Chapter 15

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1976 6th Year //Little Talks on the Bridge and Owlery// After Herbology ended came Astronomy, and after Astronomy came Potions and after that, the day was finally over. Evangeline made her way to the library to meet Remus to study and talk about books. But Evangeline didn't want to talk about books today, all she wanted to do was to get Remus to tell her about his secret which she already knew about but just wanted his trust more than anything. When she finally reached the library, Remus was already there. He had a new book in his hand and he turned around and ran over to Evangeline happily, "Hey Evie, guess whose got a new book for you?" Remus said waving the book up in the air, "You?" she giggled as he placed her bag on the table, "Its a new release called 'A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration.'" Remus said, almost bouncing from his excitement, "Remus, we already have this book you know, for Transfiguration?" Evangeline said confused, "Well, yes but this book particularly is a new release with more and enjoyable content which wasn't released early enough to be put on the book list...maybe the fact that it was in the restricted section had an influence on it being a text book." "So, what your telling me is that, you stole this book from the restricted section?" Evangeline said with a raised eyebrow, "Not steal, I simply borrowed it and borrowed it off to you." he corrected her "I think those boys are rubbing off on you, took them six years." Evangeline commented and Remus nodded in agreement and handed the book to Evangeline who hesitated to take it. Remus saw her worry and placed it in her messenger bag wrapped around her shoulder so the book would be out of sight. Remus cleared his throat, "So, what do you need to study for?" he asked, "Transfiguration." "Perfect, lets start." *** Remus stood on the bridge with his arms on the wood. It was cold, white, and snowy but Remus didn't seem to care; his warm Gryffindor scarf, hat, and gloves kept most of him warm along with his robes of course. He let out a harsh sigh and rubbed his face with his soft gloves. "Just tell her already." Remus said to himself, Remus had realized he was alone which made him feel better inside but yet alone. A single tear drifted down his warm rosy cheeks but quickly whipped it away at the sound of the creaking bridge. "Lily?" Remus said surprised. "What are you doing here, its late and I'm sure James is searching for you." Lily stopped beside Remus wearing her Gryffindor scarf, gloves, and hat all bundled up in her robe. Her smile filled her cheeks with pink, "Just because I'm trying to give James a chance doesn't mean I'm going to be with him all the time." Lily giggled and Remus smiled and continued looking at the sunset, "Beautiful isn't it?" Lily said now leaning aside of Remus, "Yeah, beautiful." Remus mumbled, "Now are you gonna tell me whats wrong?" Lily asked him quietly, "Oh its nothing, I don't want to waist your time." "So being a werewolf has nothing to do with it?" Lily asked and Remus's eyes opened wide and looked at Lily harshly. "Who told you?" "It doesn't matter Remus, I just want you to know I'm here for you." Remus again shed a tear but quickly whipped it away. "You shouldnt come near me. I'm a monster." "You are not a monster Remus. You are the least monster like person I've ever met." Remus was silent as he made a glance over to Lily, she was smiling at Remus in a soft and calming way, "What?" "Your too kind Lily Evans, you can change him I believe it." "Change who?" "James, he's different around you. I know he may seem like a real git sometimes but he really is trying." "Remus..." Remus pulled Lily into a friendly embraced hug, she froze but quickly reacted and hugged him back. "Thank you Lily Evans, thank you for letting me express myself." "Remus I want you to just remember that you are a beautiful person, inside and out, don't let anyone tell you different." Lily stepped back and began to walk away, "Its getting late, we should head back." Remus nodded in agreement and tucked his hands into his pockets and walked with Lily back into Hogwarts. *** "Where were you?" Evangeline questioned the moment Lily entered the room. Lily closed the dorm room softly and began to take off her hat, scarf, gloves and robe. She set them on the side chair next to her beside and sat down on her bed with large rosy cheeks, "I was sending a letter at the owl post." Lily responded "Your a terrible liar." Marlene said, not looking up from her book, "Probably sneaking around with James." Alice commented casually, "Was not!", Lily grinned. "I was simply writing a letter to my family exclaiming why I won't be coming home for the holidays", "You're not going home?" Evangeline questioned. "I'm not gonna leave my best friend alone for Christmas Evie." stated Lily simply as she sat on her bed "and I'm sure Petunia wouldn't mind anyway." Lily said and Evangeline smiled and looked down and found herself, once again, staring at a small white letter in her lap and picked it up. The room went quiet and everyone looked at her confused, "Well open it already Evie, you've been eyeballing that letter at evening." Marlene sighed "Whose it from?" Lily asked. "Sebastian." "Well that's good isn't it? Its like the first time in months since he's wrote to you." Alice said with her eyebrows furrowed, "Evie?" "He wrote to me a few weeks ago about father, it said he's ill." Evangeline muttered, "So your going home for the Holidays?" Alice asked, "I'm not sure, I want to see him but something tells me I should stay. Plus, he told me that I would end up staying at Aunt Elmas." The girls quietened around Evangeline and watched her carefully as Evangeline let out a small breath and put the letter away. *** A small sigh escaped Evangeline’s lips as she made her way up the steps to the owlery with letter clutching her hand. Even though she was dressed in her winter cloak, thick scarf and boots, Evangeline still felt the bitter cold biting at her. She broke out into a jog as she passed the final step into the owlery. Hundreds upon hundreds of owls were perched on its high walls, all cooing gently and huddled together for warmth. Evangeline moved over to one of the lower rows of owls and gently placed one of the school owls on her arm and made her way over to the window then attached the letter for the birds foot and told