Chapter 10

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1976 6th Year //Remus's Anger, Evangeline's Crush and Confrontation// “You are so incompetent!” Remus bellowed bellowed in the dorm room he shared with James, Sirius, Peter and Frank . He was pacing long the length of the room with James lying on the bed with the snitch fluttering a few inches above his face, Sirius was lying on his bed with his arm behind his head and his eyes closed and the other lay across his stomach, whilst Peter was sat in a chair looking between the group with a packet of muggle chocolate in his gasp. Remus clenched his fists “Gate crashing the Slug Club! Using the map! Bring Evangeline into it! Padfoot, what’s wrong with you?!” “Oh, calm down Moony.” Sirius droned “Your girlfriend didn’t get in trouble.” “She’s not my girlfriend.” Remus shot at him harshly “That’s not even the point. You need to be careful.” Sirius swung his legs over the edge of the bed and got to his feet and stretched with a groan, “I am, Moony.” He assured the blonde as he walked over to the mirror and messed up his, already messy, hair “Anyway,” he spun around to face Remus “we have other important things to focus on.” Remus raised an eyebrow and Sirius looked down at James who answered “It’s your time of the month.” James said in a bored tone and Remus paled and Sirius sent him a pitiful glance. Remus’s friends knew how painful it was for Remus once every month but it wasn't as bad as it used to be because Sirius, James and Peter were there to help him every time since fifth year. “It’s still a week away.” Remus muttered and Sirius nodded, “We know but we want to get prepared now.” Sirius told him and Peter and James nodded in agreement “Now,” he clapped his hands together “I’ve got to go. I have a date with Bellany.” “Bethany?” Peter squeaked and Sirius nodded, “Yeah, Beth.” He then walked out the dormitory and down the steps and into the common room where he saw Evangeline and Lily talking quietly on the couches. A smirk appeared on his handsome face and he strolled over to them “Ladies.” Evangeline and Lily looked up at him and a frowned appeard on Evangeline’s face and she huffed and turned away from him. His left eyebrow raised an his lips twitched in amusement, “What do you want now, Black?” Lily spat “Nothing.” Sirius said raising his hands upward in surrender before taking a few steps backward “Just wanted to see what beautiful ladies do in their spare time.” Black barely escaped a book that was thrown at his head by Lily. *** …write back, Love, Eve. Evangeline looked down at the letter to her brother before she folded it and tied it with a piece of string then turned to her owl, Earl, and attached it to his leg and stroked her owls grey feathers, “Get it to Sebastian, Earl.” She whispered softly and the owl cooed then nipped at her fingers before he opened his beautiful wings before jumping from the window with his wings wide spread. Evangeline leaned on the windowsill and watched as her bird flew away. “Evangeline?” she spun around and came face to face with Raphael Roddson, a seventh year Ravenclaw and her long time crush. Evangeline flushed and she brushed her hair behind her ear, “Hi Raphael.” Her voice shook slightly and she mentally was cursing herself to oblivion. Why did she always act like an i***t in front of Raphael? All he was, was a smart, attractive, kind, single, hot…ugh. Evangeline smiled awkwardly, she was partly surprised that he even knew she existed ever mind her own name! Evangeline decided to break the silence “So…what are you doing here?” A laugh escaped Raphael’s lips and he held up a letter in his hand and Evangeline nodded slowly, scolding herself for forgetting where they were. The owlery. A blushed formed on her cheeks “Sorry.” “Nah, it’s okay.” Raphael waved off casually “I take it that you’ve got a letter to send as well?” “No, I’ve actually already sent it.” Evangeline told him quietly and Raphael smiled, “Okay.” His smile then fell “I guess I’m keeping you here?” “Well, yes but I don’t mind.” Evangeline told him “I haven’t got much to do anyway.” Raphael nodded before his bottom lipped slipped between his teeth as he looked at Evangeline “I should go.” Evangeline said taking a few steps toward the exit, “Yeah.” Raphael nodded as Evangeline smiled at him brightly before making her way out of the tower and down the steps with her cheeks reddening as she did so. Evangeline rubbed her arms as she walked down the steps but only a few seconds after leaving the owlery Raphael’s voice reached Evangeline’s ears “Hey! Evangeline!” she turned around and saw the handsome seventh year standing at the top of the steps, “Yes?” “I was wondering, if you want…maybe