Chapter 8

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"Emily, looks like this is a lovely restaurant. Are you sure it's okay for the two of us to come in here?" "Uncle! If it's a restaurant, if you go to the restaurant, all of you are customers, they don't discriminate between customers. It's just that they name the restaurant and their style gives priority to couples. I'm going to try it out with you, next time I can bring my wife here to experience it." Emily calmly explained. In fact, she also did not understand the repertoire of this restaurant, she only heard from friends, but not much. But really the words she just said to her father Basil were also what she was thinking, she wasn't just lying and explaining to him. Father Basil raised his eyebrows and glanced at the people who were also entering the restaurant, he had just seen two people just like him and Emily so he thought Emily was right. So he decided to go inside and try it out. If it is really more suitable for a lover to come, then next time he will bring his wife with him, after all, he and his wife have not been dating for a long time. The restaurant's waiters did not know that the two were not lovers, even though the two of them showed a more distant attitude than other couples who entered this place, they still thought the two were acting. The waiter took Emily and Father Basil to a vip room at Emily's request. Emily thought the VIP room was the best dining room like other restaurants, but when she entered she was a little surprised, and also a little embarrassed. "The VIP room in this restaurant is really special, isn't it?" Emily pretended to speak. "It's really special." Father Basil squinted at Emily. Emily received the menu from the waiter, looking at the names of the dishes she was stunned because the dishes all had very special names, she couldn't even imagine what it was through the name. She surreptitiously watched Basil's father's reaction across from her, who was also frowning. Now that she regretted bringing him into this restaurant, she hesitated for a moment and then asked him in a low voice. "Uncle! Let's go to another restaurant." Unexpectedly, Emily had just finished her sentence when the waiter next to her politely spoke up to remind her. "Ma'am, if you want to go somewhere else, you still have to pay for entering this room. This is the restaurant's policy." The waiter said as he flipped through the back of the menu for Emily to see. ###Chapter 12 Losing control Emily frowned as she read the restaurant's rules about VIP rooms. Because when booking this room, the restaurant will lose many more customers, because they have to refuse them because they are full. Therefore, if the customer suddenly cancels the room and does not continue to stay, it must pay the same rent as at the hotel. Emily did not like this because the amount to be paid was not small, while she had only just arrived here not long ago. But she really did not know what to do, continuing to stay was also not good, if someone saw her and Basil's father entering this restaurant and entering this room again, even though nothing happened between the two of them, it would definitely cause misunderstanding because of the decoration of the room. "Uncle! What should I do?" Emily was momentarily unsure of what decision to make, so she hesitated to consult Basil's father. Father Basil, of course, also felt bad, but to spend a fortune looking at this room and then walking out was really too much for the restaurant. And he never wanted to do things to the detriment of his own interests. He has a lot of money, but that doesn't mean he spends it aimlessly. He pondered and finally decided to stay and try the dishes at this restaurant once. Even though it was almost midnight now, perhaps no one would see him and Emily in here. "It's fine to stay for dinner and then leave. But if you're afraid we can go home." "Uncle! Then I'll listen to you. Stay and see what's so special about their restaurant." But Emily did not expect this to be her extremely wrong decision. She ordered some dishes with very romantic names and Basil's father also ordered some dishes with simple names. While waiting for the food to be served, Emily walked around the room, even curious about the small bed in the room. She hesitated to try to sit up, it was really comfortable. If she slept here, she would probably sleep very well. If she had come here with Basil, perhaps this bed would have been a place where the nostalgic person indulged in lust. Unfortunately today she could only look at it first. The room, in addition to the bed, is decorated with roses and scented candles, making the room extremely romantic. It's just a pity that the two people in the room are not suitable for each other. While Emily was walking around looking at the room, Basil's father tried calling Basil again. But he called many times and still can not call back. He was so angry that his face turned red. Emily has been working with him as an assistant for more than two years, because her parents are grateful to him, having helped him a lot in the past, so now he wants to help their daughter. Even in the past they were betrothed to Emily and Basil. When two adults will get married. Unexpectedly, for many years he constantly reminded Basil, but he always used work and many other reasons to hide. He also realizes that Basil doesn't like Emily, but that Emily really likes Basil. That was also the reason he felt so sorry for her. "Sweet-smelling!" Emily's eyes widened for a moment when she saw the waiter bring the food. Glancing at the food table, I don't know how it tastes, but the decoration and the aroma that comes out the door of