
4586 Words

"That was an AWESOME performance, wasn’t it guys?” Everyone applause as Mindy, the performer smiles at the audience, Talon's friend, Billy flirts with the brown-haired woman with a saxophone by her side. I applaud for her before letting out a sigh, look at Talon who beams at me and then I pout at him with a glare. Thanks to this guy, I am going to make a fool of myself. I look down at my fidgety hands when a huge hand slips into mine. I look up and find him smiling at me as he intertwines our fingers. "You are going to be great. I know that Amara. You always were. You always are." I want to smile back but right now I am supposed to be pissed. Who can be, if you ask? The gorgeous bouquet, his charming face and the efforts he does to make me smile. I narrow my eyes and then look at Billy f

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