you could sit with me and my friends during dinner tomorrow?” Evangeline’s jaw dropped slightly in shock and her cheeks redden even more “That is…if you want to.” He added and Evangeline nodded quickly, “Yes, of course.” She answered hurriedly, attempting to keep the excitement from her voice and a broad smile broke out onto his face, “Great!” he exclaimed and Evangeline could have sworn she saw a light pink dusting on his cheeks “Urm…you can bring your friend, Lily if you want to.” “I think she’ll like that.” Evangeline smiled “Bye, Raphael.” “Bye, Evie.” *** “Seriously!” Lily screeched an hour later her in the common room with her bright blue eyes wide. Evangeline winced at her friends loud and high-pitched voice but nodded never the less. “Yes, Raphael asked if I would like to sit with him during dinner tomorrow.” Evangeline repeated with a smile before adding quickly “He also invited you to come along.” Lily’s jaw dropped and she let out a loud squeal and clapped with bright grin on her pale face, “This is amazing! I cant believe…It’s Raphael Roddson! The best Quidditch player that Hogwarts has ever seen! He’s so handsome! Smart! He’s perfect!” “I hope you’re talking about me, Lily-flower.” The two girls looked over at the steps to see Potter and Black standing at the bottom leaning against the wall “Well, you must be – you said he’s the best player in Quidditch.” A cocky smirk appeared on Potter’s face as he stood and strolled toward the girls. Lily raised an eyebrow and folded her arms, “You wish.” She muttered “Prongs, you’ve got it all wrong.” Black said as he strode toward the girls “It’s obviously me, that they’re talking about. Handsome, smart, best Quidditch player, and 'just perfect'.” Sirius grinned at the girls and Evangeline shot him a glare. She hadn’t forgiven him for nearly getting into trouble the other day when he made her tried to bring her into trouble with him and Potter. “We weren’t talking about either of you.” Evangeline told them with her eyes narrowing and Back raised an eyebrow, “Remus? He’s not a Quidditch player, love.” Black told her and Evangeline rolled her eyes, “It’s not Remus either.” Lily snapped “It’s none of your business.” “I beg to differ, Lily-flower.” James pulled Lily to him and wrapped his arms around her “I need to know who my girlfriend thinks is perfect.” “I am not your girlfriend.” Lily growled shoving him off and brushing herself off “If you must know, we were talking about Raphael Roddon.” The two boy’s jaw dropped in shock and they stared at the girls. Then, out of the blue, Pother and Black burst into laughter. Evangeline and Lily glanced in each other with confused expressions on their faces before back at the boys, “What’s so funny?” Evangeline asked them with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at their laugher – particularly James’s. I mean, his crush had just called another guy ‘perfect’. “Roddson?” Black was able to croak out once they’d calmed themselves down “Roddson’s handsome? Ladies, he looks like a troll.” “No he doesn’t.” Evangeline snapped “More importantly – even though that is true – Roddson is not the best Qudditch player this school has ever seen.” Potter sniggered “He is an embarrassment to the sport.” Sirius nodded in agreement and added, “And he’s the furthest from perfect.” Evangeline and Lily rolled their eyes at the boys comments. “Shut up.” Lily grumbled “Come on Evangeline. I have stuff to do.” “I’m stuff.” “Potter!” *** “What do you think?” James asked “Harry or James Jr?” “What about Sirius Jr?” “James child cannot be called Sirius Jr, Padfoot.” Remus sighed rubbed his forehead “It has to be your full name? You know, Sirius Orion Black. Not Sirius Orion Potter.” “Who said they won’t be a Black?” Sirius pouted “Because it’ll be a Potter because it will be James child?” Remus explained “Who said it won’t be mine and James?” Sirius demanded “Because…” James smirked “…my children will only be made with my lovely Lily-flower.” “You’ve broken my heart.” Sirius said dramatically “After everything I’ve done for you…you choose her. Prongs please!” he flung himself at James and hugged him “Don’t leave me.” James laughed and pushed Sirius playfully, “Shove off, Padfoot.” Sirius looked up at him with an overly pouted lip, “Call it Padfoot?” “Of course.” James said and Remus rolled his eyes, “Don’t your both so stupid.” Remus grumbled then looked down the Gryffindor table and frowned when he didn’t see Lily or Evangeline but only Marlene, Alice and Frank “Hay, where are Evangeline and Lily?” the other three boys followed Remus’s gaze and James frowned but Sirius waved his hand dismissively, “Probably in the library.” He said in a tone of boredom, Remus nodded in