it where to go then lifted her arm up and the bird flew out into the snowy scenery. She leaned against the windowsill and watched the owl until he blended into the scenery. “Jenner?” Evangeline jumped around and saw the Black looking at her, “Black.” She blinked “What are you doing here?” Sirius raised an eyebrow and lifted his hand show she could see the letter clutched in in it, a light blush made its way to her cheeks. Evangeline watched as he walked over to an owl and picked him up then attached the letter to Earls owls leg before moving over to the window and letting him go. She continued to watch him as Sirius leaned on the sill like she had done a few moments previous. “I’m sorry.” She heard Sirius mutter and Evangeline blinked before replying with, “Pardon?” “About your father.” Sirius clarified “I overheard you tell Evans in the common room.” “Over heard?” repeated Evangeline accusingly, “Don’t flatter yourself, love.” Sirius chuckled before turning to face her with a serious expression “Does your brother know what’s wrong with him?” Evangeline’s bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she thought whether to tell him. Then, when she saw the expecting expression on his face and muttered quietly, “A muggle disease.” Her answer was vague but was the truth, “Which one?” Sirius persisted “I don’t believe that’s any of your business.” Evangeline snapped back and Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” “Yes.” Evangeline stated strongly “Anyway, why are you so interested?” his signature smirk creeped onto his lips as he made his way toward her. “Can’t a man ask a simple question to his friend without being integrated?” Sirius inquired in a falsy innocent voice, “We are not friends.” Evangeline told him quickly taking a step away from him, “Aren’t we, Evie?” “Don’t call me that.” Evangeline snapped “And no, we are not.” She moved toward the entrance of the tower only to have walk into a body that had moved into the way. Evangeline looked up at Sirius with her dark eyes glaring at him “Move.” “Why aren’t we friends, Evie?” he inquired leering over her, still with a smirk on his face “Is it because we kissed?” Evangeline’s face drained of color as her mind flashed to the kisses the pair of them had shared. Then she was reminded of the dream that she had of them only a few days prior. “What kiss?” Evangeline forced out standing straighter, a bark of a laugh escaped Sirius’s lips. The female frowned and crossed her arms as the boy slowly stopped laughing, “Deny it all you want, love.” He whispered leaning close to her face, so that his breath brushed over her face “It happened.” “No – “ “Three times.” “You – “ “And you loved it.” A malicious grin appeared on his face as it spoke “I did not!” Evangeline cried, outraged, with her face turning slightly red in embarrassment and anger. Sirius smirked at her expression, “Do I need to remind you, little love?” he teased and Evangeline froze at his words “Let me show you.” “No.” Evangeline’s voice shook with uncertainty and she put her hands on his shirt, whether to push him away or pull him close – she did not know. Her throat worked tightly as she watched his eye flick to her lips as then back up her eyes. Evangeline’s heart pounded in her chest as Sirius leaned in, still flicking between her lips and eyes. Then, when their lips were but a hairs breath away, footsteps reached their ears. Evangeline jumped backward quickly with her eyes wide. James Potter then appeared at the entrance to the owlery, his glasses slightly titled and his black hair messier than usual. He pulled off his Gryffindor scarf as he made his way over to them, “Did I interrupt something?” the Potter asked, tilting his head slightly. “No.” “Yes.” Evangeline glared at Sirius who wore that stupid smirk on his handsome face. “No, you didn’t.” she pressed then turned to James before glancing back at Sirius. He only winked at her and Evangeline shot him a final glare before walking out the room and wrapping her arms around her arms around herself as she made her way down the stone covered steps. Why did she always seem to find herself close to Sirius whenever they were alone together? *** “Spill the beans.” “What?” Sirius blinked at looked at his friends, who leaned against the wall with arms folded. “With Jenner.” James nodded his head to the place where Evangeline left. “Nothing.” Sirius shrugged “Just someone to pass the time.” At James raised an eyebrow, Sirius continued “If you need to know, we’ve kissed three times.” “Is that it?” James laughed “Hay, its more than you and Lily have had.” Sirius snapped back and James stopped laughing and said, “That’s different. I’m taking my time with Lily-flower. Little darling cant be rushed into my love. We haven’t kissed yet, because I want it to be special when we do kiss. A bit like Remus is doing?” “Remus?” Sirius asked absent mindedly as he looked a seat and began twirling his wand “I didn’t know he liked anyone.” “He does.” James said taking as seat beside his friend “Though, I think he would prefer that you stop using her to ‘pass the time’, as you put it.” Sirius’s head snapped in James direction, “Evangeline?” James nodded “Yep.” “But I thought he only liked her a friend?” Sirius said with his eyebrows furrowed “I mean, we were just making a big deal out of it because its Remus and he blushes easily.” “No. Well, that’s true but he’s developed feelings for her.” The Potter said nonchalantly “It took me a while to get him to admit it but he finally did, a few days actually. Did I tell you?” Sirius shook his head slowly “Oh, well now I have. They sort of suit each other, don’t they? Both are bookworms and you know…” But Sirius had stopped listening. Remus like Evangeline. Remus liked Jenner. He disagreed with James commented about them ‘suiting’ one another; she was a beautiful brown haired girl with a great group of friends, whilst Remus was a lanky blond boy with a group of idiots for his friends. They couldn’t be anymore unfitting. Why wasn’t he aware of Remus’s feelings? Why was he only finding out about this? Why did he even care? “Padfoot?” Sirius blinked before looking at James who had an eyebrow raised “She doesn’t mean anything to you, does she? I mean, you did say that she was only to pass the time.” “Yeah…to pass the time.” Sirius murmured looking down at his fist. Now, realizing that it was clenched tightly.
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