Chapter 6

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Basil glared at her, her first sentence saying he understood the meaning of wardrobes having so many sizes. Because the man called her husband had not yet appeared beside her. And all the other costumes she prepared in advance for that man who had not yet appeared. And he was exactly the first man to walk into that room, wearing the clothes she had prepared. He was happy, but she continued to anger him. She said he wasn't the first man she'd seen naked. She must have seen a lot of men. He got angry and threw the towel wrapped around his waist to the side, and then, naked like that, quickly walked in front of her. He slammed his hand on the table and asked her coldly. "You look closely at me, are those men equal to me?" Lisa looked up at him startled, then rolled her eyes and spit out the ginger soup in her mouth. But then she reacted very quickly, closing her eyes and shouting loudly at him. "Are you crazy? What are you undressing? Go back to my room and dress me up." "Tell me, are those men superior to me?" "Go to your room." "I ask again, are those men superior to me?" Lisa angrily opened her eyes wide despite him being naked, she stepped in front of him and decisively threw her fist at him. However, this time she was surprised because she didn't hit, rather he reached out and grabbed her fist. He was a little surprised with his ability, didn't expect he also knew martial arts. She raised her eyebrows, he knew martial arts, she didn't believe he would beat her in this state. She continued to throw her fists at him repeatedly. Basil didn't know where to get his strength, but successfully dodged all of her attacks. Perhaps because anger gave him strength. If he wasn't in an unstable state of health, he might be able to take her down. In order to stay in his position, surely in addition to the protection of the bodyguard, he also had to rely on himself. If he did not know a little martial arts, he would have died at the hands of assassins long ago. "You're great, but I want to know how long you last." Lisa smirked coldly. Of course, she shouldn't underestimate the strength of men of high status. Because if he himself was stupid and weak, he certainly wouldn't be able to have such a high status. She realized his strength was weakening, because it was clear that his health was very weak right now. If he was healthy, maybe she wanted to beat him very hard, and it took a lot of effort. But now he was no match for her. After a few minutes of fighting, Basil was finally controlled by Lisa and forced him to lie down on the dining table. "Want to fight me, if you beat me, I can't take your money either." Lisa happily spoke up. "I give up, can you let me go first?" Basil lowered his voice. "Let go of you, do you think I'm an i***t for you to fool again? Go back to your room quickly." Lisa sneered and decisively escorted Basil to her room. ###Chapter 10 Basil is jealous "Just take it easy, I'm in so much pain!" "Weak." Lisa escorted Basil to the front door of the room, then pushed him inside and then closed the door with her hand. "Get dressed and go out or you can stay in your room and get naked." basil was pushed to the ground by her, his face was extremely unsightly, his whole body ached. He even felt his body start to heat up uncomfortably. He made a quick walk to the closet, grabbed a suit of his size, quickly put it on, and headed out the door. He knocked on the door with all his might and spoke in a whisper. "Open the door, I'm well dressed. I'm so upset." Lisa frowned, she wasn't in a hurry to open the door, because she didn't know if he was being honest or still trying to trick her. She pondered and then decided to take out her phone to check the surveillance camera she had placed in the room earlier. As soon as she saw the image appearing on the screen, she frowned and quickly turned off the phone and then hurriedly opened the door. Then sit down and help him. "Basil, what are you doing? Don't joke, I'll hit you again." "You're so tired." Lisa frowned because his body was so hot, she touched her hand thinking she was touching a furnace. His whole body was so hot that his face was red. "You've got a fever. You're weak." Lisa glared disdainfully. Then she tried to help him up and put him back on the bed. Because he was so hot, she forced her to take off all of his clothes to let the heat out. Now she knew how stupid she was just now, if she knew he had a fever, she wouldn't force him to put on her clothes, so now she has to work hard to take them off. Basil was dreamy hot, but he could still sense what she was doing to him. Knowing that she was helping him take off his shirt, he smiled slightly and secretly rejoiced in his heart. And thinking that she was finally attracted to him, she didn't expect the fact that because he was feverish, she just wanted to help him cool down. After taking off his clothes with difficulty, she glanced at his red face, closed her eyes and sighed. Didn't expect her to suffer so much. Just think that this time signing a love contract with him is to be happy and comfortable for a while while resting and earning a salary. I never thought that now I have to work hard and spend a lot of money because of him. Referring to money, she was quick-witted while he was in a coma with fever, she surreptitiously found his wallet, then took a bank card and stuffed it in her pocket. "This is my pay for taking care of you while you're sick, not me stealing from you you know?" Lisa took it while muttering and smiling