Chapter 11

2294 Words
1976 6th Year //Madam Puddifoots Foots// "Eck." Lily screeched as loud as an owl. "Evie, your going out with Raphael, the Raphael." Evangeline began to blush as her cheeks became a light rose color, "So what are you going to wear?" Alice asked, "I don't know, what I normally wear on a daily basis." Evangeline shrugged. "Oh no your not, your going out with Raphael which means you need to look stunning", Lily commented and they all giggled. "Aren't you all coming to Hogsmeade as well?" Evangeline questioned. "Yeah but we aren't going with boys." Marlene answered, "I'll take you Lily-flower." said an excited voice from outside the girls dorms, Lily got up and banged on their door hard with the side of her fist. "Go away James!" she yelled loud enough for possibly the whole tower might hear, "Okay, I'll see later at Hogsmeade with me." he called back followed by the sound of footsteps getting lighter as James walked away, "Doubt it." Lily growled and banged on the door once more and sat back down on her bed, "Damn Lily, you must really hate him." Marlene giggled. "Hate is a very strong word, I just highly dislike him thats all." and the all went quiet for a few seconds after she spoke. "Evie," Alice spoke. "do you think you are going to become Raphael's new girlfriend?" "Don't know. Probably not. Why?" she replied, "Well I've seen the way Remus looks at you and I..." Alice was interrupted suddenly by Evangeline squeaking, "We are just friends, really good friends if you want to put it that way. I like Remus but only as a friend and not some boy I would obsess over." "Like Sirius?" Marlene joked. "Shut up." Evie snapped jokingly back at Marlene and they all laughed and Lily got up from her bed, "Come on Evie, time to get you ready for your date". *** "Will you stop fidgeting." Marlene snapped "You look fine." Lily nodded in agreement whilst Alice slapped Evangeline hand and stopped fiddling with her thin belt. The four Gryffindor's made their way down the Hogwarts entrance of the courtyard where Raphael was supposed to be. Evangeline was practically shaking in her boots as she walked with her friends, it had taken a full two and a half hours to get Evangeline's outfit sorted out [X]. A loud gasp came from Lily and she quickly turned to the girls and giggled, "Raphaels waiting for you." "Okay, go." Marlene, Alice and Lily pushed Evangeline to the small opening. Evangeline walked around to corner and saw, like Lily had said, that Raphael was standing at the entrance of the courtyard with a single rose in his hand. A blushed formed on Evangeline's cheeks as she made her way to the handsome boy, his eyes locked with hers and a small appeared on his face as she came to a stop before him. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl" Raphael told her charmingly holding out the rose, "Thank you." She replied with a pink blush on her cheek as she took the rose from him. "Shall we go?" he grinned and the pair walked out the court yard with a nod from Evangeline. *** "Do you think we should follow them?" Alice inquired as they made their way out of the courtyard as they made their way toward the small village, "Alice! No!" shrieked Lily looking at her incredulously "This is Evangeline date and we will not ruin it by us following and seeing what the pair is up to! That is completely....utterly...." she trailed off at the raised eyebrows of Marlene and Alice "...maybe it wouldn't be so bad...." Marlene and Alice glanced between each other with a grin before the three of then dashed toward the carriages that would take them to Hogsmead. *** “I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Remus commented as he followed his three friends with his hands shoved into his pockets “I mean, this is her day why are we going to spy on her?” “Because….” James droned "...where Jenner goes, Evans isnt so far behind." “Why are you so okay with this, Moony?” Sirius questioned in confusion as he glanced into the shop windows, “Why wouldn’t I?” Remus questioned furrowing his eyebrow, “She’s your girlfriend. God, no wonder you guys don’t hang around each other.” James commented and Remus groaned loudly as he spoke, “How many times do I have to tell you? Evangeline is not my girlfriend.” Sirius winked, “Of course she isn’t mate.” Teased Sirius before he stopped at a pink door and peered inside and smirked “Found them.” Sirius watched as Raphael pulled out her chair and she sat before he pushed her forward then Raphael sat opposite her. “Madam Puddifoots?” Remus read in confusion “We’ve never been here before.” “That’s because it for dates. Very popular with lovers.” James explained “Padfoots been here once or twice.” A sly smirked appeared on James face as he spoke. “Ella Ellrol, fifth year.” Clarified Sirius with a glance back at James “Get it out.” James reached into his bag and pulled out a very familiar object. “No. No. Absolutely not.” Remus said as James closed his bag with the invisibility cloak in Peters hands. Sirius rolled his eyes and took the cloak from Peter, “Stop complaining.” Sirius told him as the handsome boy covered the three of them in the cloak, Peter was going to stay outside as all four of them were unable to fit under the cloak anymore. Peter entered the tea house and the other three slipped inside before the door closed, Peter then walked out and the three boys manoeuvred their way through the tables toward the couple. Sirius smirked whilst Remus gulped nervously as the trio came to a stop a few meters from Evangeline and Roddson, they could now hear the two. “Thank you, by the way.” Raphael told her gently, “For what?” Evangeline asked tilting her head in confusion at his statement, “For agreeing to come on this date with me.” He told her bashfully and Evangeline flushed and looked down then back up at him, “Oh, it’s okay, I guess.” Evangeline said slowly “I’m surprised that you asked me because you’re Raphael Roddson the best Quidditch player on the Ravenclaw team, straight O student