Chapter 7

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1976 6th Year //Bludgers and Hogsmeade// "He what?!" shouted Lily the following morning as the she, Evangeline and Alice sat talking about last nights happenings. "Your joking." Alice commented with rage filling her voice, Evangeline swore that the next time she would see Black would be in the hospital wing with his bones broke courtesy of Lily and Alice. Evangeline looked down at her pajamas than stood up and walked over to the window and knelt down next to it. Rain pounded onto the glass rhythmically as she looked into the distance thinking of how to handle the situation,"Evie, what are you gonna do?" asked Alice nervously as she took a seat next to Evangeline but Lily just walked in circles in the middle of the room muttering to herself. "Lily, you alright?" Alice questions and Evangeline turned her attention to her red-haired friend, Lily looked at them both sternly. "No I'm not alright. First those boys torment Remus about him having a crush on you, than we find you and Sirius alone by the Black lake and now he kisses you whilst drunk, I'm very pissed." Alice and Evangeline had never seen Lily so frustrated about anything. Lily's been concerned about a lot of things but never this serious. Evangeline stood up and made Lily sit down on her bed as she sat down beside her calmingly. "Lily, I'm fine it was just a kiss its not like we did anything" Lily pouted, her arms where crossed and her face began to grin but faded shortly. "You don't reckon he knew he was doing it knowingly do you?" asked Alice. That was a very good question in which Evangeline hadn't thought of before and was know very curious as well. "Of course he did." Lily blurted. "We all know when Black has to much to drink he..." the door swung open and in came Marlene. She seemed to have important information about something but couldn't at the fact that she must have ran her way here. "Quick, its Remus", Marlene yelled huffing and puffing. Evangeline jumped on to her feet and sprinted out of the room. Lily, Marlene, and Alice followed her as she ran out of the lonely common room. She'd reached the heard of people outside in the pouring rain, lightning filled the skies and the wind brushed more rain onto everyones faces. Evangeline, and Lily forced themselves to the front of the clutter of students to see Remus unconscious on the ground of the quidditch pitch. A school broom was laying beside him with a burnt tip. James, Sirius, and Professor Mcgonagall where standing behind him talking. Professor Mcgonagall seemed to be very angry with them. "Out of my way, all of you!" yelled a voice from behind. Madam Pomfrey was pushing through students out her way to Remus. "What happened to him?" asked Madam Pomfrey. "Bludger to the head" said Sirius. Everyone looked at him with fear. "Is he dead?" asked Frank Longbottom who was standing next to Evangeline. Frank was always scared of the game Quidditch because of its harshness he called it. "No no dear, of course not" was Madam Pomfreys reply, Evangeline's heart lightened up a bit, she couldn't believe the fact if she had lost a good friend. Especially Remus Lupin. * * * Gryffindors crowded the hospital wing, mostly around Remus Lupin who was still unconscious. Lily and James where arguing behind everyone about the safeness of Quidditch. "Are you mad?!" Lily shrieked. "He could have died, Remus doesn't even play Quidditch", "Lily flower we where only trying to play a little round and then it started raining. The next thing we know Remus is on the ground." James stated. Lily still wasn't pleased with his response and began to shake with rage, "Don't call me that Potter" Lily yelled. Evangeline was sitting in a chair next to Remus's bedside holding his hand. She looked over at her best friend as she argued with the boy. Suddenly Evangeline felt Remus grip her hand back then groaned quietly, she looked down at him quickly, "Remus?" she whispered and Remus's eyes slowly opened and his lips formed a small smile up at her, "Evie...What happened?" Remus asked sitting up. "Bludger." responded Sirius simply and rolled his eyes but there was a hint of a smirk on his face "How long have I been out?" he wondered as he pulled himself into a sitting position. "A few hours" Evangeline answered. "Wheres James?" Remus asked. James shoved through the students and stopped behind Evangeline and immediatly started blubbering about how sorry he was. Apparently, James was playing the beater - even though he was a chaser - and ended up hitting in the