Chapter Six - Dinner with a "friend"...

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Nick’s P.O.V I was waiting outside Riley’s apartment for her. I was anxious to see her. I have not stopped thinking about her since last night. She will not get out of my damn head! It was frustrating the hell out of me. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. She was driving me crazy. Even though she confuses the heck out of me. One minute she is flirting, the next she is acting like she is not interested in me. I was not used to this. I was watching the entrance, waiting for her to come out. She soon appeared, smiling when she saw me waiting in the car for her. She was dressed in a sexy little black dress. It was classy but got damn sexy on her. I pulled myself together, smiling back at her. She came over, climbing into the passenger’s seat. “Good morning boss.” She said happily. “Good morning Miss Riley.” I smiled, “How did you sleep?” I added. “Really good actually. You?” she said as she put her seatbelt on. “Not bad thanks. You wanna stop for coffee first?” I asked. I needed it. I lied; I had a s**t sleep last night. Why? Cause I was horny, frustrated and thinking about her. I think I got maybe three hours at the most. “Sure thing,” she said in a sing-song voice. I could not help but chuckle when she did. How can she be this cheery at this time? “You seem happy this morning,” I said. “I like mornings that’s why.” She said smiling brightly at me. “Strange girl,” I laughed. “Yes! Normal is no fun…” she giggled. She was back to acting like her sweet self, the side of her that does not seem interested in me in the slightest. I wonder how long she will keep that up? I decided not to ponder on it for the time being. We headed to Starbucks, finding a parking space, and heading inside. It was pretty busy, that does surprise me though. It always is. She took her place in front of me, standing remarkably close to me. Her ass brushed against me for a split second, this causing a soft moan to fall from my lips. She giggled, taking a step forward. Is this how she wants to play it? OK then, I can play too. I stepped back into her, making sure my body was close to hers. I moved my lips to ear. “What are you giggling about,” I whispered in her ear, brushing my hand against her hip. “Hmm, nothing…nothing at all.” She breathed out. “I don’t believe you, but OK,” I said. I pulled my lips away from her ear but kept my body close to her. It was getting to her. “Could you get any closer?” she giggled, looking over her shoulder at me. “Oh, I am sure I could,”  I smirked. “You wish.” She said smirking back and moving away from me. I do wish, do God damn much! I could think of a hundred ways to get closer to her if she would let me. I would make sure it was worth it. “Some wishes come true you know?” I said. “Yes, but this won’t be one of them.” She said. She was not even looking at me, but I knew she would probably have a smug look on her face when she was saying it. I could not help but laugh when she said that. “Never say never gorgeous,” I said as we moved up the line. As I said, she was so damn confusing. I do not know what to do or where I stand. She never responded to me after that. Actually, she never said anything to be after that until after we got our coffees. “Thanks for the coffee.” She smiled, “But you should have let me buy it since you bought dinner and drinks last night.” She added pouting. “I thought we had discussed this?” I said, “That will not happen.” I added. “We will see, won’t we?” she laughed. The two of us headed back to my car, heading to the office. I got into my parking space, the one that was only for me. I stopped the car, Riley about to climb out but I found myself reaching for, to stop her. “What are you holding me, hostage, now?” she laughed. “Yes. Only for a minute though until I ask you something.” I said. She turned to face me, raising her brow and curiosity taking over her face. “And what would that be? I don’t have all day you know; I have a job and my boss is an ass if I am late.” She said, teasing at the last part. I chuckled, shaking my head. She was a funny girl; I will give her that. “I am sure he will forgive you,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at her. “I dunno,” she shrugged. I should probably get to what I actually say to her. She may say no but I can try. “Do you have any plans tonight?” I asked. “No, why do you ask?” she asked softly. “You wanna hang out? After work?” I said. Hang out? Really what age are we sixteen? Geeze! I am sure I could have come up with something better than that. “Hang out? Really, that is the best you could come up with?” She laughed. “You know what I meant,” I said feeling a little embarrassed. “No, what did you mean?” she teased. “Do you want to come over to mine and I will make us dinner,” I said. “Hmm, a date with the boss?” she smirked, “I don’t know if that is a good idea.” She added. “Or dinner with a friend?” I suggested. I had a feeling there would be a better chance of her saying yes if I made it not a date. “Dinner with a friend I can do.” She smiled. “OK, then that is what it is…” I said. “OK.” She smiled. I would arrange actual plans with her later. Right now, we had to head into the office. I know what people are gonna be thinking when we do, but they know better than to say anything about it. My personal business is none of their business. The two of us headed inside together, all eyes soon falling on us. Riley never seemed to be bothered, completely ignore all the stares. I did the same. They can think what they want. We headed to my office to start with, giving us a chance to finish our coffee before getting to work. “Is eight OK for tonight?” I asked, “Yeah, that’s fine.” She smiled. I nodded, smiling back. it was only dinner; it is not a date! Well, this is what I am gonna keep telling myself, so I do not freak her out or anything. I would behave myself too when we are alone at my place later.  
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