
3765 Words

Ugh, my head hurts. The sun shining brightly into the room makes it worse and my face scrunches up. "Tamara..." dad's voice makes the headache worst and I tightly shut my eyes. "Ugh, dad..." I whisper, groggily and even a whisper seems to be too loud for me that a groan escapes my lips. "Wake up, princess. It's time for school." That's why I hate to go partying on weekdays. Why did I even...? I groan and with all my might and strength, I got up from the bed and with support from the furniture, I grab my stuff and rush into the bathroom. "Princess, are you up?" He shouts this time and I mumble a groan before clearing my throat and trying to be as pleasant as I can be, "Yes, dad... I am going for a bath." "Okay, I have made you some avocado toast and an omelette with a lot of veggies and

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