proudly. She went to the bathroom to get a towel and then wet it with warm water, wringed it out, and put it on his forehead, then she went out of the room to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a portion of packaged abalone porridge and brought it out to reheat. While waiting for the porridge to be heated, she returned to her room to find medicine to reduce his fever. in her room almost all the medicine she has. Because she was an assassin and lived here alone, she had to prepare all the preparations in case her body got sick, she would heal herself. Because she didn't want to have to call the doctor here, she didn't want anyone to know that she lived here. She also doesn't want to go to crowded places like hospitals. Although every time she goes on a mission, she wears a mask to cover her face and no one knows her true face at this time, it can be said that Basil is the first person to know her true face. Also the first to know her whereabouts. She also didn't understand why she was giving him so many exceptions. Perhaps because the amount he paid her was so much that it was half of what she had earned over the years. After a busy time she brought porridge and medicine into his room again. After that, he went to the bathroom to wring his face out and wiped the sweat on his body, then began to feed him a little porridge. However, because he was already in a coma, he couldn't eat at all in this state. She couldn't get the porridge to flow into his stomach by any means, and in the end she was helpless. "It's not my fault that you won't open your mouth to eat." Lisa mumbled and then put the bowl of porridge to the side, then took the fever reducer to definitely put it in his mouth, then gave him water. But the water is also porridge, not getting inside his mouth but flowing out. She frowned, annoyed, if he didn't swallow the pill, and he couldn't bring down the fever. If the fever were to die here, she would lose a large amount of money. Finally, after a moment of awkward hesitation, she took a large sip of water and then leaned down to kiss his lips directly, pushing the water in her mouth into his mouth, and carefully inserted the tip of her tongue to check that the pill was completely absorbed. Have you swallowed it yet? After stirring a circle in his mouth, she was at ease. "When you wake up you have to pay me more, because you stole my first kiss." Lisa grumbled. If it wasn't for the only way, she would absolutely not use it to lose the first kiss of this obnoxious man. After giving him medicine, she continued to go in and out of the bathroom and wet a towel for him. because if you don't help him dry the sweat on his body, his illness will not go away, on the contrary, it will continue to get worse. After a while she checked that his fever had cooled down before she dared to breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm dead tired. I've never had to serve anyone to this extent. You better know when you wake up and pay me a little more." Lisa continued to mention money. Basil was in a coma so he probably couldn't hear what she said, if he did he would probably nod in agreement. Even willing to trade more for her caring care. Lisa intended to go back to her room to have a good night's sleep, because she was really tired from taking care of him, but for some reason she was so tired that she could no longer control her legs, she didn't go, floating again. She put her hand over her mouth and yawned, then fell asleep right next to him. With Basil, Lisa had many exceptions, and now one more exception. Unexpectedly, there were times when she was so defenseless. She slept soundly lying face down on his bed, face to face with him. When Basil woke up with a start, he opened his eyes to see the face of the sleeping girl appearing before him. He even thought he was dreaming, tried closing his eyes and opening them again a few times to make sure everything in front of him was real. He was overjoyed. He didn't even dare to breathe heavily, afraid that his breath would wake her up. Even though he was in a coma not knowing what she had done to him. But he discovered that he still had a towel on his forehead, he immediately knew that he had a fever, and she had taken care of him until he was tired and slept beside him like this. He was really touched. It was like he met her again many years ago, when the two were just children and strangers, but she still cared about him. "What do I have to do to repay you? I will repay you with the remaining half of my life. If you don't answer, you've already agreed." Basil smiled evilly. He reached out his hand to gently touch her drooping bangs. He really wanted to see her like this for the first time every day when he opened his eyes. But he firmly believes that he can do this, he will absolutely do everything to win her heart, make her forever turn to him, accept to be by his side for life. He suddenly wanted to be closer to her, and of course he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to take advantage of the chance that she would fall into a coma and kiss her, but he was also worried that she would wake up at the very moment he kissed her, then she would surely make him stiff with shame. He hesitated for a moment, carefully observing her expression. Finally, after a while, she resolutely leaned forward to kiss her forehead. And just when he half-closed his eyes and kissed her on the lips, she suddenly opened her eyes and saw him too. Startled, he almost bit his lip.
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