Chapter Four - Drinks and dinner....

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Nick’s P.O.V “Hey, can I get you anything before I shoot off?” Riley asked coming into my office. We had spent most of the day together until we really had to get work done. It was six p.m. and I told her that was when she would finish up for the day. I am not going to lie; I had enjoyed my day with her. I had enjoyed getting to know. Know everything about her which when the time is right, I will use it to get her. A little piece of information that she does not need to know. “Do you have plans tonight?” I asked looking up from my desk to look at her. “Chinese and Netflix’s.” she giggled. No, that will not do. That sounds like no fun at all. I think it was time I changed her plans. “You wanna go for a drink?” I asked. “Um, is that allowed?” She said nervously. “Yes. I am the boss. Of course, it is allowed.” I laughed. “I don’t know Nick. People may start talking.” She said tugging her lower lip between her teeth. She really needs to stop doing that. Either that or she can let me tug her lip between my own teeth. I stood up from my desk, going over to her. I moved in close to her, closer than really needed to be honest. I placed my hand on the door behind her. She swallowed hard, her cheeks turning a little red. “I don’t care what people say. You and I know the truth. That being, we are only going for a drink.” I said my voice a little huskier than usual. She back up against the door. I was getting to her. I was getting to her more than she would like to admit. Maybe, this was not gonna be as hard as I thought, getting her. I reached in, pushing a few stray hairs away from her face that had fallen out of her bun. “What do you say,” I asked softly. She smiled and nodded. I wanted to smirk badly, but I do not want her knowing what I am up to this soon. I gave her a quick wink before pulling away and heading back to my desk. I signed myself out, gathering my things. Riley had not moved from where I left her. I smirked to myself, heading over to her. She moved only when she saw me approaching. “Ready?” I smiled sweetly at her. She smiled back, nodding. The two of us headed out. I came up with a plan for us. That plan being we would drive to my house in my car, leave hers here and she can get it in the morning. Then we can get a cab to take us out for a drink. I will swing by picking her up on my way into the office tomorrow. She was not too sure about the plan at first. I did manage to convince her though. “Make yourself comfortable. I am just gonna get changed into some jeans and a tee.” I smiled as we entered my place. “OK.” She said. I never wanted to go for a drink in my work suit. I headed to the bedroom, giving myself a quick change before heading back through. I had pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight white tee. “Ready. I will call the cab.” I smiled, making her lookup. I watch as her eyes run over me. The white tee and skinny jeans, not leaving much to her imagination. I see her tongue dip out of her mouth and back in quickly. “Hmm,” She whispered, nodding her head. I chuckled, grabbing my phone, and calling a cab. She quickly turned away. Everything else around soon becoming more interesting to her. She wants me! I had no doubt about that. “The cab is on its way. We may as well head out.” I said. “OK. Cool,” she said refusing to look at me. She headed out first. I followed behind her, stealing a glance at her ass. Mmm, damn! As we stepped outside, the cab was waiting. That was quick, they always are when it is me. They know if they get here quick, I will give them a great tip. We had an understanding. “That was quick,” Riley said surprised. “We have an understanding.” I laughed. I opened the door, letting her slide in first. I slid in next to her. “Good evening Mr Cairns.” The driver smiled. “Hello Sam, how are you?” I smiled. “Good thank you. You?” he said. “Same. This is Riley. Riley this Sam.” I said introducing them. Sam had picked me up many times. Or picked up the women that are leaving my house the day after the night before. “Hello, Sam.” She smiled at him. “Hello, Miss Riley.” He smiled back, “Where to tonight?” he added. “The Lux bar please,” I smiled. He nodded and we got on our way. The Lux bar not only done drinks, it did food too which means we can both eat. I knew she has not eaten since lunch. I would make sure she ate something. “I will treat you to dinner while we are there too,” I said. “Nonsense. I will pay my own half.” She laughed. “No, I insist Riley. I will pay for it. I invited you out, so only fair.” I said. She went to protest but I raised my brow at her. She decided not to say anything after that. I smiled, or should I say smirk? She giggled, rolling her eyes and shook her head. I do not mind buying dinner and drinks cause in the long run, I am doing it all for selfish reasons. I am doing it for myself. I treat them right, there is a better chance of them giving me what I really want. It is a win, win for everyone, well until after I get what I want anyway. Then it is more of a win for me, not so much for them. “Will you at least let me buy us both a drink at some point tonight?” she laughed. “Probably not,” I shrugged. “I do have my own money you know, right? I can afford to buy us a drink.” She said. “I never said you never. I just prefer being the one that does the buying.” I said. “I am not gonna win this am I?” She said. “Not a chance in hell…” I said honestly. I know she has her own money, but I have more. She probably makes in a month what I made in an hour. I do not mind sharing if it gets me what I want in the end. “We shall see,” she said confidently. She can try, it is not going to work. No matter what she does or says. She will get nowhere. That is how it is gonna be whether she likes it or not. She will need to deal with.
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