'll go back to my bedroom." Lisa left a sentence and went out of his room. As soon as the door to his room closed, her regretful face was revealed. His villas in the city center are worth many times more than this little house of hers here. It really appealed to her, but she really didn't want to sell the place she was passionate about. Anyway, every item in this house is bought by herself, she brought it from many parts of the world. Even the food in the refrigerator is also the dishes she chooses from famous brands. She can earn more money to buy the mansion she wants in the city but she can't find the items she bought to redecorate another house like here. Because the things in this house are all special goods, there are things that are unique. After Lisa left, Basil was still in shock and disbelief. He offered so many attractive things but still not enough value to attract her. It's really hard to believe. Only now did he realize that it wasn't a lot of money she would agree to no matter what. And from this, he knew how important this house was to her and how much she loved it, so he didn't want to sell it to him no matter how much he offered. If she doesn't want to sell then he will try to become a loyal customer here. He was just about to close his eyes and get some sleep when his phone rang. He frowned, then put his hand on the table to take the phone, glanced at the name displayed on the screen feeling very annoying, didn't want to take the call but he knew if he didn't take this call the caller would continue to call forever. "I'm going on vacation for a few days, so I don't need to call to find me anymore. All the work at the company is assigned to the assistant. If they can't solve it, then there's no need to work at the company. you again." As soon as he received the call, he spoke immediately and then turned off the connection, then turned off the phone, threw it back on the table, and laid down peacefully with his eyes closed. Meanwhile, the person whose phone was turned off by him was extremely angry. "Basil dared to turn off my phone. So brave. Quickly let someone find him and bring him here to me. The company has a lot of work to do, and now it's time to rest. He thinks he's a billionaire, he can do whatever he wants. I'm pissed off." "Uncle! Perhaps Basil is tired and wants to rest for a few days, please forgive him. In a few days he will be better off starting work." "Emily, you're still smart and understanding. But that damn guy doesn't appreciate you." The man continued to scold loudly. "Don't be angry anymore, I know that there is a new restaurant that has opened very good food, I will take you there to eat so I won't be angry anymore. Then I will sleep better when I go home." The girl smiled softly and suggested. The man nodded in agreement and followed the girl out of the office. Because the time is not early, the company does not have too many people. But the rest of the company gave the two of them a meaningful look. "Uncle! Do you need to call your aunt to join us for a late night meal?" Emily asked in a low voice. "No need. It's not early now, she's probably already asleep." The man coldly spoke up. After the two left the company, everyone in the company started whispering about their relationship. "Did Emily and the president have a shady relationship? They're still together now." "Emily is the president's future daughter-in-law. Besides, she's the president's assistant, so it makes sense to go home with him overtime." "But obviously Mr. Basil doesn't like Miss Emily, so could it be-" "Don't talk too much, otherwise it's not good to lose your job." Everyone glanced at each other, everyone understood each other's ideas, but they all understood that there were things that just needed to be understood and didn't need to be said. Otherwise will harm yourself because of your own judgmental words. Emily takes Basil's father to an all-night restaurant. This is the lover's restaurant she has just heard from friends, originally wanted to go with Basil to experience, but several times she invited him, he refused to make her very upset and angry. So today she had to go with her father to this place. She would suggest that he and Basil's mother come here to rekindle their feelings next time. Emily feels very interesting when entering the restaurant, looking at their decoration she feels very excited. But she regretted it when it was not Basil who came. Contrary to her, Basil's father, who had just entered the restaurant, frowned because he felt that the decoration of the restaurant was very different and especially seemed inappropriate when he and Emily came here.
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