Chapter 14

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1976 6th Year //Nightmare and Partners// This was the third time that Sirius and Evangeline had kissed. Well, Sirius only knew of this kiss. Evangeline’s eyes were wide as she looked up at him fearfully. “Evie…” Sirius trailed off in shock “You…” adrenaline raced through Evangeline’s blood as her heart thumped rapidly in her chest as she came to the realisation that Sirius knew that she was the one that he had kissed during the Gryffindor celebrations. Sirius’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at her “You were – “ Evangeline squeaked then ducked under his arm and ran out the cupboard with Sirius’s voice bellowing her name behind her. The girl dashed to the Gryffindor Common room not daring to look back. Sirius stepped out the cupboard blink slowly. Evangeline Robyn Jenner was the girl that he had kissed during the Gryffindor celebrations. That wasn’t something he expected, I mean, she was innocent Evangeline Jenner – Lily Evan’s best friend. Not in his wildest dreams had he ever thought he’d kiss Evangeline once – never mind twice! However, now he realised who he’d kissed Sirius couldn’t get the way her lips felt against his. Soft…they were so addicting. I mean, it’s not like he had never found her attractive…because he did…but she was more of a ‘Plain Jane’ and not the type of girl he normally go for. Yet, here he was constantly remembering the feeling of her lips on his. A hand grasped his arm and lips touched his neck and he looked down to see Kerrie looking up at him with seductive green eyes. Kerrie was hot, not beautiful – hot. At current, she was dating Johnson Brown – the chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. The fact that she was taken wasn’t the reason he was reconsidering having a fling with her. No, it was the fact that he couldn’t get Evangeline Jenner out of his head. “Siri?” Sirius blinked then looked down at Kerri “Are you okay? I’ll distract you from whatever is plaguing your mind.” She placed her hand on the back of his head and pulled his head down to her lips. Sirius knew he should have pulled away from the kiss, thinking of girl whilst kissing a different girl was not exactly morally right. Then again, his name was Sirius Orion Black. *** “You’re so beautiful” the boy murmured brushing a strand of Evangeline’s brown hair behind her ear, a blushed appeared on her cheeks and the tips of her ears. She was lying in bed with a dark haired boy beside her, they were both dressed and the sunlight poured through the window. A smiled appeared on the boy’s, though his face was slightly blurry she could still make out the smile. The male ran a hand through his messy hair and a frown appeared on Evangeline’s face. She could only guess how many other females had once ran their hands through his hair. “Evie?” she looked up at the boy whole had tilted his head “What’s on your mind?” “Nothing” Evangeline told him with a soft smile, “Tell me.” The boy persisted “Seriously, its nothing.” Evangeline said and the boy smirked then rolled on top of her with a grin on his face, “Tell me” he demanded but Evangeline shook her head, a smirk appeared on his face as he looked down at her. She felt his hands go down to her hips and Evangeline’s eyes widened, “No!” she squealed and attempted to push his hands away but he began to tickle her sides. Laughs and giggles escaped Evangeline’s lips as she writhed around on the bed as he tickled her with a smirk on his blurry face. “Tell me why you’re upset.” He said as he continued to tickle her but Evangeline giggled and continued to giggle. The boy raised an eyebrow and tickled her more until she finally broke, “Ok. Ok. I’ll tell you.” Evangeline panted through laughs “Stop!” the boy stopped tickling her and waited for her answer “I was…jealous.” The boy stared at her incredulously and blinked. Evangeline looked away “I just remembered all the girls that you were with before me…” No sound came from the boy for a long while and Evangeline’s bottom lip slipped between her teeth. Then, the pulled rolled over so that she was sat on his lap with her face in his hands. His face was still blurry but Evangeline could make out features that allowed her to know that it was someone she knew. He stroked her cheeks with her thumb, “I’m sorry, sweet.” He muttered softly “I’m sorry that you were not my first but I promise you that I regret not saving myself for you.” He kissed her softly “I love you Evie.” “I love you too Sirius.” Evangeline shot up into a sitting position with her eyes wide. Her breathing was harsh and her body trembled in shock. That…No…She…No way…Did she just have a dream about Sirius Black being her boyfriend? *** “I still don’t get it.” Marlene drowned allowing her head to drop onto her arms. Evangeline sighed just as Marlene said “Why don’t we have a break?” “Because we’ve been working for less than ten minuets’.” Was Evangeline’s reply and Marlene groaned loudly and flung her head back, “But it feels like hours.” Marlene complained “Please, just a five-minuet break.” “But-“ “Evie?” a voice said from behind Evangeline and she stopped talking and looked over shoulder at Remus. He was standing awkwardly with his blond hair messy and his clothes slightly scruffy, Remus looked down at her nervously, “Can I talk to you?” “Yes, of course.” Evangeline nodded and looked at Marlene “Do you mind…” she trailed off when she saw Marlene running away from the table. She c****d an eyebrow before shrugging and getting to her feet “Sure, whats wrong?” “Nothing, I was just wondering…” Remus trailed off “Well…I was thinking…could you be my partner for Defence Against the Dark Arts?” it was clear that that was not what Remus had originally came to ask her but Evangeline nodded away, “Sure.” She smiled then titled her head “Is there something else you wanted?” “No.” Remus said rather quickly before bidding her goodbye and rushing out the common room, leaving Evangeline staring after her in confusion. *** Evangeline sat on the common room couch all snuggled up by the fire, but than a someone came from behind and jumped over the couch and sat beside her. She looked over and saw Remus sitting next to her with a grin on his face, "Something on your mind Remus?" she laughed at his expression, "Guess who finally finished their book on, Mermaids?" he exclaimed. "You did?" she guessed. "Thats right." he stood up and went into a heroic pose. "Your looking at the new Mermaid King", "What do you mean