A deal with the villain.

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Two days later. To the capital of the world, the city of Reijin. All the detachments of Flezia arrived at the central square. And the prime minister of military affairs, Ronald, met them there. Even the strongest detachments of Flezia did not disobey the order and appeared. Because the situation in the world was extremely difficult. And so much so that this war will again drag on for many years, at least. It’s easy for them, for sure, not to defeat the Tyrannosaurs. “Thank you very much that everyone came at my request. I'm glad to see you all. My dear ones, the troops of Flezia. " He stood on the stage and into the microphone, spoke. Thus, thanking them all for being very responsible for their and the seventh prince's order. Yes, they were already in a row, at the appointed date and at the appointed time. And the reason for all this collection is nothing more than the attacks of new creatures of nature, in different parts of the planet. "We are glad to try." Many, in order to win over and gain the attention of these influential people, shouted back simultaneously. And they also bowed their heads, as it should be. Everyone wants to climb the career ladder and take the highest positions possible. To provide for myself and my entire family for the rest of my life. They are even ready to jump over the heads of their comrades without hesitation. “And your team, too. Commander, Jack Bryce. " The only ones who stood in the most remote corner. Separate from all the other units of Flezia. There was Jack's team. They, too, were at the meeting. But they tried to stay away from the others. I didn't really communicate with anyone. Only a few of the strongest commanders were greeted and that was all. And they thanked them for saving them in that battle, with the Giren detachment. What was happening in the city of Grayspawn. “Enough, these haughty phrases. We only came because the innocent are in danger and nothing more. " Bryce was already pissed off, it was Ronald’s stupid smile and he snapped at him. Having started to be rude and inappropriate to treat the prime minister of military affairs. After what he did to him and his team, in the past. He, forever hated him and would never forgive him for anything. He took advantage of their feelings and faith in him for his own personal goals. And almost killed the whole team. Then, in the crater of Celrun. “I understand your hatred for me. Indeed, I have done terrible things to you and your squad. You all have the right to be angry with me. " Ron and Emo have already arrived and bypassed the next city where they flew two days ago. There was also no sign of Nicky. Even a hint of her presence. In general, as usual. It was already quite late and dangerous to fly to the next city. So the guys rented a hotel and decided to spend the night here. And tomorrow, with fresh forces again, they will go in search of Ron's beloved. "Heck. And in this city, too, nothing. Where are you? Nika." With Herbert, everything inside was roaring and bursting with pain. And also, his own impotence. That he is perfect, he cannot do anything. And so, all the way. And besides this, along the way, they met the one whom they least wanted to see now. It didn't go nicely, but stopped and greeted. “Oh, what people. Are you on the team, my little brother? Didn't expect you to see here. What fates did they come to us? " It was Commander Jack's older brother, Len Brice. He was surprised to meet these two in such a remote place. The fliers have nothing to do here, and they don't visit this part of the world. It is abandoned and located very far from the main crowd of people. As if they are considered abandoned lands. Something like Treya. The cities where all the outcasts are gathered. "That is none of your business. So be so kind. Back off." Neither one nor the other. They didn't really talk to him. They just sent him to hell and continued walking towards the hotel. Pretending that they are completely each other, not familiar people. Well, with this garbage, it is better not to get involved. According to the information that the guys know about him, He is a very rotten and bad person. From this, only expect trouble and nothing more. “What we are, serious and cruel. What if I say that I know where Nick is. Maybe then you will become more accommodating? Ron. " Then the guy decided to use one trump card to attract their attention. And this is Ron's beloved, Nika. He said that he knew her location and how she could be found on this huge planet. They themselves are so, they can still wander around the world for many years, without any result. But it’s not a fact that it’s true. And where is there confirmation of his words? "What did you just say?" Herbert turned to him and looked wide-eyed. Hearing this, he simply could not help but stop and walk by. As if nothing had