Chapter 5

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1976 6th Year //Potions Homework and Presentations// The Gryffindor common room was surprisingly quiet that evening as Evangeline entered after coming back from the library. Lily, Alice and Remus where no where to be seen and fortunately neither where Peter, Potter or Black. Evangeline immediately went to sit on the couch to start her potions homework - which Black was supposed to help with. She opened the book and hooked her legs over the arm of the chair. As she flicked through the pages to her chapter, the crackling sound of the portrait whole opening caused her to glance over her shoulder to the door only to see - none other than - Sirius Black. "Whats wrong, Emily? Did you only get an 'A' on a homework instead of 'O'?" Black said with his signature charm smirk on his face as he responded to Evangeline's scowling expression. She ignored the fact that he forgot her name, "Where have you been Black? If you didn't know this project is due tomorrow." She said to him with anger fuming in her voice "Do you even care?" "No need to fear Jenner, for Black is here to save the day" Evangeline clenched her fists at the smirk on his handsome face and rolled her eyes, muttering her correct last name under her breath, "What is his problem?" Evangeline thought, "It's like he doesn't give a - " Black's obnoxious voice interrupted her thoughts, "Jenny, its okay, I will help you." said Black as he strutted over to the couch and dropped down carelessly, swinging his legs onto the rest of the sofa. "Now Professor Binn's said we need to figure out how the Vampire war in the sixteenth century lead to the revolt of Trolls in the seventeenth century." she explained. "I did some research in the library earlier and found out that Trolls mined silver that can kill Vampires..." Evangeline didn't even have to look up to know Black wasn't even listening, "Though, that still can't be the reason...." As she continued she began questioning herself and thinking that talking Black was just like talking to a brick wall. The girl lifted her head and that Black was staring at her, or more precisely six inches south from there, "Your pretty when your angry." he commented and Evangeline's jaw dropped, "W-What?" she stammered as her cheeks and tips of ears beginning to heat up. "T-That's not even apart of the conflict right now Black, we need to finish this." Evangeline stated attempting to get over what Black just blurted. She was so frustrated at him that she could smack him over the head with her library book on "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them". "Okay fine, just try not to fall for me to hard, I hate seeing little girls cry over me." Now Evangeline had it, she stood right up grabbed her book and slammed it shut then began to walk toward the exit. "Oi where are you going?" Black called to her with a confused expression, "The library." she replied coldly. Black shook his head and jogged over to Evangeline who was half way to the door, Black grabbed her hand and turned her to face him, "Alright. Alright. I promise no more smart comments, lets just put this behind us, okay?" No matter how much Evangeline tried to pull away and go to the library and do the project herself, she could do this alone. Evangeline sighed and nodded, no matter how much she didn't want to. Black smiled and pulled her over to the couch. It was warm and cozy next the fire that they sat right in front of it on the floor. Evangeline opened back up her book to page two-hundred-and-ninety-nine based on the war. Sirius watched her every move as she brushed a stray hair behind her ear. "Now Professor Binns said like I was saying earlier was that we need to know how the Vampire warn the sixteenth century lead to the revolt of Trolls in the seventeenth century" she explained again. Evangeline looked at the parchment paper she needed and was about to grab it when Black reached for it at the same time, there hands touched and Evangeline snatched her hand away. "Sorry." said Sirius reaching for the parchment again. Evangeline felt a weird tingle travel through her body as if she had been hit by something she couldn't identify. *** Evangeline and Sirius had been working on their presentation for hours and had gotten so tired they fell asleep. Evangeline's head rested on Sirius's soft curved shoulders and Sirius's head on hers. The pair were in such a deep sleep they didn't even hear the portrait door open, "I told you lots not to...", said a voice. They stopped suddenly as they peered over to the lounge area to see two Gryffindors asleep. They walked over to see who they where and snickered. "Oi Padfoot, wake up" whispered the voice. Sirius woke up instantly to see Remus, Peter, and James standing in front of them. "What did you do to her?" asked Remus suspiciously "Nothing we just dozed off" Sirius confessed honestly, he didn't need people thinking he'd slept with the Jenner girl or that'd be everywhere and his reputation go down. Evangeline heard voices but decided to keep her eyes closed and listen in to the conversation. Normally, Evangeline would do the right thing and let the boys know she was awake but this time she had an opportunity to listen in on them. "Mate, seriously what did you two do?" James asked disbelievingly, Sirius could feel what Remus must feel every time they talk to him about girls. "Nothing!" Sirius yelled furiously, he could see James eyeing him and Evangeline. "What have I brought her into?" Sirius thought to himself. The common room door opened again and two more Gryffindor's entered. They walked over to James and the others now with wide eyes, "Evie!" yelled the familiar female voice. It was Lily, and Evangeline's eyes shot opened and she couldn't be anymore embarrassed now that Lily was here. Lily reached out and grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her up. The fiery red head gave dark eyes towards Black and than at Potter. She pulled her friend towards the stairs before someone spoke, "Oi Evans, wanna fall asleep on my shoulder tonight", James joked. Lily rolled her eyes and continued forward. "What are you playing at?" said Alice as she walked up the stairs with her friends. Sirius looked back up at his friends and smiled. "Ah don't worry Prongs, I've been told my shoulders are like pillows", joked Sirius. James smirked and forwarded his head towards the stairs. *** Professor Binn's class was more than awkward the next day during the presentations. Black couldn't