Chapter 12

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1976 6th Year //Bruises and Werewolves// A groan escaped Sirius mouth as he pinched his nose with his head backward and in front of him was James who was holding an icepack to his face. Even though Sirius’s face hurt that wasn’t the reason he was groaning. Remus was giving the pair a long lecture about what had happened earlier that day. “…if someone saw us they could tell Professor McGonagall. I’m sure that someone must have seen us. Two clumsy fools acting like idiots! It is insane! You both are – “ “Moony.” James sighed “We would love it if you please quieten down?” “Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed we have very serious injuries.” Sirius motioning to his nose which had a bit of dried blood on it and was blue and purple. “It’s your own fault.” Remus told them “What were you thinking messing around with Roddson?” “He was stealing your girl.” Sirius shrugged simply, “She’s not my girl, Padfoot.” Remus groaned “How many time do I have to tell you? I don’t have a crush on Evangeline. I swear, Sirius, you talk about her more than I do. If anyone fancies her, its you.” A scoff came from Sirius and James, “Please.” James sneered “Padfoot can do way better than Jenner. Plus, Black can never be confined to a single girl.” He patted his best mate on the back and Sirius nodded in agreement, “Exactly.” Sirius then got to his feet “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to.” “Who?” Peter squeaked “Beth.” Shrugged Sirius “She said she wants to meet in her room. Says she’s got surprise for me.” He winked before leaving their dormitory leaving James with a proud expression, Remus looking disgusted and Peter who looked in awe as the black-haired boy left the room. *** “It was awful.” Evangeline whimpered letting her head fall into her arms which rested on a library desk. Yesterday had been one of the most embarrassing moments of Evangeline’s life - her date with Raphael. At current, she was retelling the story to Lily, Marlene, Alice and Frank with a grim expression on her face. “Then what happened?” Alice asked “He just left.” Evangeline replied lifting her head to look at her friends, “That so odd” Lily commented “I mean, why could he suddenly act all….” She trailed off obviously not needing to continue. Everyone shrugged including Evangeline but something lingered in her mind. She had seen, or thought she had seen, an ankle floating in mid-air beside her table. Now, there were many ways that it could be there: Splinching, a person may apperated incorrectly and left their ankle behind. It was a valid idea, the person may have gotten scared by Raphael’s antics and, in the hurry, accidently splinched. Then again, Evangeline could recall seeing another person in that position before Raphael had started batting around.Invisibility spell glitch, this would make sense as Evangeline had only seen the ankle for a few seconds then blinked and saw nothing in its place. However, why would any person place an invisibility spell upon themselves and it is extremely rare for a spell to glinch.Evangeline may have imagined it. Yes, that must have been it. “Evie?” “Hay, Evie?” “Ouch!” Evangeline yelped and rubbed the back of her head then shot a glare at Lily who shrugged innocently, acting as though she hadn't just hit her over to the head. “What were you thinking about?” Marlene asked her, “Nothing.” Evangeline murmured the four looked at her with raised eyebrows but Frank shook his head and asked, “Did you hear about Potter and Black?” Frank inquired, “What about them?” Alice asked and a smirk appeared on Franks face as he leaned forward to the group, “Well,” Frank began “rumour has it that Black and Potter got into a fight.” At the girls shocked expression, he continued with a sly smirk on his face “Coleborn told me that Black and Potter had a massive fight and came back to the common room with bruises and blood on their faces.” “Why could they fight?” frowned Marlene in confusion “They’re in separable.” “I think, it was that Black was getting to close to Potters girl.” Frank told them and Lily frowned, “James has a girlfriend?” Lily asked and Evangeline could hear a hint of jealous in her tone. Alice rolled her eyes, “He means you.” Alice snapped and Lily flushed deeply then quickly shook her head, “I am not his – “ “Anyway,” Frank continued ignoring Lily “Black flirts with everyone so maybe Potter thought that he was flirting with Lily.” “That’s an awful theory.” Marlene told Frank bluntly “Black would never flirt with Lily! Yes, he jokes about it but everyone knows that Lily is James’s girl.” “I am not.” Lily snapped her but her cheeks reddened. “Bones told me that Potter and Black battle with a dragon.” Marlene said and Evangeline raised an eyebrow at her words “What?” “A dragon?” Lily repeated incredulously “Come on.” Marlene shrugged “Its Potter and Black.” A sigh escaped Evangeline’s lips and she leaned on her hand then looked around. “Evie, have you spoken to Raphael since?” Alice asked her “No.” she signed “I’ve been avoiding him and I think he’s being avoiding me too. I saw him this morning in the great hall but he completely blanked me then again I did avoid looking his direction for the whole of breakfast.” “You should just talk to him.” Lily suggested “I mean, he is Raphael Roddson. The hottest boy in Hogwarts. You cant pass on a guy like him!” “I’m not.” Evangeline sighed “I…I don’t know. I will talk to him eventually but I don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Frank barked out a laugh as he said, “I doubt you could make a bigger fool of yourself than Roddson did.” Alice then thwacked the back of Franks head and scowled at him, “Don’t insult him.” She snapped “He’s perfect.” Frank pouted and looked down at her “Well, your nearly perfect.” Alice kissed his cheek and Frank grinned widely. They’d been dating for nearly a year, a year on December the second. Evangeline smiled as she looked at the couple who were looking at his other in adoration. Part of her was jealous, why couldn’t she have that? *** It was later that next day that Lily and Evangeline found themselves sitting alone