wrong direction and it had knocked Remus off his broom. "Evie." Evangeline looked up to see LIly motioning her over. Reluctantly, she let go of Remus's cold hand and walked over to Lily as the girl said "Lets go" Lily shot an angry look towards Potter who was laughing with Remus and Sirius. The girls made toward the doors but Evangeline looked back one more time at Remus but he wasn't looking back except, Sirius was. His wet jet black hair dripped onto his shirt which was already wet enough. He stared at her with a blank expression. Lily, Alice, and Marlene exited the hospital wing as Evangeline dragged along turning slowly away from Black. *** The next morning it was rather early for Evangeline to wake up, especially since there was no classes today - it was saturday. Lily and Alice had been planning to visit Hogsmeade along with Marlene all last night keeping her up. Alice talked about offering to bring Frank Longbottom, Marlene was just going to buy some snacks and same with Lily but Evangeline didn't really want to go to Hogsmeade that morning or rather at all. The last time she visited Hogsmeade Potter and them pulled 'humerus pranks and jokes on her and Lily which ruined the fun of they're visit. She pulled herself out of bed and put on her slippers. She tip-toed down the stairs and dragged herself across the room and slumped onto the couch. Evangeline adjusted herself into a comfortable position in front of the fireplace where she warmed up - it was the middle of October. It was way to early for anyone else to be awake but she heard footsteps coming from the stairs and looked back. A tall boy with shoulder length black hair sleepily walked down the stairs. It was Black. "What are you doing down here?" Black asked rubbing his eyes. Evangeline stood up quickly, "I could ask you the same" Evangeline told him. There voices where quiet trying to not cause other to wake. "Couldn't sleep", he told her and Evangeline nodded agreeing with his response. They stood in silence for a few moment before he spoke whilst motioning to the couch "Mind if I...?" "Oh, of course", Evangeline stuttered. Black sat down They both sat there and looked into the fire speechless not knowing what to say. Finally one of them spoke. "So... How's Remus?" Evangeline asked, "He's alright, a minor cut on his left cheek but nothing a werewolf can't handle", Sirius said getting carried away. "A what?" Evangeline questioned. "Did he just say a werewolf?" Evangeline asked herself. Sirius's eyes opened wide noticing he had said too much. "Just a nickname" Black shrugged, Evangeline raised an eyebrow then relaxed and shrugged it off and once again, the silence spread between them. Black just looked at the fire glancing at Evangeline every few seconds and so did she. "Planning on going up to Hogmeade today?" Sirius asked in an attempt to remove the awkwardness. "Debating", she replied. "I reckon its going to be pretty fun, you should go, have fun", Sirius suggested. "What makes you think I wouldn't have fun here?" Evangeline snapped back. "It was just a suggestion, theres loads of fun things to here I reckon", Evangeline looked away and Black looked over at Evangeline who was looking away from him but before he could speak someone entered from the stairway interrupting his sentence. "Um sorry, Evie we are gonna get ready to leave and get a jump start on the day. Meet you up there in a few I presume?" Alice explained and Evangeline felt relief spread through her as she got up, "No, I'm coming." she walked over to Alice just as Black spoke, "Hey Jenner" She looked over her shoulder. "Hope to see you there." *** Just a few short hours later, the maurders could be found sitting in the Gryffindor common room speaking. It was now mid-morning and the suns light flooded the room "You coming Wormtail??" asked James Potter to his little friend Peter who was sitting on the couch by himself. "I guess." she cubby boy replied quietly, "Gonna wearthat bloody old shirt you always where?" Sirius snickered. Peter looked down at his Gryffindor inspired shirt with thick and bold, red and yellow stripped shirt. Peter had been wearing that shirt every chance he could out of uniform. It was like his most prized possession he couldn't leave without it. "It suits me right" Peter stated bravely. James and Sirius scuffed at his response, "I'm being honest with you mate - its awful", James told him with a smirk and laughing again. Peter looked rather sad but laughed anyway. "Alright, what about you Remmy? Taking anyone special?" Sirius asked. Remus was looking