
1466 Words

"What a psycho that man is..." I raise my brows at Aly who collapses on the couch beside me after almost forty-five minutes of running around and insults and punches. Jason got tired and then somehow the neighbours got to know and telephoned their mom, who came from her school to stop us. So, here we are... with an ice-pack on Aly's cheek and head, and some gummy bears for me. "... and Jason used to be his best friend." She sighs. My eyes dart at her and I feel sad for her suffering. I wished I knew about this before. She could have shared her feelings with me. Ugh, I feel so bad. I am such a bad and selfish friend, always thinking about my heartbreak and sadness. "Aly!!!" I call her and she looks back at me. "I know you are hurting but since been three years, move on..." Before

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