Chapter 16

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1976 6th Year //Nightmares and the Invisibility Cloak// “You fifthly blood traitor!” Sirius’s mother screamed in his face, her black hair practically standing on end “You befriend mud-bloods, blood traitors and half-breeds!” Sirius didn’t retaliate but only stood staring up at his mother with a hateful expression and his fists clenched “Why can’t you be more like Regulus?! You stupid little boy! You are an disgrace to the Black family name!” Stinging pain came from his cheek and he’s head turned to the left so that his red cheek was bared. Sirius’s jaw clenched tightly as he returned his grey eyes to his mother’s fuming expression. Behind her, Regulus stood with his father beside him and a hand on the youngest Black’s shoulder. Sirius then returned his gaze to his mother who sneered down at him, “You are nothing but a disappointment.” She whispered dangerously and Sirius continued to stare up at her with an expression of indifference “You are not my son.” “Such a disappointment.” “Blood traitor!” “Mud-bloods!” “Vile creature!” “Such a mistake!” “Unloved!” “Disgrace!” “No son of mine!” The voices became louder. The insults stung harder. Their faces came closer. The room spun as everything began to spiral. Sirius placed his hands on his ears to block out his family as they shouted abuse at him, but it in vein as the voices only continued to get louder. Then the voices turned to screams and shouts in his ears. He began to tremble and yelled loudly, his whole body shaking violently. “Sirius!” His eyes snapped open as he sat up and he took a deep gulp of air. It was a dream. Only a dream, well, sort of. Sirius dropped back down onto the bed with his head in the pillows and closed his eyes A hand came up and stroked his hair “Are you alright?” “Yes, it was just a nightmare.” Sirius murmured leaning into the hand of the person, “I know a way to keep the nightmares away.” The female’s breath brushed against his ear and a smirk slid onto his face, “Do you now?” “Uhuh.” She purred then he felt the girl straddle him and placed her hands on his chest “I’ll make your bad dreams go away.” Sirius slid his hands up her thy and onto his hips, “Im sure you will, baby.” He smirked then felt the girl lean down and her breath brushed over his face, “Look at me, baby.” She whispered, stroking the side of his face “Kiss me.” Sirius kissed back as lips pressed against his own and moved slowly. Sirius ran a hand through her hair then slowly opened his eyes. His body froze and his lips stopped moving. His eyes were the only that moved but all they did was blink. The female pulled back with her brown eyes curiously staring down at him. “Sirius? Is everything ok?” his throat worked tightly as he figured out what to say. Evangeline Robyn Jenner tilted her head slightly so her brown locks tumbled onto his shoulder “Sirius?” he couldn’t think of anything and do but his eyes lingered on her lips. “Why…” he managed to croak out “…you here?” Evangeline’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she let out a laugh and flung her head back so that her pail throat was exposed. Sirius gulped nervously as she did so. Evangeline leaned down again, “Very funny, Siri.” She giggled pressing a kiss to his nose “I doubt you’d forget about your own girlfriend.” A grunt of pain escaped Sirius and he opened his eyes and found that he was in his dormitory on the floor. He’d obviously fallen out of his bed from the dull pain his back. Sirius raised his hand to forehead and rubbed his head. Had he just dreamed that Evangeline was his girlfriend? “Padfoot?” he looked up to see that James was sat up in his bed with the tip of his wand alight “What are you doing up? Its three in the morning.” “Nightmare.” Sirius grumbled as he climbed back into his bed “Go to bed, Prongs. You’re an ass when you don’t get enough sleep.” “Git.” He heard James mutter as he distinguished his lightly, covering the room in pitch black. *** Evangeline let out a giggle as Lily unpacked a large parcel excitedly that her mother had sent her, Evangeline already knew what it was pull of – Christmas decorations. It was the final week leading up the Christmas and Marlene and Alice had to go home for Christmas to be with their family, leaving just Evangeline and Lily in their dormitory. It had been two weeks since the talk with Sirius in the Owlery. In Gryffindor, all the girls had left – except a few seventh years who were saying to study for their final exams – and a lot of the boys had left, except for a couple of seventh years, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Great. Every time Evangeline thought of Sirius Black, a blush formed on her cheeks. James had nearly caught them kissing, how humiliating! She would make a conscious effort to avoid Sirius and James to escape any comments that they might say – she could only hope they hadn’t said anything in front of Lily. Lily had a special place in her heart for hating Sirius, the way he acted discussed her – and Evangeline! All the dreams she’d had of late always seemed to involve Sirius in one way or another. For example, last nights dream was of Sirius helping her with her homework. Strange I know, Sirius has never given a damn about anyone but himself and the marauders. The brunette snapped out of her thoughts when a piece of tinsel was thrown at her by Lily. Evangeline pulled it off herself, “Wake up dolly-day-dream.” Lily laughed and Evangeline rolled her eyes and threw it back to her “What are you thinking so hard about?” “Nothing.” Evangeline shrugged as she pulled out a small Christmas tree, only six inches tall, “Was it about your brother?” Lily asked as she put a set of wrapping paper on the floor beside her “Evie, just forget about him for now. Whatever he’s doing, he’s not thing of you so why think of him? Here.” Lily got to her feet and walked over to Evangeline’s bedside table and plucked the letter that was from Sebastian and handed it to her. Evangeline held it in her hands with a confused expression “Burn it.” Lily pulled out her wand and lit the small fire that was in the centre of the room. Evangeline’s eyes widened, “What?” “Yes, come on.” Lily pulled her forward and closer to the fire “Burn it, Evie. Show him that you don’t care.” Evangeline bit her lip and looked down at the letter in her hand. Though she had been thinking about Sirius, Sebastian had been plaguing her mind of late. Perhaps Lily was right, it was time she showed Sebastian that she didn’t care. Evangeline nodded and stepped forward and looked at the letter once more before throwing it into the flames and watching as it slowly burnt into a crisp. (Anything sound familiar about this?) *** James, Sirius, and Remus slouched down onto the couches in the Gryffindor Common room, James was reading the Daily Prophet, Sirius was fiddling with his wand, and Remus was reading a book about 'Quidditch'. James sat up as he read the title of one of the pages, "Get a load of this you lot, 'Death Eaters Attack Muggle."'