Chapter 5

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"Don't die, I don't want to lose money. I paid the valet to take you to the car. I had to hire someone to get rid of all the reporters who followed you. You can't die, you have to live to pay me you know?" Lisa started panicking as she kept doing chest compressions but he still didn't react. "What should I do?" Lisa started to feel awkward. She has many ways to kill people without leaving clues, but she doesn't know how to save a person. Like this artificial respiration, she also didn't know if she was doing the right movements? She also forgot that she had to breathe in mouth and heart at the same time to be successful. Basil really regained consciousness, or rather he was not hurt at all, he can swim and also dive very well. He could hold his breath underwater for more than three minutes, just now he bet his life on her. Fortunately, she saved him in time. If she was a few seconds slower, he was only afraid that he would find it really hard to live. Unexpectedly, when he got ashore, he was still not at peace with her. He wanted her to give CPR to revive him, so he was not in a hurry to regain consciousness, but continued to pretend to faint to wait for her. but she really surprised him too, because he almost had her heart beat to death. If he had known she didn't want CPR, he would have regained consciousness just now. And now when he decided to give up and not wait for her proactive kiss, she suddenly bent down and kissed him on the lips. Basil was so surprised that he almost looked at her with wide eyes. But fortunately, he was able to control his emotions in time. He thought for a moment and then decided to return her kiss, because he didn't want to miss this opportunity either. He suddenly reached up and hugged her tightly, then returned her kiss. Lisa widened her eyes in surprise at Basil's sudden action, however she reacted quickly and immediately pushed him away. But this time he was firm, he held onto her no matter how much she resisted. Finally, she angrily bit his lip until it bled. felt the strong fishy taste of blood in her mouth, but Basil still stubbornly refused to let go, she was so angry that her face turned red. Now she could be sure he was just pretending, from beginning to end he was just teasing her on purpose. I really didn't expect her to be deceived by him so easily. She decided to definitely try to use all her strength to get away from him, fortunately she still had enough strength to surpass him. "I didn't expect a billionaire to be respected by everyone to be so despicable and shameless." After getting rid of Basil, Lisa hastily scolded him coldly. "You're just being shameless to me." Basil calmly replied. In fact, he didn't have any strength left, so when she used all her strength just now, he couldn't hold her anymore. Although the aphrodisiac was no longer working for him, and just now he fell into the pool he was not in danger. But he was really tired. ###Chapter 9 Lisa's home Lisa narrowed her eyes at the drenched man lying on the ground. This man is really the billionaire Basil that was written about in the newspaper. She really doubted that she had encountered counterfeit goods. "If you want to see me, can you take me into the house, take off my clothes and look at me slowly? I'm really cold. If I continue to lie here, I'm afraid I won't have my life left to pay for it." Where's the money for you?" Basil spoke in a low voice. He also didn't understand why when he talked to her he couldn't be serious. Always wanted to find ways to tease her, and wanted to use words to seduce her. You know what her hobby is? And where are her weaknesses and what can get her attention. Lisa glared at Basil, who he thinks he is, a nude model. But really outside the sea breeze was very strong, he had just fallen into the pool as well as she was soaking wet, outside she was also feeling cold, he certainly couldn't be more comfortable. He was right, if he died of cold here, no one would pay her, what she did for him would be wasted. Although she didn't want to be close to him again, she had no choice but to step closer and stooped to pick him up. Basil smirked in satisfaction, he knew for sure she wouldn't let him die here. He also knew where her limit was, so this time when she picked him up and helped him move into the house, he didn't dare to mess with her again, very obediently letting her help him into the house. because he didn't want to be thrown into the lake by her again, as well as angrily leaving him outside and not letting him in. Lisa is satisfied with his cooperation this time when she does not need to threaten or warn him, he is also very reasonable and does not continue to mess up. Perhaps he understood her character. She led him to the front door, then entered the code to open the door. She saw that he was paying attention to her password, but she also didn't care or shield him from knowing what to do. Because this house has nothing to hide. Once inside, she decisively threw him on the sofa. "There's a bathroom over there, you can just go in there and do whatever you want." Lisa left a sentence and quickly went upstairs, although she was in good health, her whole body was wet and the wind was strong outside, so now she was so cold that she shivered, she had to quickly go