King?" she laughed, "That book on Mermaids your requested I read, I think made me an expert on them." "Wow, so you enjoyed it than?" "Oh bloody hell no, it was terrible. But as a good friend I read it all and now have useless knowledge about Mermaids in my brain." Evangeline giggled and rolled her eyes at his comment then said, "Well Mermaid King, I think I can also call myself the Werewolf Queen, your not the only one who looks further into these sorts of things." "Ah so you finished my request as well I see. Well what did you think?" "Very interesting actually, I had no idea the sorts of things Werewolves go through every night theres a full moon." Then, suddenly Remus's smile faded and into a blank expression as he sat back down onto the couch roughly. Evangeline was confused until she remember the last full moon night when she found out about Remus's secret but she still had to act as if she didn't know or Remus might, break up there friend ship or something worse. "What's wrong?" she asked with pain in her heart, "I'm sorry Evie I don't mean to ruin your happy night but I have to go." Remus explained as he sat up and began to walk away towards the door when Evie bounced off of the couch towards Remus, "Remus, w-was it something I said?" "I'm sorry Evie but I'm late for something, I've got to go." "Remus I didn't mean to - " "Its not you Evie, I have to go now." Remus leaned over and kissed Evie lightly on the top of her head and exited the room, "What just happened?" Evangeline thought. "Did Remus just kiss me?" It seemed, however, that she'd said that last sentence because a voice sounded from behind her, "Kissed?" It was Sirius Black "Little Evangeline Jenner getting smoochy with people I see." "Oh shut up, you shouldn't be the one talking about kissing people now should you." Evangeline snapped as she got up from the couch. "Calm down, little one." Sirius teased and Evangeline began to walk towards Sirius with her eyes narrowed and walked right past him, their shoulders brushing each other as she past. *** The Next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts Evangeline found Remus sitting alone at his desk as the other students talked among themselves around them. Evangeline walked over and sat down next to Remus, she took her books out from her bag and then dropped them onto her desk. A loud thump sounded as they did so, showing how heavy they were. "Hi Remus." Evangeline smiled and Remus looked up at her, "Hay." Silence soon broke out between them - well it would have but the rattling bunch of students made that nearly impossible, "Look Evie, I'm sorry for storming out last night, I hope you can forgive me?" "Of course Remus, we are friends after all. Anyway, even if I didn't forgive you, we'd still be partners." "P-partners?" "Yeah, you know for this class, you asked me to be your partner yesterday?" "Oh yeah. I did didn't I." Evangeline wore a confused expression on her face and stared at Remus who seemed to be sweating, "Remus, are, are you ok? You look a little shaken up, do you need to see Madam Pomfrey?" "No Evie, I'm perfectly fine." he paused. "Did you finish the homework for today?" "Yeah, do you need to copy it? Its ok if you need too?" "No, no... Just making sure since, you know, we are partners." "Oh. Ok?" Remus looked flushed deeply and before either could speak again, class had now started, "Alright class, today we are learning all about Defensive Spells and how to block them." Evangeline raised her hand slowly interrupting the class. "Excuse me Professor, but we already learned about Defensive Spells in our second year." Evangeline commented with her head titled slightly, "Yes we did Miss Jenner, but in times like these we must refresh our minds a little." Professor Wilkinson, "Times like these... What do you mean Professor?" asked a tall brown haired Ravenclaw boy named, Austin Bourne. "Well you are getting older and soon you will be in your last year and the Ministry has directed me to re-teach this subject. Now no more questions, loosing valuable time here, lets begin." *** After class, Remus seemed to pack up very slowly and Evangeline trying to be a good friend waited for Remus, "Remus, you coming?" Evangeline questioned, "You run along head, I need to speak with..." "No need to explain, I'll see you in the Library after Potions class." Evangeline interrupted as she placed her hand gracefully onto Remus's skinny shoulders, "Thanks Eve." Remus told her gratefully, "Bye." she said in a quiet voice as she left the room but stopped in the doorway and decided to hang back and rested against the wall next to the door, "This isn't eavesdropping, I mean, I'm not particularly trying to listen to their conversation." Evangeline thought to herself, "Professor, I've been meaning to ask you something." Remus said as he walked over to Professor Wilkinson and Evangeline shuffled closer to the door for Remus's voice was soft and very hard to hear from where she was standing, "Yes, my dear boy, what is it?" "Well, I've been feeling strange lately, after you know what happened a while ago." "Oh, well feelings like these can be side affects of the potions, but if I were you, I would ask Professor Slughorn more about those types of potions." "Yes sir, but I wanted to come to you and ask you if there was any way to..." Remus began just as someone came around the corner. "Not eavesdropping now, are we Jenner?" spoke a low male voice and Evangeline spun around and saw Sirius Black standing right behind her. "Black, you scared me." Evangeline hissed at him "What are you doing here?" "I was just about to ask you the same thing." Sirius snickered, "Waiting for Remus." she quickly replied. "You?" "'Waiting for Remus'." Black smiled as a smirk grew on his face, "Highly doubtful, since when do you wait for anyone?" "Thank you Professor." a voice spoke, and Remus exited the class. "There he is, ready to go Remmy?" "Yes - oh hey Evie, I thought I told you not to wait up for me?" "You did I just didn't listen." "Did you perhaps listen to anything while you where waiting?" Black commented as he looked around innocently, receiving a nasty look from Evangeline. "What?" Remus asked, "Oh nothing mate, well see you later, Jenner. Lets go Moony." Black said as he winked at Evangeline and strutted away "Bye Evie." said Remus as he jogged after Black, "I'm gonna find out soon Remus, believe me I will." Evangeline thought. "Just why won't he open up to me?"
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