and extremely hot student whilst I’m….” she trailed off when she realized what she had just said and her cheeks turned bright red. A disgusted expression appeared on Sirius’s face when he heard her little rant. In Sirius’s opinion, Roddson was the furthest thing from being attractive, he failed to see why Evangeline or any other girl would want to be with him. He looked like a blast-ended skrewt that had been hit by a London bus. He clenched his fists and looked at Remus who just looked nervous and awkward looking around as if people could see them. “Of all the places they go to.” James muttered quietly “Why not the Three Broom Sticks? That’s so much better. Don’t you agree?” Unfortunately, it seemed that James was a little too loud as Evangeline said, “Did you hear something?” Raphael shrugged and Evangeline furrowed her eyebrows and looked over her shoulder directly where the three were. Sirius clamped a hand over James mouth and held his breath and Evangeline looked around them. Then, Evangeline’s eyes locked with his and Sirius felt like she could see directly at them and his eyes widened as she continued to stare at him before shaking her head and returning to look at Roddson. Sirius let out a small shaky breath of relief and removed his hand from James mouth. “Prongs, you really need to shut your mouth.” Remus grumbled and James only shrugged. Sirius rolled his eyes before looking back at Evangeline and Roddson and saw that they were doing small talk. A light scoff escaped his lips, “He’s just an idiot.” Sirius muttered and James glared at him “Not you, idiot.” James raised an eyebrow. Sirius returned to looking at the couple and saw a waitress giving the pair their drinks. “Let’s have some fun.” Sniggered James and Sirius smirked and they began to make their way closer to them but Remus quickly stopped them whilst keeping all three of them under the cloak, “This is wrong.” He told the seriously “Come on, let’s go.” “Stop being a wimp, Moony.” James commented and Sirius nodded before they, Remus reluctantly, made their way to the side of the table. Evangeline took a sip of her drink and looked at Raphael who was already staring at her and her cheeks and tips of her ears heated up. Raphael took a drink and placed it down on the table, “So, Evie.” Evangeline blushed at the nickname “What do you like to do?” Why is it, when an attractive boy asks you a question your mind completely goes blank? Every think leaves you mind and you can’t answer a simple question. Perhaps it was just Evangeline that experienced this, but, whatever the case, she couldn’t think of a single think. A few moments later Evangeline was finally able to ask, “Like what?” “You know,” Raphael said “what do you do on the weekend? What books do you read? You’re favorite quidditch team?” her bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she thought about it, “Urm, I read most of the time.” She told him honestly “Either that or I hang out with Lily.” “Lily Evans?” he raised an eyebrow and leaned forward with an interested expression “Yes.” Evangeline nodded looking down “Lily, Marlene and Alice. They’ve been my friends since first year”. Under the invisibility cloak, James clenched his jaw at the expression on Raphael’s face as Evangeline continued to talk about Lily. Whilst on, the handsome boy’s face beside him was a frown. Why was Raphael so interest in Lily and not Evangeline? He glanced at Remus who just looked extremely uncomfortable with watching the two, Sirius then returned to looking at couple and saw that Raphael was taking a drink. A smirk appeared on his face and he reached forward and pushed his drink up and the liquid spilt all down his chin and chest. “What the f**k!” Raphael exclaimed as the drink cover his shirt and lap. Evangeline’s eyes widened and she placed her drink down and quickly handed him some napkin but Rapael pushed her hand away “Get off.” Evangeline placed the napkins down and watched as Raphael pulled out his wand and waved it and the water evaporated leaving his shirt dry. Once Raphael had slipped his wand back into his pocked then sighed and looked at her “Sorry, Evie, I…I felt so embarrassed.” “Why?” Evangeline tilted her head in confusion, “Because I literally just spilt water all over myself.” Raphael chuckled “Not exactly how I thought this would go.” Evangeline blushed.“You thought about this?” she inquired “Yeah.” Raphael told her bashfully “For a while now.” “Loser.” A sniggered came from beside her and she looked toward the voice but saw no one, she frowned, “Evie?” she returned her gaze to Raphael “Are you alright?” Evangeline nodded, “Yeah….I just….never mind.” she waved off before turning completely to face him. Evangeline smiled at him and lifted the cup toward her lips, “So, Evie, I was – “ she stopped before the cup touched her lips at the bazar sight before her. Raphael was swatting at something “Evie, I was – get off – what do you – ouch!” Raphael leapt to his feet with a crazed and furious expression “Who the hell is doing that?!” her eyes widened as he spun around angrily before he was shoved forward onto their table. Evangeline squeaked and got to her feet quickly and stumbled backward and Raphael began to swing his arms around the place. Raphael suddenly fell forward onto the table opposite them, almost as if he was shoved, the occupants of the table screamed loudly and moved away. Evangeline’s eyes widened “Stop! Get off! Stop it!” then he swung his arm back ward and a loud groan sound but she couldn’t see anyone get hit by him. Suddenly, from the corner of her eye she couldn’t sworn that an ankle appeared not attached to a body at all. Her jaw dropped before she blinked and it was gone before blink again but then saw nothing. Evangeline looked up at Raphael who was staring in shock around at what he’d done then slowly looked at her “I...” Before running out of Madam Puddifoots leaving Evangeline alone with a shocked expression.
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