back to the room to soak in hot water. After Lisa was gone, Basil tried to make his own way in the direction of the room she had just shown him. Entering the room, what he noticed was that the room was decorated in a dark color, very suitable for the style of a man like him. However, now is not the time for him to pay attention to these things, he needs to go to the bathroom to change his wet clothes first. If he really had a cold then he was only hurting himself, because he knew for sure she wouldn't take care of him. Basil stepped into the bathroom, stripped off his clothes, and stepped into the hot tub to soak in, only then did he feel comfortable and at ease. After a while of soaking he got better, he started to notice the items inside the bathroom. He frowned when he discovered that there were men's shower gels and shampoos, and even razors. His face darkened. Surely this room belonged to a certain man once, there was no way she knew he would come and prepare. He stood up decisively and put his hand on the towel, wrapped it around his waist, and walked out of the bathroom. He went straight to the wardrobe and roughly opened it. Sure enough, he guessed right, although there were not many clothes inside, all of them were men's clothes. He angrily slammed the door shut. "Did you live with another man here?" Basil muttered. He began to walk around the room to assess, he wanted to see what kind of person the man living with her here was. However the room was very simple with nothing but a few clothes in the closet. He walked over to the sofa and sat down. Then think thoughtfully. He had lost his temper just now, so he was angry because he knew she was with a man. However, when he thought calmly, he felt lucky that the man who was staying with her was not in the same room as her, which proves that her relationship with this man is likely just friends. So you shouldn't be angry about this. While he was lost in thought, he heard her scream calling to him. "Basil, are you sleeping in your room too, come out." Basil was startled and went out of the room just like that, he saw her wearing a very cute outfit, a pink pig-shaped outfit. Really, he did not believe that she had such a feminine preference, so different from the image of her in his heart. He thought an assassin had to be cold, but she was just the opposite. "What are you doing? Why don't you put your clothes on? Could it be that none of the clothes you're wearing will fit?" Lisa frowned when she saw Basil wearing only a towel. "I don't like wearing other people's clothes." Basil spoke honestly. "Anyone else's clothes? Are you crazy? Those clothes are all brand new, even branded. Can't you see that the labels have not been removed yet." Lisa glared at Basil as if she were looking at an i***t. Basil was bewildered, what did she mean by that, it was all new. Did she really guess that he would come here to prepare for him? But how did she prepare in such a short time. However, he was really glad to know that no other man had entered this house but himself. He turned his head back to his room, opened the closet door again and this time he checked every single piece of clothing, it was all new. However, when he discovered there were many sizes, he frowned again. This means she doesn't have to prepare for him alone, because if it's to prepare him, why would she prepare other sizes of clothes? He can't wear it either. He once again roughly slammed the door and went out. Lisa was drinking ginger soup she had just cooked herself when she heard his footsteps, she frowned when he still refused to put on his clothes. "Are you crazy? Or you want to freeze to death. Why don't you put your clothes on, or do you want me to help you." Lisa gritted her teeth. "Why are there so many sizes? Don't you have to prepare my own." Basil spoke coldly. "Why should I prepare for you alone? You should feel lucky to wear my husband's clothes." Lisa replied casually. This house she wanted to live with the man she loved, and of course the other room she wanted to prepare for that man. Because she still doesn't know what her future man will look like, that's why she prepared so many sizes. She also had some men's clothes in her room. Because he was her special client, she let him into this house, even the first one in that room. "My husband? What do you mean? Who is your husband?" Basil asked her with narrowed eyes. He felt more and more confused, he was a lucky man to wear her husband's clothes. But what man is her husband? Why are there so many sizes in the wardrobe? "In the future when my husband appears, if he is still alive, I will introduce him. And now you go back to your room and get dressed, don't try to pretend to use your body to seduce me. You're not the first naked man I've seen either." Lisa cast a disdainful glance and continued to lower her head to drink her soup. But on the surface she decries not wanting to see his naked body, but inside she is screaming, because his body is really beautiful, very attractive. Although she had seen many naked men's bodies, none were as beautiful as him. Even in her mind just now, she had the idea of ​​​​going over and trying to touch his chest muscles to see if it was firm or not. Fortunately, she still had enough reason to restrain her actions.
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