
2150 Words
The party was in full swing, as we parked my baby on the driveway. The loud thumping of bass from the stereo could be heard... god, where are the neighbours? Aren't they getting disturbed by all this? We walk to the main entrance of the gigantic mansion, somehow, manoeuvring ourselves from making-out or gnawing each other's faces couples and a few drunkards, here and there. "It's amazing!" Alyssa sighs, dreamily. I glare at her, as she walks inside... into the hellhole. That stupid, blonde b***h of a best friend. I am so gonna kill her. As I walked inside, the number of people steadily increased. I gingerly stepped over and around the people either already passed out or people doing smoke and weed. I couldn't help but let out a cough, glaring at the insensitive beings, killing them as well as killing the innocents. I walk deep inside, only to come in a room with cabinets and dining table... the kitchen. All messed up and dirty. Literally. A couple eating each other on that table... god, I pity Destiny and her family who eat on that table. I walk to the shelf, bringing a red cup of orange juice when I feel a hand on my waist and a familiar smell on my neck. I smile. Turning around to see my awesome boyfriend. Drunk as f**k. I sigh, smile fading. He promised me not to drink anymore! He broke his promise. "Lebby!" I grit. "Taaammmmmmyyyyyy.....IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllloooooooouvvvvvvvvvveeeeyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!" He slurs, as I couldn't help but chuckle, helping him to stand properly. "Why did you drink, Lebby?" I say, making him lying on the couch nearby. He just chuckles, murmuring something about force and Winterbottoms. I frown. "Look who's here?" I turn around, after hearing a familiar voice. I had an urge to groan, after seeing his smirking face. "Patterson!" I seethe. "Lockwood!" he winks, and this time I think I groan. "Leave me alone, Patterson!" I say, irritatingly. "Not can do, love!" he smirks. I frown. "I'm not, love. Call someone else..." "...Love." he comes closer, pressing me on the wall, as there is a little bit distance left between us. My breath hitches, as he leans over, his hot minty smell on my bare neck. "You look gorgeous as always, Amara!" he leans back, winks and just looks at me. I am about to say when Lebby groans. I look at my passed-out boyfriend, sighing. "He is in a very bad stage," Talon states the obvious, to which I roll my eyes. Duh. "I am gonna take him back home. Can you please tell Alyssa about it…" I try to lift my heavy boyfriend from his shoulders. Keyword… Try. "Amara." I look at him. His expression is no longer amusing and smirking. He looked serious. "You don't deserve this." My eyebrows rise, "You don't deserve to be a servant for him. You are his girlfriend, not a servant. You always do work for him whether you like it or not. You always try to make him happy but he never does that." "Talon. Stop. You don't know anything." "What kind of a boyfriend would say no when his girlfriend asked him to come and meet her parents? But he did. He never makes you hap..." Annoyed, I slap him right there and he gapes at me, surprised. "You don't know anything. What would you know about how it feels to be in a relationship? All you do is sleep with girls, use them and throw them away like used tissues..." I say and I continue, "Caleb makes me feel like I am the best person in the world. He makes me laugh and smile. Ya, I know we fight but that's the beauty of every relationship. He is a part of me and I am his. Don't judge our relationship with your f*****g stupid brain. You don't know anything, anything about him or anything about me!" That's when I was pressed hard against the wall and a gasp escaped my lips. Ignoring my erratic heartbeats our proximity provides, I looked up to find him boring into my eyes as if accusing me of saying something wrong. "Don't you dare?" He says as I raise my brows. "I know about you." I scoff as he still glares, though his expression softens a bit. "You are bossy like always. You are moody and stubborn, like me. You scrunch your nose up when things are not done according to you, even your eyebrows join. You smile a lot because you don't want others to take notice of whatever problems you are going through. Those pretty smiles of yours are just a distraction for others. You are cheerful and chirpy, and you love to sing. Singing is your passion, you dream but because of your parents, you are going to medicine..." "Wait a minute." I interrupted. Frowning, I scoff as he pauses to look at me, "You got that one wrong. I may sing but I want to do medicine and no one is forcing me..." With that, I pushed him away, smugly. "Well, this shows you don't know everything about me." I turned around to face my passed out boyfriend when he blurted out, "You hate liars." "Excuse me?" I turned back to face him. He shrugs. "You hate liars. You hate two-faced people. You..." I walk to him, sshhing him. "Talon!" and I got his attention. "The most thing I hate and will always hate is you, keep that in mind." And then I stepped away from him, again. "Well..." He comes closer, pulling me by my waist. "Babe. There is a thin line between hate and love!" He kisses my cheek, pulling away and taking the warmth with him as I turn around again just to look at his retreating figure. "Asshole!" I murmur. Is it? Is there a thin line between love and hate? Well, even if there is, I won't let that happen. I won't fall for him. Again. I did a mistake; I won't do the same mistake. Again. And Again. *** "Let's play a game!" Claire squeals, drunk and leaning on Austin, Winterbottom's football team player. Destiny and other girls squeal too, as the guys’ fist-pump with each other. I normally sit on a beanbag, only to see the devil, along with his asshole friends walking inside. "Such losers!" Alyssa says, beside me. I look