
1277 Words

It's Wednesday. Two days to go for the masquerade ball. I need to shop for a dress and a mask, heels and everything. But I'm f*****g tired and sleepy. Also, it's a day after Caleb and I broke up. The entire school is still talking about it, some giving me pity looks, some giving me arrogant looks while some don't even care. Well, I like the third group here. I lean my head on the locker, trying to find peace for some time, before my fourth-hour starts, and that's Biology. Alyssa whines, coming and standing beside me, she looks tired as f**k, as well, and today we promised never to have sleepovers on weekdays, anymore. These weekday sleepovers are just too tiring and make the other day go in waste and sleepy. "Remind me why we had a sleepover yesterday?" she groans. I sigh, "...

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