Chapter 8

2230 Words
1976 6th Year //Muggle Dueling and Mysterious Girl// “You think you’re so big, Potter.” Snarled Severus,clenching his fists tightly “You’re not the king of the school nor Hogemeade, I’m surprised you got your head through the castle gates with your massive ego.” “Oh?” sniggered Potter “You trying to stand up for yourself, snivvelus? I’m surprised people can stand being around you, when was the last time you washed your hair?” Severus gritted his teeth and Evangeline chewed her bottom lip whilst Lily stepped forward, “Leave him alone, Potter.” Lily snapped and Evangeline watched as Potter snapped his head to Lily and a board grin appeared on his face, “Lily-flower, there you are.” He grinned “I was worried that you’d passed out from the stink that snevilius has around him.” Lily clenched her fists whilst Black and Pettirgrew laughed loudly from behind Potter. Evangeline looked over at Severus and saw that his pale face was turning red with anger. James glanced at Sirius and they high fived sniggering obnoxiously, “Stupefy!” James spun around and blocked the spell quickly, Evangeline’s jaw was dropped in shock but Lily was livid “Severus!” she shrieked in horror, it was cowardly to fire a spell at your opponent when their back is turned. Potter raised an eyebrow and Black pulled out his wand and glared at Severus. That was one of the admiral qualities about the Potter-Black duo. They stood up for each other, in any situation. Evangeline looked at Severus who had a blank expression on his pale face, “Why you little…” Black trailed off stepping forward to stand beside Potter “Lev – “ “No.” Potter said and he placed his hand on Blacks outstretched arm and lowered his wand “No, if Severus wants to play dirty, we’ll play dirty.” Potter flicked his wand and Severus’s feet were knocked out from under him and landed harshly on the stone ground, Lily gasped in shock and placed her hand over her mouth. Potter smirked then flicked his wand again and Severus’s wand went flying out his hand and into Potter’s free hand “You’re a coward, Senivillus. Striking your opponent when their back is turned? I don’t like that how you will a girl’s heart.” Potter winked at Lily who frowned. Everyone knew that Severus had a crush on Lily. Ever since first year, or even before that – seeing as Servers knew Lily before Hogwarts. Plus, every valentine’s day he would send her a bouquet of Lily’s, which Lily had begun to get fed up of but never said anything in fear of offending him. “You’re one to talk.” Spat Severus scrambling to his feet and brushing off his cloak “You love yourself too much to love anyone else.” Potter narrowed his eyes angrily and clenched his wand tighter in his hand. Evangeline’s eyes widened and her eyes darted around the shops. Why was no teacher or adult coming out? Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she watched Potter glare at Severus, “At least I can get a girlfriend, Snape.” Leered Potter walking toward the defenseless Snape “When was the last time you kissed a girl? I bet they all run when they see you.” “James Potter!” shrieked Lily “Stop it!” James turned to her and grinned widely, “Come on, Lily-flower.” He said “Let us have some fun with little snivvelus.” Lily just glared at him and Evangeline’s eyes locked with Sirius and she saw his eyebrows furrow as he looked at her. A blush began to appear on her lips as she remembered the kiss they’d shared a few days ago. She knew that Black didn’t know it was her he kissed, she very much doubted he remembered anyone he kissed that night. That thought made her blush leave her cheeks, who knows what horrid disease Black picked up. Suddenly, Snape leapt onto Potter and tackled him to the ground and began punching him. Evangeline and Lily yelped in shock and stumbled backward until they bumped into Alice and Frank. The two boys began to swing punches at each other, Black leapt into the tumble and all three of them began punching each other’s. “What is - ?! Oh my! Potter! Black! Get off him!” Evangeline quickly moved aside as Professor McGonagall came storming through the crowd with her cloak bellowing behind her toward the fighting boys “Potter! Black! Snape! Will you get up!” the boys pulled themselves to the feet with bruises forming on their faces – mostly Severus’s though. Their shirts had a few rips in them and their hair was completely messy. Evangeline grimaced at the blood that began to dribble down from Snape’s bottom lip. Professor McGonagall was in complete horror and anger “Muggle dueling! I never, ever thought…!” she trailed of not knowing how to finish just then Professor Slughorn came from the three broomsticks. “What’s going on?” he asked in a confused tone then spotted the three boys and his jaw dropped “Oh god. What happened?” “Muggle dueling.” The head of Gryffindor said sharply and Slughorn’s eyes widened in shock. Professor McGonagall turned back to the three boys “Get your selves cleaned up then come to my office!” she pointed to the castle and the boys began to walk past the girls and Lily placed her hand on Severus shoulder, “Severus,” he pushed her hand off and followed Black and Potter to the castle. Evangeline’s eyes locked with Sirius and she gulped nervously as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously before following Potter toward the castle. “Muggle duelling!” shrieked Professor McGonagall “I never thought I’d have to deal with his.” She looked down at the three boys before her “I am extremely disappointed. Mr. Potter and Mr. Black you will serve detention with me every night for the next month. Mr. Snape you shall be serving the same amount of time with Mr. Slunghorn. Am