Chapter 6

2679 Words
1976 6th Year //Sensitive Talks and the Gryffindor Party// Luckily for the girls, the Mauraders didn't followed them to library and they stayed there for a good few hours before they had Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall who had given them a lecture. Which was why Evangeline found herself listening to Marlene complain. Evangeline raised the pumpkin juice to her lips and took a sip as she listened to Marlene talking about how unfair professor McGonagall was being with giving them so much homework. She laughed along with Lily as Marlene began to try do an impression of the Transfiguration teacher, “’You’re in sixth year now’” she made her voice higher and extremely posh voice “’You should all be used to getting so much homework and handling it. I’m expecting you to all get outstanding on your homework’s. I don’t like children…’” Evangeline placed her drink down and covered her mouth to prevent a loud laugh escaping her lips. A loud cheer came from further down the Gryffindor table and the group of girls all looked down to see Potter standing up and clapping loudly as Black entered the great hall with a smug expression on his face and he walked over to Potter, Pettigrew and Remus. “Did you do it?” squeaked Pettigrew and Evangeline watched as Potter leaned forward and an anticipated expression, “Come on, Padfoot.” Potter encouraged “Did you?” Black nodded and reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of panties. Evangeline’s face recoiled in disgust and she turned to Lily, Marlene and Alice to see them mirroring her expression. “That’s revolting.” Alice muttered as Black shoved the panties back into his pocket and Potter pulled him into a head lock and ruffled his hair. Evangeline nodded in agreement at Alice’s statement just as a loud squawk sounded loudly and all the students looked up as owls began to flood the owl and swoop down to their owners. Evangeline didn’t even bother to look up, it wasn’t like anyone would write to her. She picked up a bit of toast and watched as her friends had owls land in front of them. Lily began unpacking a small package which turned out to be a small bag of chocolate and a letter from her mother and father. Evangeline had met Lily’s parents multiple times, she’d been invited around for Christmas and spent most of her summers at Lily’s house. That also meant that Evangeline encountered Lily’s elder sister, Petunia. She had no magical abilities and was clearly jealous of Lily. Marlene was unpacking a large parcel that had a new quill and a few boxes of chocolates. Alice had a new diary and a few candies. As expected, no owl landed in front of Evangeline. Lily looked at Evangeline with a pitiful expression, “Here.” Lily held out a bar of chocolate to her, “I’m alright.” Evangeline told her seriously, she was mostly unaffected by the lack of care from her depressed father and distant brother “I’m going to go for a walk.” She swung her legs over the bench and got up, “Evie…” Marlene began with a sad tone, “Guys, seriously I’m fine.” She assured them “I just need a walk. I’ll see you in the common room.” Evangeline walked out the hall and past the Mauraders and, from the corner of her eye, she saw Black stared at a letter with a hard expression with his friends looking at him nervously. Her eyebrows furrowed at Black’s clenched jaw, what got Black so annoyed? She shook her head and continued out the hall and outside toward the Black Lake. Evangeline sat down under a tree and pulled out a book and began to read. She bit her lip as she read. She loved her father and brother, she really did and she knew they loved her but she just wished that they’d show her more. Her eyes began to water and she felt a few tears slip down her cheek and se hurried wiped her eyes but the tears continued to stream down her face. She glanced up and saw a figure walking from the castle toward the lake with furious steps. As the person neared she saw a mop of messy black hair and dark eyes. Sirius Black. His fists were clenched and his jaw was clenched as she walked toward the lake and rubbed his face harshly and let out a loud groan and kicked the water. Evangeline flinched he glared at the water, it almost frightened her. “Stupid bitch.” He snarled “I hate you!” he let out a raw of anger and picked up a rock and flung it into the water in anger. Evangeline’s eyes widened and her mind whirled with questions. Black then ran his hands through his black hair and gripped his locks and began pulling “Why wouldn’t you just leave me alone! You’re not my mother and I’m not