at her, as she looks at the so-called three musketeers. Xerxes Liondes. Mason Bennett. and Talon Patterson; Winterbottom's popular guys. As far as I know, Xerxes is the prankster; Mason is the good guy among them while Talon... well you all know about him. The three guys come and sit near us, Talon winks at me while Mason at Alyssa while Xerxes smile, stupidly at us. We scoff at them. "LET'S PLAY.... TRUTH AND DARE!" Austin slurs. "NAH!... THAT'S BORING NOWADAYS!" Claire slurs, her boobs almost showing. This girl! I don't like people who get drunk and have no idea of what body parts have been shown to others. Talon chuckles as sips his beer while Xerxes laughs and Mason sits properly. "Worst party ever!" Alyssa whispers to me, as I grin back at her. Look, who's saying this. "Let’s play truth and truth.... only truth to be told...Sshh!" Destiny squeals, as she sits on Talon's lap. Talon gives a smile to her as she kisses his cheek. She is so drunk. "Dare!" Austin states as he points at Alyssa. "What?" She asks, irritatingly. "I dare you to give Mason a lap dance!" Austin states laughing, as the others join him while Mason and Alyssa choke on their drinks, as my eyes widen and Talon smirk. "I would do no such thing..." Alyssa defies. "Well, then you have to kiss Bobby over there!" Austin points at a girl, sitting alone and watching something on her phone, she looks like she's masturbating... Fudge! "Not can do..." Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Aly, don't be a buzz kill.... do the dare...it's just a dare!" Destiny squeals, still on his lap. Alyssa thinks about it for some time, as all are either looking at her or drinking and doing their own thing. She gets up. "Going to kiss Bobby?" Austin teases, slurring. Alyssa ignores him and straightway went to Mason, sitting on him. My eyes widen when they meet Talon's... he winks at me, continues to look at the scene. Mason's in shock too. Austin and others hoot and played a piece of seducing music. Alyssa sighs, starting the lap dance, and man, Mason looks hot and bothered during that. Poor Mason. And even I start to laugh. *** "It's Tamara's turn!" Alyssa slurs, yep she's drunk too. "She never got her dare or truth..." "Yep..." Destiny says, not beside Talon. Well, the entire people playing this game are drunk now, except me. I do not drink and never will. "I am so gonna give you a da..." Destiny is stopped in between as Talon burps. They all laugh, as I sit there, stupidly. "I will give her a dare!" Talon speaks up. All either nod or laugh or did nothing. He looks straight into my eyes, amusement dancing in his. He takes a sip of his drink, but not looking away. "Talon, speak up!" Destiny and Alyssa say together, then look at each other and giggle. Girls. I have an urge to roll my eyes, but I didn't. "Patience sweeties!" Talon smirks, looking at them and then looks back at me. "I dare you to..." My breath hitches as he leans over, smirking with all his glory. God, help me. Tamara, Control yourself, woman. You have a boyfriend. Caleb... Caleb ... Caleb… Caleb. "Kiss me..." What? My eyes widen. "WHAT THE FU...DGE!" "Well, I dare you to kiss me..." No, I will not. I have Caleb... a lovely boyfriend. No. Nah. Nada. "She won't do such a thing..." Thank you, Alyssa, even if she's drunk... she knows that I have a boyfriend. Talon looks at her, "Well..." He looks back at me, not moving away and our faces are inches away. His smell reeks alcohol. "Either that or she can lick Bobby's you know what!" WTF! My eyes widen, as everyone hoots and shout "BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!" God... why me? "Choose Talon!" Destiny whispers, though she said it loud. "I know you don't want to lick a girl's p*ssy..." Alyssa giggles, trying to keep it as a whisper but in vain. I look at Talon, he smirks. And I groan. FINE! FINE! "FINE!" I say when Talon grabs me by my waist and keeps me on his lap. "Seven Minutes in Heaven!!!" Destiny, Alyssa and Xerxes squeal. "In hell..." I murmur, to which Talon chuckles. "Don't worry babe, you won't regret the kiss, this would be the best kiss of your life." And he leans over, pressing his soft, pink lips on mine. I cannot believe but I am saying this... that the kiss is pure bliss. I love it how our lips moved together in complete sync as if they are made for each other. The kiss was soft in the beginning, then turned into something passionate and filled with lust, from both sides. He may be a jerk, I get it now why girls are crazy for him... he is an amazing kisser... the kiss feels sooo.... nice. He bit me, breaking my reverie as if asking for entrance. I grant him that. Soon, I felt his tongue inside my mouth, mingling with my tongue. I could feel his arms around me, caressing my waist, lifting my top a little. My hands straight went to his neck, and from that to his soft hair. As he pulled me closer, kissing me deeply, I pulled his hair and let a moan slip out of my mouth. That led him to groan, obviously because I pulled his hair. He pressed me, pressing his body on mine, as we kiss passionately. "Okay, potential lovebirds.... move on!" Destiny and Alyssa move us away as I pulled away, my hands on his chest, as he looked at me. "Well, that was some action!" Alyssa giggles, high-fiving Destiny. "Live-porn... whoa!" Xerxes and Mason chuckle. I tried hard to look into his eyes but all my gaze was going on is his now red swollen lips and his soft messy hair; mostly his swollen lips. God, there is a tension now...I hate this… And my eyes widen. I just kissed my arch-nemesis, my rival and I have a boyfriend. I just cheated on Caleb. I am a bad girlfriend and "Amara, are you OK..."I look at his now concerned face, as his hand reaches my face, wiping a traitorous tear rolling down my cheek. I jerk away from his hand, getting up and run away, out of the house... crying.
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