stop looking at Evangeline waiting to look back him but she never budged. "I-I red t-that um, vampires and t-trolls are... well they're um..." said Eric Bittons the stuttering Hufflepuff sixth year. His partner was Mary Bones also a Hufflepuff sixth year. Evangeline just scribbled on her parchment with her quill and ink. She kept brushing her hair behind her ear as it slowly fell in front of her face. "Well done students"complemented Professor Binns in a boring tone, his expression showed he wasn't pleased with their presentation. "And finally we have, Black and Jenner", Black and Potter where laughing about something that no one cared to question. Evangeline stood up and began to walk slowly up to the front of the class, she was basically waiting for Black to catch up but he seemed pretty busy at the moment. Evangeline stood at the front staring out at the class half nervous, half angry that Black was taking so long to walk up here and speak. "Mr. Black, your presentation please", said Binns. Black turned to see everyone looking at him and he just smirked and strutted up to the front like he was posing for the Daily Prophet. This was gonna be the worst presentation the school had ever seen. *** After class, Potter and Black ran out of the class as they chase each other down the hall. Their black robes waved as the flew down rapidly pushing people out of the way. Next class was potions with Slughorn, but atlas Evangeline would be with Lily Evans, her best friend. Evangeline reached potions and entered the cold room and took a seat in her usual spot. Once Lily entered Evangeline's heart left with happiness but she wasn't alone, Lily had walked in with Severus Snape the sixth year Slytherin boy. He practically owned the title of "The Potion Prince", since he knows every potion by heart. He also always bring his potions book everywhere with him writing little notes in it as if was his secret diary.Once Lily took her seat she was smiling with rosy cheeks, her mind was set off in another world other than a school full of magic and mystery. "Someone seems happy today"Evangeline giggled at her friend. Lily looked at her friend as her rosy cheeks begin to fade for her mind was now on another topic, "Severus is just so sweet, I wish he showed that side of himself more to others and maybe they wouldn't treat him so differently" Lily said with her kind voice and blushed cheeks. Evangeline smiled at her friend because she knew she was happy. She agreed with her though, admittedly Severus wasn't the nicest when she first met him but then he warmed up to her but the end of the first term. The girls happiness was short lasted as non-other than James Potter entered class. He strutted over and with Black, both of them wearing smug expression.. Evangeline was surprised because they found their way here after running down numerous hall ways trying to find their class as usual. "Wouldn't be talking about me now would ya love?" James snickered as he stopped beside Lily and Evangeline's desk, "Great", Evangeline muttered under her breath. James Potter was as gullible as a fish, he never really cared for anyone exepct himself and the mauraders, everyone else to him were just dirt - well except Lily Evans of course. Everyone knew James liked Lily more than a little crush, every time he was around her he was a little more nice than he already was but Lily knew if he really wanted her, he would try harder than using charm. Sirius though was the same way except that he didn't have any crush on girls just used them like rags. If he treated people as nice as he did his broom stick, he wouldn't be that bad. Lily and Potter began talking - well James repeatedly trying to flirt with her and Lily just blowing him off - but Sirius just stood there looking at Evangeline. "Oh sorry Jenner I didn't see you there" Potter said turning to Evangeline "Her names Evangeline Jenner, Potter." snarled Lily and James just shrugged and said, "Well I'll see you later Evans...Jenner", Lily looked at her friend with sorrow for everyone might try to take advantage of Evangeline or that she was a minor shadow behind Lily and Alice. "Hello students, settle down settle down. Potter, Black, I assume you finished your homework... yes?" said Slughorn. "Oh sorry Professor, I forgot it in the common room" said Black but everyone knew he was lying unlike Slughorn who never knew what to believe when it came from Sirius Black. "Alright, you Mr. Potter", said Slughorn curiously. "Got it right here Professor", said James surprisingly. "Jinxed it I reckon" said Michelle Griffin, Ravenclaw. Lily let out a small giggle, Michelle was pretty clever on what she'd say even Sirius snickered at her comment. "Ah well done Potter" Slughorn admitted. James put down his paper and look at Sirius snickering as if he had just taken candy from a little first year. "Evie?" said Lily. Evangeline turned to her friend smiling. "Do you reckon Slughorn would allow me to bring lemon drops to the party? I'm pretty sure those are his favorites", Lily went on and on about the Slugclub party coming us in a few weeks but Evangeline was distracted by the intimidating expression from Black. "I'm sure he prefers crystallized pineapples." Evangeline corrected quietly, "Now students, for your new homework tonight I request you visit the library and grab some books on Dittany. Very tricky to make but will save numerous lives. Atlas until the affects wear off", Slughorn chuckled. Lily seemed more than amused with Dittany, Lily loved helping people because thats who she was. "A kind hearted girl who could see the light in others", thats what Remus would say about Lily and not one word was a lie. "Wow, Dittany seems so useful", said Lily amazed. Michelle and Evangeline giggled out of Lily's amusement. "Alright now, off you go but don't forget to visit the library. Just don't go looking in the restricted section", Slughorn looked at Sirius and James who where grinning back at Slughorn. "Yes you two account in this matter, I don't want to hear you've been seeking into there again, now off you go than", James and Sirius smirked at each other and accelerated out of the room chasing each other out. "What do you say we go to the library?" said Lily, Evangeline and Michelle looked at each other and smiled. "Because we can at least Black and Potter won't be there." pointed out Michelle but she didn't know that wherever Lily and Evangeline went, some how the marauders would find them.
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