Regulus!” Then, her brown eyes connected with dark grey ones. She gulped as Black stared at her in horror and anger. Evangeline’s heart pounded hard against her chest as Black stalked toward her his black hair bouncing with every step. She felt her heart raise in fear as he neared, “What the hell do you hear?” he snarled as he stopped in front of her, “Nothing.” Evangeline whimpered, and mentally scolded herself for sounding so pathetic. Black looked at her disbelievingly then narrowed his eyes. “What did you hear?” he growled harshly and Evangeline gulped and clutched her book, “J-Just a few words about your mother and brother.” She stammered “I promise that’s it.” Black stared at her before frowning, “Where you crying?” he asked with his eyebrows furrowed. Evangeline quickly wiped her cheeks hurriedly, “No.” she denied “I just…” “Was crying?” Black said after she trailed off “Why were you?” “None of your business.” Evangeline snapped, shocking herself slightly but standing her ground. Black raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised by her defensive tone. Evangeline gulped as he slumped down and sat beside her. “Tell me.” He said in a demanding tone and Evangeline shifted a few inches away from and shook her head. Black lay back against the tree and crossed his arms over his chest “You heard me rant about my mother, so it’s only fair that you tell me about your family.” Evangeline just stared at him with a blank expression “Okay, how about I ask the questions? Okay, good.” Evangeline gulped “Okay, what do you think of your mum?” she tensed slightly and a sly smirk appeared on his handsome face “There we go? Is she a b***h? Does she negate you? Or perhaps she keeps telling you to be like your brother.” Black gritted his teeth and Evangeline could see that he was mostly talking about his relationship with his mothers. Evangeline felt her eyes begin to water as Black continued “What does she do, Jenner? Does she tell you how disappointed is in you? Come on then, Jenner. Speak up.” Evangeline’s felt her heart hammer as she listened to the words that Black said, her eyes water and she looked at Black “Speak up, Jenner.” “She’s dead.” Evangeline breathed and saw Black freeze in shock. She gulped and looked down nervously, it was surprised that she even told him. “Oh.” Black muttered “Sorry.” She could clearly see that he was uncomfortable with the situation. Luckily for them, a loud shout came from a little behind them. “Evie! Evie! Black get away from her!” Lily screamed loudly with Marlene, Alice, Remus and Potter following hurriedly behind her. Evangeline quickly got to her feet and picked up her book just as Lily tackled her into a hug “Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?” Evangeline shook her head hurriedly as Lily pulled back, “I’m fine.” It seemed, however, that Lily didn’t believe her as she spun around to face Potter and glared harshly, “Keep your dog on a leash.” A frown formed on Evangeline’s face as Black sniggered quietly, Potter laughed loudly and Remus bit his lip but it was clear he was preventing a smile. Alice took Evangeline’s hand and said, “Come on.” Alice said looking between the girls “Lets go.” Lily and Evangeline nodded then began to walk toward the building, “Bye Remus.” Evangeline said and Remus blushed slightly before leaving with Lily and Alice, “Bye bye Lily-Flower, I’ll see you tonight!” “Shut up Potter!” *** Cheers ran around the Gryffindor crowd as Dwaine Colton threw the quaffle through the highest hoops. Evangeline stood between Lily and Remus clapping loudly along with the ground. Black was the beater on the team and Potter was the chaser, both considered the best players on the Gryffindor team – even Lily couldn’t deny it. The Ravenclaw were a brilliant team – just not as good as the Gryffindor team. Sebastian was actually on the Ravenclaw when he attended Hogwarts, he too was an amazing player. Sebastian and Potter knew each other very well – like brothers in a way. Closer than Evangeline and Sebastian were now. “What’s that?!” Callum Yaw’s, the commentator, magnified voice echoed through the stands “Has Lockran spotted the snitch?!” Evangeline’s eyes shot down to the Gryffindor seeker and watched as he pelted toward the ground with his hand outstretched, she gripped the stands tightly as he flew closer and closer to the ground. Then… “He’s done it! He’s done! Gryffindor wins!” the entire stands of red and gold erupted into cheers screaming loudly. Evangeline hugged Lily and the pair bounced in glee then she looked up down at the pitch and saw Potter, Black and