the food is really attractive. Emily wasn't very hungry just now, but now she's hungry. After the service staff put all the dishes on the table and go out, close the door. She glanced at Basil's father and then politely offered him a meal. "You just go ahead, no need to be polite. We'll be a family soon." Basil's father smiled and motioned to Emily. Emily was embarrassed and couldn't help it anymore, she began to move her chopsticks, underneath the dish there was a paper with the name of the dish, so she began to try all the dishes she had just ordered. She was very surprised when the dish had both a good name and a beautiful presentation, now the taste is very good. Now that she knew why she entered this room, she had to pay the rent if she didn't eat. Surely there are a lot of people outside who can't get a reservation at this restaurant. So if there is no such regulation, I am afraid that in the future the restaurant will also have to close because of loss. "Uncle! eat it too, an empty stomach will be very bad for your health." Emily concernedly picked up the dishes and placed them in Father Basil's cup. Then she began to eat all the dishes she chose. For some reason, the more she ate, the more excited she became. Even forgot to maintain a gentle image in front of Basil's father, because in the future he was her father-in-law. Ten minutes later, Emily felt her stomach was so full that she couldn't eat any more. But there was a very strange thing, in the room the temperature was very cool but for some reason she felt more and more hot, her body was extremely uncomfortable. "Uncle! Do you feel hot?" Her voice also began to soften, but she herself did not realize her abnormality. Basil's father frowned, being an experienced man, how could he not see Emily's problem right now. He glanced at the dishes on the table, now he could be sure all the dishes here had added an aphrodisiac. That's why Emily's expression became like this. Fortunately, he didn't eat much, so although he was a little uncomfortable, his reason was still very clear to control his lust. However, he is very worried for Emily because she eats a lot. "Emily get up, let's go home." Basil's father decided it was best to get Emily out of here quickly, or else he was just afraid of bad luck. He was able to control it, but he suspected that there was something wrong with this room, and he would soon lose his mind. However, perhaps he discovered the problem too late. Emily refused to go with him. "Uncle! Come play here, it's fun here. But it's too hot!" Emily has gradually lost her mind, she ate too much, so she could no longer control her actions and thoughts by aphrodisiacs. Emily pushed Basil's Father away as he approached and wanted to take her out of the room. She ran away from him and began to undress herself. Because she felt extremely hot and uncomfortable. Basil's father squinted at Emily's actions, he felt uneasy, because if he continued here he would surely do bad things. But if I get out of here now, what will Emily be like? What if a bad man comes here and takes advantage of her. Feeling extremely awkward, he took out his phone and tried to call Basil again, but it still didn't work. Suddenly, Emily ran in front of him, snatched his phone and threw it on the ground, leaving him stunned. However, her next action surprised him even more. Emily after taking off all her clothes, leaving only her underwear, she glanced at the man standing on the phone next to her, she mistakenly looked at Basil, so she hurriedly ran to hug the man. "Basil, I love you, I really love you." "Emily, wake up, you're Basil's father, not Basil." Basil's father panicked. However, no matter what he said, Emily still hugged his waist tightly and refused to let go. Now, indeed, her body was extremely sexy to him, and this intimate contact made him even more alluring. Originally, he was also hit by some aphrodisiacs, so of course he was also affected. If she hadn't come near him and he could go home to take a cold shower now he might be fine. But unfortunately the current situation was stimulating the object between his legs to quickly awaken. He clenched his fists trying to control his emotions. He couldn't do anything wrong with his wife and son. So he decisively pushed Emily away from him. "Emily, wake up. Can I see who I am?" but all actions were useless to Emily at this time, she continued to wipe after being pushed away, this time she used all her strength to jump up and pull the man's neck down and quickly kiss his lips. Her kiss was urgent and passionate. Basil's father was stunned by Emily's bold move, he tried to free her hand but she clung so tightly, her kiss eventually clouded his mind. After a moment of hiding but powerless, he also returned her kiss. He kissed and undressed himself, then roughly tore off the last of her veiled underwear. Then he stooped and carried her across to the bed. "Emily, you're really pretty." "Basil, I love you, I love you." Both of them had lost their minds at this time, the two of them were madly kissing and tangling with each other. Basil's father was no longer rational, so he began to indulge in a man's wild lust. He kissed all over her body, kissing and stroking her lusciously full breasts. Then slowly sucking on her made her moan under his body. As a person who has experience in lovemaking, his movements are extremely skillful. He kissed between her legs, then slowly ran the tip of his tongue around the area between her legs teasingly. Until he felt the nectar begin to pour out he was satisfied and then decisively pushed the object between his legs into the gap between her legs.
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