happened. As if I hadn't heard anything at all. After all, we are talking about the most dear person for his heart. The one that gave him a useless and worthless life, at least some sense. At the first, their meeting. “That's how I like it more. But just like that, I will not share this information. Then from you, too, I will need something in return. " Bryce saw Ron's eyes sparkle, wanting to get the information he needed. He was so eager to find out. What exactly does he want to tell him? True, he is ready to share this data for a reason and requires a certain fee for this. Quid pro quo, as they say. And the guy already almost agreed to this, showing only by his appearance. "What do you want?" And then he asked. What exactly does Len want for his information? What will be the price of receiving it? Obviously she will not be low. Because of some trifle, such a person would definitely not try to make a deal. And since he immediately began to talk about the case. This means that he was already aware that the guys were here. And this meeting was not accidental. “Yes, that's a trifle. All in all, a relic of one member of the royal family. The Seventh Prince, Nero Asia. Get it, and I will take you to your beloved. " What he asks for. It's really hard to get hold of. The royal relics of the Asia family are sealed underground in Reijin and are well guarded. It's so easy to get there. In addition, they are of great value and confirm that the owner rightfully occupies his position. They are made of Fleziradia and have quite a lot of power. It can even be used as a dangerous weapon. "You're not lying?" “Come on, Ron. Dangerous, he's the type. You shouldn't have anything to do with him. I don't like him. " Ron was led on by his persuasion and was almost, already agreed to enter into a deal. Although I did not receive confirmation that Bryce's words are not a lie, but the pure truth. Only at the very last moment, Emo hung up and stopped him. Without letting him do something stupid. Because I was pretty smart and saw that there was something very unclean. Do not believe his words. "Yes. Went." Then these two turned away and headed straight towards the hotel. Away, away from this bad man. True, even now he did not leave them alone and did not let them go. Although they were already, both were in tune and were close to leaving Lena. He shouted loudly. So that everyone can hear it clearly. “Stop. I am not lying. I have proof. Here, look. " Then Herbert, turned to him and walked up to close range. Bryce, on the other hand, opened his phone and entered the gallery. And so I already found a photo where he is in the cave, where Nika is hidden. There you can clearly see her naked body and face. And also the face of this bastard standing opposite, who is waving his hand. This means one thing. He really was there and knows where Ron's beloved is. “It cannot be. It's true, she is. In the same capsule. " In Reijin, the meeting ended, and Prince Nero first approached the detachment of Commander Bryce. In the past, together with Jack, they went to the battle with the first Faun and managed to get along, a little. Well, more precisely, how we hit it off. The prince simply did not give him a choice and forced him to do everything. He was also the one who helped him hide Nick. “A year has passed since our last meeting. Would you like to hug your old friend? " Only Jack was not very happy to meet a representative of the Asia family and did not want to be here too much, to stand with him and chat around. Because they have a lot of secrets and secrets. They clearly have their own motives for the world. They do not fight for people, as the public thinks. They do it only for their own sake and they do not care about others. “Your Majesty. Speak. What task needs to be done, and we flew. I am not eager to linger here. " So the commander tried to quickly, to get this damn task. Yes, get out of this rotten society as soon as possible. Not pleasant to him, such a company. So both of them went straight to the assignment, which needed to be completed and left all their personal preferences for later. And the task was to destroy the Tyrannosaurs that are approaching the city of Steilinbit “As always, so cold-blooded. But good. Hundreds of Tyrannosaurs are coming to Steilinbit. By tomorrow morning, they will be at the city walls. Fly there and destroy them all. " Bryce began to carry out this assignment, and the whole team returned to their ship. Following, they immediately brought it in and flew away, away from Reijin. After such a long time, they will again have to return to duty and begin to fight, for all of humanity. Only now it will not be Fauns, as in the past. And their enemies are real resurrected dinosaurs. "Accepted. We will kill them all and protect them all, the inhabitants of this city. " "I'm counting on you."
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