
1346 Words
It's party-time, well, not for me! I know, I know... Destiny invited me but she invited the entire school, so if one of them does not come, it won't matter, right? Right. Plus, it's week-day and tomorrow is school, though last working day of this week, still. Caleb doesn't want to go but then since he is the captain and to show true sportsmanship, supporting his team and school, he has to go, so there goes my plan of hanging out with my boyfriend. While Alyssa thought it would cool to attend because Destiny's parties are mind-blowing and cool to be in. So I have heard. The entire senior batch of Autumn High is excited but they aren't showing that excitement because they are well aware of the rivalry both schools share. "So, are you coming?" Alyssa asks hopefully for the nth number of time. She has been asking this ever since Destiny invited us all. She thinks that her persuasion would change my mind and I'll go to that damn fine party, where there would be Talon and his friends and the Winterbottoms. I stop just to give her the 'deadpan' look when she sighs. "God, TTT. You have to come..." "Give me one good reason that I should?" I say, opening my baby's door. Baby? Not Caleb. My real baby is Lamborghini Urus, my 16th birthday gift from my parents. It’s red, my favourite colour. "Well, Destiny pointed out one. Move on, be a good human being and be friends with enemies as well…" She argues as I roll my eyes, sliding into my seat. "Bullshit!" I argue back. She slides in the passenger’s seat. "Please!" She frowns and then makes a puppy face as I roll my eyes again, starting on the engine of my baby. I reverse it carefully and then taking my baby on the road. "You really don't think about the Winterbottoms and vice versa, Alyssa, admit it you just want to attend the party because it's Destiny's party!" "No..." Alyssa gasps, feigning shock. "You think that 'low' of me?" She asks. Drama Queen! I roll my eyes, shaking my head while driving very carefully. "Alyssa!!!" I say when she gives a defeated sigh. "Fine!" She sighs again as I try to look at her from my driving. Keyword-try. "Yes... I really don't give a damn about those motherfucker Winterbottoms and all I want to do is go to that damn f*****g party and enjoy the hell out of it!" I smirk at her defeat. Alyssa may be strong and tough, but only I can defeat her, well, Talon too can... why am I bringing him here? Stupid Tamara! "Don't smirk at me..." Alyssa points out. "You know I feel guilty of lying!" "I know you well, Aly!" I chuckle, as she frowns but then she looks at me, hopefully. And here we go again. I roll my eyes, still driving. *** "This one or this!" Alyssa says, coming out of my walk-in closet, bringing two dresses with her. One is a white knee-length lace dress, with a little bit of cleavage and other is a navy blue halter dress. Well, Alyssa is choosing her outfit for the party or should I say, I am being forced to choose a dress for her. BTW, I didn't say yes to the party but Alyssa is forcing me to go and blackmailing me to tell mom about me not going. And, here I am talking about my mother. For her, she wants me to enjoy my life, go to parties, make friends, get good grades and if possible get a boyfriend and much more. She has given me enough freedom to enjoy my life but then she does have expectations, like other parents. And if she learns that I refuse to go to a party, she will definitely throw a tantrum here. So, ya, Alyssa Rebecca Perry knows how to play her cards well. "I like...." Alyssa's eyes beams. Poor Alyssa. I smirk, "None." Her smile fades. "You have done this to all the dresses! and there is a shortage of dresses in your closet now!" I scoff. "Aly, there can never be a shortage of dresses and shoes and clothes in my closet, and you know that!" She huffs in response. "FINE!" "Go find me a nice, hot dress!" Alyssa orders, as I chuckle, walking in the closet, studying the remaining clothes and dresses. Just then, I find the perfect dress for Aly, I bring it (sequin-black dress) out, along with those delicious black heels. I laid it in front of her, as her eyes beam in awe. "TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alyssa squeals. "This is fabulous! Why didn't I see this amazing dress?!! Eeeeppppssss!!!!!" Alyssa squeals, as I chuckle. "Well, that's because I have brains and you do not!" I joke, and if she wasn't squealing and fangirling over a dress, then she would have glared at me and hit me with pillows. Thank God, she is busy. "Let's get ready! Girl!" Alyssa says, throwing at me a black skirt and black-white crop top. I roll my eyes, as we started getting ready. *** Talon's P.O.V. "Guys!" I see Destiny, in a pink dress and pink heels, descending the stairs. She looks cute with that hair, clipped sideways and no! She is not my girl or something. She is just a best friend, knowing everything about me! Well, the Prestons know the Lockwoods and the Pattersons... so we all were childhood friends. We all? Destiny, Alyssa and Tamara... me. But, then everything crashed and now Alyssa and Amara are together while Destiny ends up with me: the hot stuff! "Someone's looking pretty!" I whistle, as the guys chuckle, and Destiny fakes a frown, shoving a pretzel in my mouth. "And someone's looking douche!" She replies, as Mason and Xerxes laugh. I frown, gobbling he pretzel quickly. She smirks but then looks at us all. All? Well, me, Mason and Xerxes... my buddies and my entire football team. The girls are also here, already... nerds, cheerleaders, emos..... Etc, etc. "As you all know, I have invited the Autumn High students to this party…" Everyone groans as I smirk, looking at Destiny. Such a peacemaker. "Enough! I want you all to forget about all your rivalry with them. Show them your true nature, sportsmanship and be friends with them..." More people groan. "But we don't need to be friends with them!" A bratty, snobby cheerleader speaks up. Britney Ames, the slutty head cheerleader of Winterbottom High. Only one thing about her, she is hot and she is good in bed; P. Destiny frowns at her but then fakes a smile. "Well, Brit dear!" She speaks in a fake British accent. "If you don't give a damn, you are free to leave! I am not forcing anyone!" Britney sneers, as Destiny looks at the crowd. "I just want to end this rivalry, it's useless and pointless... we are soon going to leave high school, then why not leave all those rivalry-jealousy behind us. Let's start afresh!" "We're not jealous. They are!" Austin, my team-player shouts, as everyone cheers, and we pat his back. Not me... I don't want to be under Destiny's radar. Destiny tends to ignore the comment, continuing, "So, are we good, people! Enjoy and have fun. I want no dramas and no fights here! Understood?" She raises her eyebrows. No one responded. "UNDERSTOOD?" She shouts, most of the people jump, but then all either nod or mumbles a yes. "Good!" She says, descending the stairs, walking towards us. I smile at her, as she hugs me. "Good show, Tiny!" I tease, to which she smacks my arm, jokingly. I chuckle. "Well... hope you guys behave!" She says, looking at three of us, as we look at each other and then at her, nodding and giving a small smile to her. She smiles, hugging us or suffocating us! That's my gang... Mason, Xerxes, Destiny and then there is me! And I love them all!
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