I understood?” the three boys nodded “Do to your common room.” Sirius and James turned and walked down the center aisle biting back smirks on their handsome faces. The two boys walked down the corridor in silence before they were far enough away from Professor McGonagalls office before bursting into laughter. “He was like a girl trying to throw punches.” Sirius sniggered and James barked a laugh, “Trust me, girls have a stronger punch than you think.” James said “Lily had a good throw.” Sirius nodded in agreement just as a Hufflepuff girl walked passed them and winked at Sirius, he grinned and bit his lip and looking over her body. “Getting it on tonight, Padfoot?” smirked James nudging him lightly “Too loud.” Sirius commented once they were out of ear shot “I swear, I practically was deaf when I came out from the room.” James laughed under his breath and shook his head. The two boys continued to walked down the corridor in silence. Sirius wasn’t exactly focused on the fight that had just occurred – what was there to think about anyway? Snape was out of his depth, end of. His mind was focused on the kiss that he had experienced during the Gryffindor celebrations. He’d kissed many girls that night but he remembered kissing a girl that made his lips tingle, but he couldn’t remember what she looked like – and it was driving him mental! Sirius could remember that she had brown hair and was a Gryffindor. That wasn’t at all helpful. Most the girls in Gryffindor had brown hair. Then again, Sirius couldn’t understand why he was so obsessed with finding out this girl. He’d asked James if he had seen Sirius kissing a girl with brown hair, James had told him he had…around seven of them. *** The two boys entered the Gryffindor common room and were immediately greeted by the enraged face of Lily Evans a few hours later, “Why would you do that?!” she shrieked loudly “Lily,” James groaned “I’ve had enough shouting from Professor McGonagall to last a life time. What I could do with now, is a nice hug.” He opened his arms but Lily just stared him down with a cold glare. James seemed un effected by Lily’s lack of affection and pouted “Lily-flower?” Lily looked like she was going to explode but luckily Evangeline came rushing over and pulled the fuming Lily backward before she could punch James. Sirius watched the brunette with a c****d eyebrow. She was very interesting, but plain. Extremely plain. There was plenty of brown haired girls in Hogwarts – he should now. Yet, there was one girl he hadn’t kissed yet. One of the only girls he hadn’t ever kissed. However, he wouldn’t do that. She was Remus’s crush, not his – Sirius doesn’t get crushes. If – and when – Remus broke up with her (if they got together that is) then he’d be quite happy to jump into her bed that very night. James whined loudly then the two of them walked over to Remus, who was sat on of the couches with a few bumps and bruises on his arms from a few nights again. Remus was a werewolf and Sirius, James and Peter had found out about during second year about his ‘furry little problem’ – as James like to call it. He’d tried his best to hide it from them but they found out about it with ease. Remus had thought that they would leave him but Sirius, James and Peter had kept with him and had even turned into animgai to help him through the painful transformation. Sirius’s animagus was a large black dog, James with a massive stag whilst Peter was an ugly rat. The two boys took a seat either side of Remus and Sirius ran his hand through his messy black hair. Evangeline was in a deep conversation with Lily about some homework that Professor McGonagall had set them. The signature smirk of Black appeared on Sirius’s face and he looked at Remus who was focused on reading some book, “So…spoken to Jenner yet, Moony?” he asked quietly and Remus looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, “Of course.” Was his reply “She’s my partner for arathmancy.” Sirius and James both groaned in annoyance at his answer, “What he means is: have you asked her out yet?” James clarified and Remus’s eyes widened in shock, “What?” he squeaked “What – no! Why?” “Don’t lie to us, Monny.” Sirius warned him “You can’t keep anything from us.” Remus glared at him but Sirius just smirked, “I don’t like her, guys.” He told them seriously “Not like that anyway.” “Remmy, it’s okay.” James patted his head and spoke as if he was talking to a child “We understand that its hard, but if you let her know your feelings then maybe she might like you back.” Remus shot James a glare then pushed his hand off his head, “Get off.” The blond grumbled and his two friends grinned widely, Remus frowned then glanced at Evangeline then at Sirius and smirked to himself “Well, I don’t like Evangeline like that anyway but I cant speak for Padfoot.” Sirius raised an eyebrow whilst James snorted, “Padfoot? Plain Jenner? Are you ill, Moony?” James questioned in confusion “Why would Padfoot like her?” “Well,” Remus said getting to his feet “that girl that Sirius kissed during the Gryffindor celebrations and is obsessed with finding out about – “ “I am not obsessed!” “ – is sitting but a few feet away from us.” He continued, ignoring Sirius’s exclamation, looking down at his two friend “I may not like her, but what about you Sirius?” he then walked off to his dormitory. Sirius’s jaw dropped and he watched as Remus walked up their steps before he looked at James who mirrored his expression. The two boys slowly turned their heads toward the two girls that were speaking animatedly to one another. Sirius mentally groaned, you’ve got to be kidding me.
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