
1843 Words

"Tamara!!" Mom shouts from downstairs as I groan, half-awake. I got down from my bed and walk toward my vanity, grabbing a hair-tie and tying the tresses into a messy ponytail. I smile at my reflection. Today is shopping day with Leah and Talon. I glance at the clock on the wall, 8:30 am. Well, I'm already late for my school so no point getting ready and leaving for school. I grab my phone, only to text my curious best friend about my plans for today to which she replied, quite excitedly. I chuckle at it and then plug my phone in charging. I look back at my reflection and then I grab my towel and clothes, dashing into the bathroom. Half an hour later, I came out wearing my undergarments, my towel around my slender body. I let my hair loose, combing them and smiling at my reflection

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