agreement and put a forkful of potatoes in his mouth then looked across at the Ravenclaw table and saw Lily and Evangeline sitting and laughing with Raphael Roddson and the other seventh year Ravenclaws boys. “I don’t think they’re in the library.” Remus murmured not removing his gaze from the girls, “What?” James and Sirius asked, their mouths full with food. Remus nodded toward the girls and James and Sirius looked over their shoudlers and their jaws dropped in shock. “Oh hell no.” *** Evangeline flung her head back as she laughed at what Finnick had just said, Lily was beside her grinning widely. “I’m being serious!” Finnick exclaimed chuckling “I swear, Professor McGonagall never looked at me the same.” “I wouldn’t either.” Scoffed Aaron as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice “You burst into her office with nothing but your boxers on.” “It’s not my fault.” Grumbled Finnick “I thought it was the bathroom, I was in first year.” “Still!” shouted Raphael with a large grin on his face. Evangeline was sat beside Raphael and every time their hands brushed her face turned bright red which Lily seemed to great pleasure in pointing out slyly with a wink. “Now,” began Aaron “changing the subject, do you girls have any boyfriends?” Evangeline and Lily glanced at each other before blushing slightly then Lily replied, “No, we don’t.” “Why?” Evangeline tilted her head slightly as she spoke. “Well,” Raphael said looking down at her “Evie, I was wondering whether – “ “Roddson.” Evangeline mentally groaned at the sound of Black’s voice, “Black” Roddson greeted blankly, the two girls looked behind them and saw Black, Potter, Remus and Peter standing behind them – Remus looked like he’d rather be anyway but here. “Going for taken girls, are we?” Potter questioned glaring at Finnick who was on the other side of Lily. The Gryffindor girls frowned and glanced at one another, “What?” they asked in confusion but then it dawned on Evangeline. Everyone knew that Lily was ‘James’ well, anyone who got too Lily with other intention then being her friend was basically dead. “Potter, I’d leave if I were you.” Raphael said taking a sip of his pumpkin juice “We wouldn’t want you embarrassing yourself.” “What?” scoffed Sirius with a small smirk on his face “Like you did during the last Quidditch match.” Evangeline gulped nervously and looked between Raphael and Sirius, Raphael narrowed his eyes at Sirius dangerously. The smirk on Sirius’s face increased and he crossed his arms “Yes, being embarrassing is your forte.” “Shove off, Black.” Snarled Aaron “Go back to your childish love games.” “You’re one to talk.” Snapped James “Didn’t Roddson just break up with…whats her name…Elma?” “Emma.” Corrected Roddson through clenched teeth, Evangeline looked down at the table and chewed her bottom lip. Emma Frinnany, the beautiful Hufflepuff that Raphael had dated for nearly two years straight but had broken up because…well…she didn’t know why. It seemed Raphael had seen her expression as he quickly added “She means nothing to me. Emma is completely in the past.” Evangeline nodded slightly, “Sure.” Sirius chuckled disbelievingly, “Something to say, Black?” snarled Raphael harshly, “Nothing.” Shrugged Black with the edges of his lips twitching. “Yeah you do.” Snapped Raphael “Don’t be shy, speak up.” “Urm…maybe we should go.” Lily said awkwardly as she and Evangeline got to their feet “Brilliant idea, Lily-flower.” Grinned Potter “Wait, no, please stay.” Finnick said quickly “Its okay.” Evangeline smiled lightly “Maybe we can hang out again?” “Defiantly.” “No way.” Evangeline looked at Sirius and James as they spoke after the Ravenclaw boys, “Oh shut up, Potter.” Lily spat before returning to look at Finnick and smiled softly “Of course we’ll hang around another time. Bye.” Lily took Evangeline hand and they began to walk away with Potter, Black, Remus and Peter trailing behind them, well, James kept trying to put his arm around Lily’s should but she kept shoving his back. “Hay! Evangeline!” She stopped and turned to see Raphael jogging toward her, she moved between James and Remus and stood before Raphael, “Yes?” she asked as he stopped before her. “I was wondering whether you’d like to come to Hogesmead with me next weekend?” he asked her with a light blush on his cheeks “Like a date?” Evangeline asked timidly “Yeah.” Grinned Raphael “I’d love to.” Evangeline replied “Great, I’ll meet you at the entrance on Saturday. Bye, Evie.” He kissed her cheek before jogging back to his seat. Evangeline’s cheek’s flushed with red and she pressed her hand to her cheek not realizing that a pair of eyes were glaring into her back.
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