." Read aloud James, "Death Eaters?" Sirius questioned looking over at James, "Cowards if you ask me", "It says here that three muggles were killed and two injured and by the time the ministry officials got there the Death Eaters had already left'." James told them as a summary of the passage, "What idiots?" Sirius scoffed "I would've been able to catch the Death Eaters, no problem." "Bloody hell mate, we're talking about you-know-who's supporters and your gloating on about yourself. You'd been killed in a second, Padfoot." Remus said as he looked at his friend, earning rolled eyes from Sirius followed by the boy slouched back down. James smirkedand continued reading the Prophet, and Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius and also returned to reading. James sat up a few moments later and looked harshly at Remus - more specifically - his book. Remus looked up and saw James looking towards him, "What?" Remus questioned "Thinking of going out for the Quidditch team there mate?" James questioned, "Not sure." "I'm sure Jenner would find you even more attractive." James snickered. Sirius's eye twitched slightly and he looked up at the mentioning of her, he snapped out of it and joined James. "Oh yeah, the ladies love a man who is strong and tough. That's why I'm so good with them." James, Sirius, and Remus looked up at the slight sound of girls low voices. Lily and Evangeline where giggling on about something up in they're dormitory loud enough for the boys downstairs to hear. "Speaking about the ladies, what do you reason they're giggling on about?" James said with a smirk on his face, "Doubt its about you mate." scoffed "Why don't we find out?" Sirius suggested with a smirk playing on his lips. James and Sirius looked at each other in a very mischief's smirk, Remus looked very worriedly at his friends, "I couldn't agree more Padfoot." James smirked and the boys hustled up the stairs. "Come on Moony!" "I've got a very bad feeling about this.' mumbled Remus before following the boys. *** Lily and Evangeline watched as the letter slowly burned in the air of their room, Lily was smiling at Evangeline who was watching it, "See, don't you feel better?" Lily said with a small smile on her face, "Yeah I do actually, I don't need boys to boss me around like that, who needs them anyway?" They both smiled at each other and looked happy. They suddenly jolted as the door suddenly opened but nothing entered. They both stared at each other and than the door, "Probably just the wind from the open window." Lily assured her friend, Lily walked over to the door and closed it, she than walked back over to Evangeline and they continued on talking, "So, speaking of boys, are you seeing anyone lately?" Lily asked her Evangeline blushed and was taken back to the dreams she has been having lately about Sirius, she was happy and in a way wanted it to be real but she snapped back into reality. "No, I'm not really interested at the moment. What about you?" Evangeline asked, "No." "What about James?" Evangeline inquired as she pulled her hair out of its pony tail. "What about him?" Lily asked as she pulled off her jumper leaving her in a thin tank top - the heat from the fire protecting them from the bitter winter cold. "Aren't you trying to give him a chance?" "He's arrogant but...I suppose I could give him a chance?" Lily slipped her bottom between her teeth, "What about Snape?" Evangeline asked. "Oh, Snape is very kind." "Only kind?" "Well he is very sweet and I love him very dearly." A small squeak-like sound caused the girls to snap their attention to the corner of the room, "What was that?" "Sounded like a sneeze." Evangeline said with her eyebrows furrowed "I'm sure it was nothing." Lily got up and walked slowly towards the door, her eyes where very focused on something. "Lily?" Evangeline tilted her head in confusion. Lily straightened up and rolled her eyes, "Bloody hell." she grumbled. She reached out and grabbed something, Evangeline was very confused on why she was grabbing air until Lily pulled her hand back and, out of the blue, James, Sirius, and Remus Remus appeared. "James." Lily growled "Evans, what a pleasant surprise." James said with a scared expression and it was right to be so. Lily's face was furious and she threw the invisibility cloak onto a bed and folded her arms. "Where you spying on us?". "I wouldn't call it spying, perhaps observing?" James squeaked as Evangeline stood up and looked closer at the bunch. "Remus?" her eyebrows were furrowed, disappointment was clear in her eyes as she stood next to Lily. The girls had the three boys in a corner. All three were trembling, "H-Hay Evie. Fancy seeing you here." Remus stammered nervously, "Don't tell me you agreed to this senseless act they just pulled?" Evangeline asked her voice full of disappointment and fury, "I-I'm sorry." Evangeline turned to Sirius, "No bought this was your idea." she muttered angrily and Sirius had a doleful look on his face and he looked at James than at the floor. "We'll talk about this later James, for now just get out." Lily ordered, her face turning a darker red colour than her hair. The boys walked out of the room but James stopped in the doorway and turned to look back at Lily, "Lily?" "What?" He hesitated for a moment, "Can I have my cloak?" Lily threw the cloak at James "Now. Out." James scurried out at her words. Lily walked over to the door and slammed it shut and locking it. Making sure no other unwanted visitors arrived. Evangeline stood with her arms crossed and looking down at the cold floor. "Evie? What is it?" Lily asked. Evangeline smiled and looked up, "It's nothing." Lily stayed silent and sat beside Evangeline on her bed, "At least we learned one thing today." Evangeline commented with the edges of her lips twitching into a smirk, "And whats that?" "James could take his eyes off you."
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