Lockran hugging each other tightly. Evangeline’s eyes locked with Black and she immediately looked back at Lily before they began cheering again. *** “Gryffindor! Gryffindor!” Evangeline clapped loudly and cheered as the Gryffindor Quidditch Team jumped on each other in the center of the room. Black jumped on Potters shouting in glee. Remus walked over to Evangeline and held out a glass of fire-whisky, “Here.” He smiled and Evangeline took it “Thank you.” Remus took a sip of his drink then asked, “So, have you done the Potions homework?” she nodded and Remus then laughed at himself “Sorry, of course you have. You’re Evangeline Jenner, the quiet nerd.” Evangeline gasped and shoved him playfully, Remus smirked lightly. Just then Potter strolled over to Evangeline with a slight frown on his face, “Jenner, where’s Lily?” he pouted and before Evangeline could answered the portrait door opened and in walked Evangeline’s red haired best friends. Potter spun around and yelled happily “My lily-flower!” Lily rolled her eyes and walked toward Evangeline, “Go away, Potter.” She snapped as she reached Evangeline she then turned to her “I’m surprised that you’re even here, Evie.” The brunette blushed slightly and glanced at the lanky boy beside her “Remus brought me.” She told Lily “You did it, Moony!” a voice yelled and Black leapt onto Remus back and around his black mop of his hair was his Gryffindor tie and it was obvious that he’d been kissing a few prior because of his lips which had a bright pink tinge and were chapped. Remus stumbled forward from Black's weight then tried to push the shaggy haired boy off, “Get off.” He grumbled and Black jumped down and wrapped his arms around Remus and Potter’s shoulders and Evangeline took a small slip of her fire-whisky “You asked a girl on a date!” Black exclaimed and Evangeline’s eye widened and she choked on her drink. Remus’s eyes widened and he shook his head quickly, “W-What?” Remus stammered quickly “Padfoot! No! She’s my friend.” Lily patted Evangeline’s back lightly and she looked up to see Black grinning widely, “Sure. Sure, Remus.” Black grinned “I have loads of friends too, Remmy.” He winked then Bethany walked over to them and licked her arm through his and leaned on him, “Siri,” she kissed his cheek “let’s get out of here.” She then looked at Evangeline and Lily and smiled genuinely at them “Hello.” “Hi Beth.” The girls said in unison, Bethany smiled then looked back at Black and winked then walked away into the crowd glancing over her shoulder at him and bit her lip. Black smirked then looked at the other three, “I have to go, lovely people.” Black said flinging his tie of his head and at Remus “I have some…business to attend to.” He them walked into the crowd unbuttoning his shirt. Evangeline grimaced in disgust then looked at Lily, who looked like she was going to be sick, then at Remus who held the tie as far away from himself as he could and then James who was staring after Black with a proud expression. James then looked at Lily with a grin, “Lily, do you want to – “ “Shut up, Potter.” An hour later and everyone was either drunk or passed out. People danced widely in the common room, kissing deeply and touching. Evangeline was pressed against the corner of the room her eyes glancing around the room nervously. Lily, Alice and Marlene were dancing in the common room and had attempted to get Evangeline to go but she had no intention of doing any such thing. Thus, Evangeline was left in the corner looking around nervously. Suddenly, a figure blocked her view and she saw Sirius Black standing in front of her with his shirt half open and his eyes slightly wide. He was extremely drunk. He looked down at her and furrowed his eyebrows, “Do you know you?” his voice was slow and slurred “Yes.” She squeaked pressing herself further into the wall wanting to get away from his alcoholic breath. “Have I kissed you?” he demanded leaning forward his dark eyes rushing around her face. Evangeline shook her head and gulped nervously “Why not? I always kiss pretty girls.” Evangeline’s eyes widened and she made a move to escape but Black trapped her by placing his hands against the wall either side of her and a smirk appearing on his face “I’m going to kiss you.” Her heart pounded hard against her chest and she shook her head widely but Black placed his hand at the back of her head preventing her from escaping “Don’t worry, babe. I’ve been told I’m a brilliant kisser.” He leaned forward and his alcoholic breath filled her senses then…he kissed her.
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