at his sling around his neck supporting his arm. He had broken it after falling off his broom a day ago which still hurt but it was manageable. "I don't know, my arms a little sour", he replied. "How bout you James?" "I was gonna take Evans", James snickered. "Haven't you heard mate?" said Sirius. "Heard what?" James laughed. "I hear Snivelus already asked her", Sirius replied. Everyone was silent waiting to see James response. Could it be bad, good, terrible? "What a right fouled git, like they would let him out of the castle, him being in Slytherin and all. He should be in solitary confinement.", James stated with an angry and disagreeable tone. "What's wrong with being in Slytherin", said a voice behind James. James turned to see Lily, Evangeline, Marlene, and Alice behind him. "Um, hey there Lily-flower. I d-didnt see you there", James stuttered nervously. "Are you visiting Hogsmeade today as well?" James asked. "Maybe, whats it to you" Lily said plainly "I was just thinking since you like me and all that we should go together", James said "Is that your impression of asking me out Potter?" Lily asked accusingly and James grinned widely, "Most certianly, Evans." James widely with out hesitation "Would you be interested?" "I've got other business to attend to but I'm sure I'll see you around", Lily said walking away from him and exiting the common room. James pouted at her response, "Hey mate, its not that bad I've got an idea", said Sirius. "What is it?" "Follow me", Sirius said. * * * Lily and Evangeline agreed to both visit the "Three Broomsticks" before they begin there day but Alice and Marlene wanted to visit all the candy store to stock up for a while so they split up and planned to meet up with each other later. Lily and Evangeline headed towards the "Three Broomsticks", where they saw Professor Slughorn at the bar top having a small glass of butterbeer. "Good morning Professor Slughorn." said Lily greeting him. "Aw Evans great to see you. Have you helped Eric and Stacey with the decorations for the Slug Club party next week?" he asked with that usual creepy smile of his. "Yes sir, its almost finished." Lily replied. "Aw great, oh hello miss Jenner I didn't see you there. How are you?" he asked Evangeline. "I'm doing good sir", Evangeline replied with a smile. "Good good. I put in a good word for you to Professor McGonagall, Miss. Jenner. That paper on the reasons snuffle-grout isnt used in potions to do with humans was absolutely smashing." Evangeline smiled, "Thank you, sir." "I expect to see you next week, Miss. Jenner." Slughorn grinned widely and Evangeline nodded, "I wouldnt miss it, sir." she told him before bidding goodbye, leaving Lily to speak with Professor Slughorn, and sat at a table of four near the back of the pup just Marlene and Alice entered and they sat next to Evangeline who was reading the Daily Prophet about mysterious weather they are having in the muggle world. "Hey Evie, where Lily?" Marlene asked after a few moments just as their drinks arrived, Evangeline pointed to the bar area where Lily seemed to be having an interesting conversation with Professor Slughorn. "Typical Lily", sighed Alice. "What are they talking about?" asked Marlene. "The Slug Club party Professor Slughorn invited Lily and I to", Evangeline explained. They all looked back over to see Professor Slughorn patting Lily's shoulder and mouthing the words "Goodbye", as he left the pub. Lily walked over happily and sat down next to Alice and across from Evangeline. "Happy to see Professor Slughorn are we?" joked Marlene. "Shut up", Lily laughed and before anyone could say anything else a loud gasping noise came from outside the pub and they all flinched at once. "What do you reckon is going on out there", Alice wondered. "I don't know but lets go see", suggested Marlene and they all nodded and exited the pub, of course after Lily jugged her drink. Once they got outside there was a clutter of wizards and witches surrounding something which seemed to be holding all the commotion. They all forced there way through to the point where they could see what was happening. Lily gasped and shook her head at what she saw. "Lily what is it?" Evangeline asked but Lily was speechless and so Evangeline pulled herself to the front and everyone followed. There Evangeline could see two wizards pointing there wands at each other about to cast a spells against the other and before Evangeline could say anything, Lily spoke in a trembling voice, "Potter? S-Severus?"
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