
2022 Words

Thursday, two days after I broke up and a day left for the masquerade ball, I think, looking at my princess-themed ceiling. All the princesses smile down at me which makes me roll my eyes. I seriously need to ask my parents for renovating my room. It needs to change. The alarm rings again. I sigh, switching it off and getting up as I tie my fuzzy hair into a bun. It's 6:00 and even though I didn't sleep all night, for some funny reason I'm not feeling sleepy. That's the only good point, so far. I got up, taking my towel and other necessities and rushing in my bathroom. Today I need to be early as I called for an extra cheerleading practice at 7. Because there's another inter-school cheerleading competition next month and I want perfection, nothing else. I got ready within the fiftee

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