
1927 Words

"Ice-cream?" "Check." "Chocolates?" "Check." "Romantic, Sappy-sloppy movies?" "Done." "Parents not at home?" I look around, when I spot a redhead, descending the stairs. "I don't know." Then I look at my best friend as her mom comes beside her. "How do I look?" Aunt Ariana asks as I make a kiss pout and Alyssa smiles. Aunt Ariana chuckles. She looks so pretty, she may not be the glamorous and total fashionista like Aunt Megan but she is cute. Keeping Ariana and Alyssa together, one would get confused who's the mother and who's the daughter? One would think that they are sisters. Ariana and Tyler, Alyssa's parents are going out on a date. So, we girls got our time for sleepover finally and since I just broke up with the jerk, it's kinda breakup sleepover. We are plan

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