Chapter Three - Not gonna let that fool me...

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Riley’s P.O.V I was getting myself ready for my first official day of work. I was looking forward to it. He was already interested in me. How do I know for sure? Cause his excuse to text me last night was pathetic. His coffee order really? He never even told me it. I had to text him this morning to get it from him. i***t! I decided today I would a dress to work. Classy yet sexy. It was grey, stopping just above my knees. It was sleeveless and hugged my curves perfectly. It was work like. There was not really a dress code, to be honest. As long as we do not go out there with our choice of clothes since the company has an image to maintain. I pulled my hair back in a bun. I was going for the sexy secretary look. I have heard men seen to like that. I pulled my heels on, applying some light gloss before heading out. I stopped by the coffee shop, getting us both a coffee-like he requested. The day should be interesting cause apparently, he is showing me what to do. I knew it was an excuse for him to spend the day with me. I had to roll my eyes at his desperate attempt. I would play along though. I will play the sweet assistant that is trying to please her boss. I got our orders, heading the office. I was early. Half an hour early but I knew he would already be there. I headed in, telling the receptionist who I was. She had to call through to Nick to make sure I was who I said I was since I do not have my ID badge yet. I will probably get that today. “Head straight up, Miss Miller,” she smiled. I thanked her, heading up to his office. He was waiting at the door for me. I slapped my best smile on my lips, making my way over to him. “Bright and early, Miss Miller.” He smirked. “Always,” I said smirking back at him. “Good start to your first day then.” He smiled. I flashed my best smile at him. He is going to be putty in my hands in no time. “Your coffee Sir,” I said sweetly “Thank you, Miss Miller.” He said taking it from me. When he did, he made sure his fingers brushed mine. Really? That move? I thought he could better than that. I giggled, pulling my hand away. I hate giggling. Why do girls giggle? I am only doing it for his sake. “I thought we established you were to call me Riley?” I said raising a brow at me. “And I thought we established you were to call me Nick,” He laughed. “Good point,” I laughed “Come on in, we can talk.” He said. He stepped aside, letting me go in first. I swear I feel his eyes burn straight into my ass. Eww! He can look all he wants. That is all he will be doing, well for the moment anyway. If I wanna get him back I am gonna have to go all out at some point. The thought of it was enough to make my skin crawl, to be honest. I do not know what to think about the idea of his hands all over me. I will not worry about that right now. My plan was only starting, there was no rush. One step at a time. “Please sit, we have a lot of paperwork to go over and fill in.” he said, “Then I will give you the tour and what is expected of you.” He added. “Sounds good,” I smiled. “But before all that, we will enjoy our coffee and get to know each other.” He said. Oh, Nick, I know you very well already. I cannot wait to see which kind of person he tries to play around me. He can play whoever he wants, but I know the truth. He nodded towards the two-seater sofa he had in his office. I headed over, sitting down and he took the seat next to me. It was not a big sofa, so he was really close to me. His thigh, brushing against mine. I crossed my legs, letting the dress crawl up a little. And just like yesterday, his eyes fell right on my thigh, licking his lips. I smirked to myself while he was not looking at me. “Tell me, Riley, do you live alone?” he asked. I think that was his subtle way of seeing if I had a boyfriend or something. “Yes, I do live alone,” I said, “Hmm, Ok.” He said, trying to stop himself from smirking, “Do you have someone?” he added. I had to stop myself rolling my eyes at him. What is the point in him beating around the bush we both know where he was going with this? “No, have been single for a while.” I shrugged It was true. I never got my first boyfriend until College which was also my first kiss and first-time having s*x. We were together for about eight months, but it just never worked. We ended on good terms. I have been single since. I am not one for going out and screwing around. I have only been with one man my entire life. Information he does not need to know. “Sometimes that is the best way.” He chuckled. “Yes,” I stated simply, I know the reason he likes to be single. It means he can f**k who he wants. He was not man enough to have more. “Tell me, Riley, what do you like to do in your free time?” he asked softly. “Hmm, I like being outside, going on hikes and things. I also love reading and music too.” I said shrugging, “Not much too tell really.” I added. “You like hiking?” he asked. I never, at all but I knew he did. As I said I have done my research. “I love everything outdoors. I love the adrenaline.” I smiled. “Me too! Maybe we can go for a hike sometime. None of my friends like it. It is just my dog and me usually that goes.” He laughed. “You have a dog?” I asked surprised. I thought he was too selfish to care about anyone or anything else except himself. “Yes. An Australian shepherd called Ozzy.” He said, laughing at the name, “He is three years old; he was a rescue.” He added. “They dogs are, adorable,” I said smiling. He reached for his phone, pulling it out and on the screen was a photo of him and Ozzy. “That’s my boy,” he smiled widely. “Aww, he is adorable. That is a cute photo of you both.” I gushed. It was, that was not a lie. You can tell he has a soft spot for him. He showed me some more photos of them, telling the story of Ozzy, poor little thing never had the best start to life. “He is the only thing that keeps me sane in the world,” he chuckled, “I will bring him in one day and you can meet him. He is a little timid though which is understandable.” He added. “I would like that,” I smiled. Nick and I chatted for another hour before we got to the paperwork. Who knew a man like him would develop a soft spot for a dog? I was not gonna let that fool me though.  
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