at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. They studied away with loads of books on Herbology, Defense against the Dark arts, and Potions. Lily was humming a tone and was starting to drive Evangeline crazy so she looked around and saw Raphael sitting with his friends at the Ravenclaw table. Their eyes locked and Raphael smiled lightly and made a small wave towards Evangeline but she turned away ignoring him. A big scruffy tall man clumped down the isle carrying a huge pine tree from the forest. It was the Game Keeper Hagrid, he was always doing tasks for Dumbledore and is actually very nice to Lily and Evangeline. "Hello you two, beautiful winters day terday aint it." said Hagrid happily passing by, "Hi Hagrid." the two girls replied, "What are you doing Hagrid?" asked Lily, "Why I bringing in the tree I chopped down by me house, orders by professor Dumbledore himself", Hagrid said in a tone which made it sound like he had just done something tremendous, "Bye Hagrid." the girls waved as Hagrid continued with his task with the pine needled of the pine tree scrapped against the Great Hall floors and lightly brushed up against Lily and Evangeline's shoulders as it passed. "Hey guys, was that Hagrid?" asked Alice sitting down across from the girls. Frank Longbottom followed behind Alice and sat next to her. "Yes, he's in charge of bringing the Christmas Tree this year. Again." Lily informed them all. Frank Longbottom glanced at the pile of books infront of him and a rapid smile appeared as he read the cover in his mind before saying, "Fascinating creatures, Hippogriffs. They are heard to fly the skies at night and are extremely rare if you find one lurking around the school." said Frank absentmindedly, "Frank your doing it again," said Alice giggling along with Lily and Evangeline, "Oh sorry", said Frank blushing. "Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would like to join me and Frank for a drink down at the Three Broomsticks, unless you would rather study some more." Alice told the two studying girls. "I would love to Alice really but, I told Mr. Slughorn I would help him decorate the Christmas Tree in his office." said Lily. Alice nodded and than looked at Evangeline. "What about you Evie?" "Um...", "Yes?" "I was planning to go to the Library in a little bit and get a book on Quidditch", said Evangeline. "Quidditch? Really, huh I guess I wouldn't have thought you where interested in the sport at all." asked Alice. "Remus told me I should look it up, he said its very interesting on how the game was created." "Brutal game, Quidditch." blurted Frank. "I mean, you could get hurt", "I have no intention of playing the game, I would just like to learn more on the subject of the game." Evangeline corrected him, "Well we better get going before all the seats are taken, come on Franky." Alice giggled again, "Alice!" Frank whined, "Bye." Alice giggled again to her friends, "What do you say Evie, want to help decorate the Tree with me?" Lily asked smiling. "Sorry Lily I promised Remus I would read the book but I'll catchup with you later, I promise." "Ok, see you later Evie." Evangeline swing her legs over the bench and began walking towards the doorway when... "Hey Evie, I um..." said Raphael standing behind Evangeline. "I need to go." muttered Evangeline looking away from her, "I - " but he was cut off again by Evangeline swiftly living with nothing but a short, "Bye." *** "Evie!" Evangeline turned around to see Remus jogging over to her, he was panting and breathing heavily, "Hey Remus, you ok?" she asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine, so how are you?" "Good, I um was wondering if you had any recommendations on books for me to read?" she asked so polite. Remus stood there in front of Evangeline thinking for a moment and than it hit him, "Have you ever been interested in Werewolves by chance?" he asked cautiously, "Werewolves... what for, I mean I've heard of them before a know very little on them." "Let me show you something." Remus took Evangeline's hand and took her to the back on the Library behind a tall shelf. He pulled out a rather tiny book, about one hundred pages long and handed it to Evangeline. She looked at it puzzled than back at Remus, "Fiend or Friend? The true about Werewolves." she read allowed in a confused tone, "That's my recommendation for the week, read it and get back to me. You might be surprised." Remus said with a bright smile and light wink, a smile slid onto her face and she held the book close to her chest, "Thanks, Remus." she felt eyes on them as she spoke, "Moony, where have you been mate. Its time to go remember." said a voice, "Hey Prongs." greeted Remus as Evangeline turned around to find James Potter walking over to them, "Oh sorry, Jenner. Didn't see you there." James looked at the book in her arms and back at her face, "Watch got there Jenner?" James asked as his tongue licked his upper teeth, "What do you mean?" Evangeline asked, "That book that you're holding tight to your chest. I bet theres some secret love notes in there - " but he was interrupted, "Wow, look at the time Padfoot, guess we better be going before it gets dark." Remus rushed to the annoying James. "See you later Evie." and James and Remus quickly vanished out of sight before Evangeline could even say a word. Evangeline took the book out of her bag and opened to the introduction page. Werewolves through the ages have evolved into the kinds of creatures we know today. But what they started as is a mystery. Werewolves are to be known as monsters, shunned by humanity and society, and a burden on your back but some Werewolves aren't all that way. There have now been researched to he different hybrids of Werewolves out there such as half human; half Werewolf. These types of hybrids contain the power to turn into this monster on the night of a full moon and turn into a killer until the sun rises from the ground. Is there more to Werewolves than myths tell? Evangeline closed the book and looked at a near by window. She walked up to the window and saw night has fallen and above all that was the moon was over the hills in the distance, "Could he be...?"
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