Chapter Five - All part of the plan...

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Riley’s P.O.V “Thank you for dinner.” I smiled at Nick, gently brushing my fingertips against his, then quickly pulled away, “Sorry.” I added acting embarrassed. It was no accident. I meant it. I have been doing little things like that all night and then acting like I never meant them. It was all part of the plan and he was falling for it. He had been acting like a complete gentleman tonight. The funny thing is, he thinks I am falling for it all. Dumbass! I had been playing sweet tonight, with a little flirting too. I had him right where I wanted him. He had been looking after me like a damn lost puppy. It was pathetic really. I have made sure we spoke about him most of the night. Made out that I was interested in all the same things as he was. “You are welcome. Thank you for your company.” He smiled, brushing his thumb over the top of my hand. I let out a small giggle, pushing my hair behind my ear. I see a sly smirk on Nick’s lips when I did that. God, could he be any smugger. “Sorry, I never meant to embarrass you.” He said. “You never, it is OK,” I said biting my lip. I watch his eyes divert to my lips. I purposely dip my tongue out of my mouth and back in, my lip still between my teeth. I hear him swallow hard, his eyes not leaving my lips. He wanted to kiss me so badly right now. That is not gonna happen. “Excuse me, I need to go to the lady’s room,” I said pulling away. I stood, turned, and walked towards the bathroom. I never said another word to him. I smirked to myself as I disappeared. There is no chance I am letting him kiss me this soon. I gotta make him work harder than that. I headed into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. I fixed my hair, topping up my lipstick. I smacked my lips together and smiled to myself. He is going to be even drawn more drawn to my lips with my red lipstick brighter again. I waited a few minutes before heading back to the table. Nick was anxiously looking around and waiting for me to come back. I smiled when I came into his eye line which he returned. I headed back over, sitting down next to him. I sat closer to him than what I was before I went to the bathroom. Would you like a drink?” he asked, his hand landing on my arm. “Yes, a drink sounds good,” I said turning to face him. Our faces only inches apart when I did. He looked at me intensely, his eyes going down to my lips and back up. Really? He is gonna try this again? Nope, not happening. I turned away, grabbing the drink menu. I hear him groan frustrated next to me. I pretended like I never heard it. “Can I get you both a drink?” A waiter asked, appearing at our table. “Can I have a rose wine please?” I smiled.  “Sir?” he asked looking at Nick. “Scotch on the rocks please…double,” Nick said. The waiter smiled and nodded, heading away to get our drinks. I turned my attention back to Nick who was staring at me. I raised a brow at him, smirking. He chuckled, pulling his gaze away from me and never said anything. A silence fell between us as we waited for our drinks to come. ******** Nick and I had just pulled up outside my apartment in a cab. It was midnight, both deciding to call it a night since we have work in the morning. He insisted on walking me to my front door. I tried to tell him not to, but he never listened. He told the cab driver to hold on for a moment. I laughed, shaking my head at how adamant he was being. I hope he isn’t expecting anything for walking me in. “This is me,” I said as we got to my apartment, “Thank you for walking me in,” I added, pressing a kiss to his cheek, making sure to linger it longer than it needed before pulling away. “You are very welcome. Pick you up at seven-thirty?” he said. “Yes, that is fine. Thank you for dinner and the drinks.” I said leaning against my door looking at him. “I had a good time. We should do it again sometime.” He said moving in closer to me. “Me too.” I smiled sweetly, “People will start talking Mr Cairns.” I added smirking. “Let them,” he shrugged. “Hmm, I don’t know.” I said, “People may start getting the wrong idea about me.” I added licking my lips. He stepped in closer to me, resting his hand on my front door. His face right at mine. “And what would that be?” He breathed out. “They may think I am doing naughty things with you,” I said. Oh, that was so fun, getting to him like this. “Naughty things uh?” he smirked, “Anyway, I should probably get inside.” I said, “I will see you in the morning, thanks again.” I added sweetly, going into my bag to find my keys. I turned away from him, unlocking my door. I turned back to him with my hand on the handle. “Goodnight Nick,” I said heading inside and closing the door before he had the chance to say anything else. I heard him grunt and groan on the other side of my door before walking away. I giggled to myself. I think I may have made him sexually frustrated now. I headed to my bedroom, getting into my PJ’S, taking my makeup off and climbing into bed. I grabbed my phone, setting my alarm for the morning. I decided to text Nick before I went to sleep. Riley: Hey, did you get home OK? I wonder if he will text me back or if he is pissed at me. My question was answered when he texts back only moments later. Nick: Yes, I did. Are you in bed? Riley: Good, good :D Yes. I am gonna go sleep, just wanted to make sure you got back OK. Goodnight Nick, sweet dreams. See you in the morning. Nick: Thank you. Night gorgeous. Rest well. X Gorgeous uh? A word I never thought I would hear from his lips about me. I decided to leave it at that. I was not going to respond to him. I would not even mention it when I see him in the morning. I sat my phone aside, turning my light out and decided to get some sleep. I could not stop smiling. My plan was working way better than I ever thought. I had already drawn him into me. Now, I need to up my game. Tomorrow I will act like we never had that conversation at my door. I will not give him the answer to us doing it again. Well, only for a day or two, then I will start showing a different side of me. That side being my sexy, flirty side. I was gonna drive him crazy. All part of the plan though.  
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