Chapter Seven - Compliments....

1205 Words
Riley’s P.O.V I was heading out to my car, heading over to Nick’s. He offered to pick me up, but I told him no. What would be the point of him coming all the way here to get me, to go all the way back? Dumbass! I decided to go casual yet sexy tonight. I cannot have him thinking I am trying to hard for him. I was dressed in shorts, my favourite red low-cut tee, finished off with my ankle boots and a light jacket. I had pulled all my hair back and put a little mascara and lipstick on. Honestly, I do not think it would matter how I showed up, he would still want me. I see the way he looks at me all the time. I put his address into my Satnav and made my way over. I wonder what fun I can have with him tonight. How far I can push before he snaps? I could not wait to see. I pulled up outside his house, letting him know I was there. He wanted me to tell him so he could come out and get me cause where he stays is a secured place. It only took him a few moments before he came out, letting me into his apartment building. This was no normal apartment. It was deluxe, fancy and clearly for the rich. “Hey.” He smiled widely when he approached me. “Hello again,” I giggled. “Come, come. Dinner is nearly ready.” He smiled, his hand on the small of my back and he guided us inside. “Good cause I am hungry. You better be a good cook, or I am going out for pizza.” I laughed as we got to his apartment. “I am actually. Just you wait and see.” He said, “Now get your cheeky ass inside.” He added laughing opening the door for me. I giggled, heading inside. It was modern and fancy, about three times bigger than my apartment. He came up behind me, his arms resting on my shoulders. “Can I take your coat?” he whispered in my ear. I faked a shiver, nodding my head. He slipped my coat of slowly, making sure his fingers brushed the skin of my bare arms. I let out a soft moan, or should I say a fake soft moan? Does he really think all these little things are gonna work? I thought he is meant to be some God’s gift to women. I think he needs to step up his game. Or maybe it is because I am not interested in him that is why none of what he does or say is working on me. Stupid man! “Thank you,” I said looking over my shoulder at him, giving him my best smile. He nodded, smiling back, and hung it up along with his. His hand fell on the small of back once again, leading us further into his apartment. “Take a seat. Do you want a glass of wine?” he asked. “I can’t, driving remember?” I laughed. “I will pay for a taxi home for you.” He said softly. I can pay for my own damn taxi! I nodded and smiled sweetly at him. I would probably need a glass of wine to help me get through this night, hell a full bottle would be better, but I do not wanna push myself. “Make yourself comfortable and I will grab us some wine.” He smiled. “OK,” I said going to take a seat. He headed into the kitchen grabbing us both some wine. He came back, handing me a glass before sitting down. “Dinner will be about ten minutes.” He smiled. “Looking forward to it,” I said, crossing my legs over. He seemed to like my legs. I always made sure to use that. He licked his lips as his eyes trailed my legs. “f**k, those are a nice set of legs Riley.” He breathed out. I was a little taken back, not expecting him to actually say that out loud. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. His eyes with a hint of darkness in them. “Yes, I have noticed you seem to like my legs,” I smirked licking my lips. “You noticed that uh?” he laughed. “I did from the moment I met you,” I said. “Hmm, sorry about that. I am a sucker for a nice set of legs and a nice ass.” He said honestly, “And you have both so I can’t help myself. I am sorry if that is completely inappropriate, but it is the truth.” He added. “Maybe a little but I don’t mind.” I giggled. “Well as long as you don’t mind.” He said, “I don’t wanna be one of those perverted bosses.” He added. Bullshit! You are ready are a pervert. i***t! “Trust me, I would tell you if you were going too far.” I laughed. “Good! I would like to think so.” He smiled. Could he be any more of liar? He has always been a perv, that is not gonna change. Guys like him do not change. Nothing else was managed to be said after that cause the timer went off for dinner. “Dinner is ready.” He smiled. “What have you made?” I asked. “Creamy Mediterranean chicken with potatoes and veg.” he smiled. “Yum, sounds good.” I smiled. He got up from the sofa, offering me his hand. I smiled, taking it and he pulled me to my feet. His pull a little harder than planned, pulling me in against his chest. He let out a grunt when my body fell against his. “Sorry,” he laughed. “Yeah, sure you are.” I laughed and smirked before pulling away from him. “Come on.” He chuckled, his hand falling on my waist, leading us through to the kitchen. I groaned as the scent of dinner filled the room. It smelt good. I have not eaten since breakfast. “I am so hungry, and it smells good,” I said licking my lips. “I hope you enjoy it.” He said, “Please sit.” He smiled. I took a seat at the table while he got everything plated up and joining me. My mouth about watered when I saw the food in front of me. It looked as good as it smelt. I could not wait to dig in. “Eat,” He smiled. “Yes Sir,” I laughed taking the first bite. I groaned loudly; it was like heaven in my mouth. Who knew he could cook like this? “Damn this is so good,” I say after finishing my first bite. “Glad you are enjoying it.” He smiled. I nodded, taking another bite, groaning again. I could see my small moans and groans were getting to him. He was holding onto his fork a little tighter than needed. I smirked to myself. “You alright there? You hold onto the fork any tighter you are gonna break it.” I said innocently. “Hmm, yes. I am fine.” He said loosening his grip on it. I giggled, getting back to my food. He chuckled, shaking his head. He knew exactly what I was talking about. I think tonight was gonna be more fun than I first thought. Bring it on! I was gonna tease the hell out of him.
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