Resurrection of the Tyrannosaurus.

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The fauns were completely destroyed and the world felt more free. They finally began to live in a world where there is no longer a warrior. Society is no longer threatened, those terrible creatures of nature and gradually people begin to settle down. And also go beyond the walls that protected and isolated them from the rest of the world. Upset, everything around. Blossom and green, different wastelands. Only this did not last long. And now, a year later, the Fauns were replaced by new creatures and these creatures, Tyrannosaurs. As if out of thin air, they arose and destroyed everything that people built. But in fact, they came out of the caves that lead underground. And also these creatures of nature, forced people back to return behind the walls. It was incredible, a huge number of victims. The figures went beyond the million death mark. "Well. It's time for you to wake up. Prehistoric creatures of nature." A man named Len Bryce stepped into a forbidden place and resurrected long-dead creatures. After he visited the tree of life. Fleziradia herself showed him the way to the very place where the guy resurrected the Tyrannosaurs. Yes, and returned to the planet, chaos, darkness and despair. He again made it so that people now live in fear, before death itself. Capital Reijin. The whole main building was on the ears. There was a lot of hype and panic. All news channels and tapes trumpeted that new creatures crawled out. And they attack people all over the planet. Erasing the newly built, new cities outside the walls, to powder. These are creatures of incredibly huge size. They rushed and trampled, everything in their path. No one, not sparing and no one, not sparing. "Anxiety! Collect all prime ministers. Urgently!" The seventh prince, Nero Asia decided to arrange an urgent meeting due to new circumstances. Countermeasures were required immediately to reduce human casualties. If this is not done, they will eventually lose almost, their entire community. After all, the bulk of the people left the walls and were under attack. Yes, absolutely defenseless. "There is! Your majesty." The subordinate began to carry out the order of His Majesty. After 10 minutes, all the ministers were sitting in the same hall. Where they discussed how to punish Herbert in the past. Well, besides that, all important issues were always resolved, it was there. Initially, only for the seventh prince to act as an intermediary and simply transmit information from the king. "So. I hasten to inform you. That someone has resurrected, long-dead creatures. Tyrannosaurs and a whole legion are now heading towards us. Destroying everything in its path." But, now for other topics. The meeting room has become very popular. Also, all worldly affairs passed to Nero. He received all the rights and permissions from his father. And he became the most real, their ruler. Although not recognized, officially. Because, the rest of the royal family did not care what was happening with society. They have long ceased to worry about people. "It cannot be. Who dared to do such a thing?" The ministers were shocked by the news they heard. They could not even imagine that a repetition of the tragedy of the past would ever happen. And this information is strictly secret. Only the royal family and everyone in this room knew only about the Tyrannosaurs. Besides, there is nothing in paper form. She was wiped off the face of the earth. So that no one dares to resurrect them. “We have no idea who is behind all this. But one thing is clear for sure. We urgently need to call on all the troops of Flezia and prepare for a new war. That's an order." The truth is to think and guess now, it's too late. Who is guilty? Now we need to move on to urgent action and prepare for a new war. What came into the world, so suddenly and unexpectedly. It's time to return your main forces to the front line. And without that, we had enough rest. Enjoyed a quiet life. Enough. It's time to fight. "There is. We will not let you down. Your Majesty. " Levia Ladder, Jack Bryce and his team. After the news of the resurrection of Tyrannosaurs sounded all over the world. They decided to get together and discuss their next steps. Will they take part in this? Although they are not, the main combat unit of the planet, for a long time. They were expelled by the people themselves, for violating certain laws. The world has never been able to forgive them. "Commander. Have you heard the order from the Seventh Prince that all Flezia's troops assemble in Reijin? What do we do?" Catherine was the first to speak about it, with a wild reluctance to help them. She was very angry with society, like the others themselves. For being so cruel to them. They don't deserve their help. How cruel people treated them and how cruel they were treated. It's simple, unforgivable. "We're going to this meeting too." But Jack is justice itself. Let him be banished. Only he cannot go against his principles. He considered it his duty to help people. For this, they became the Flairzes. To save other people's lives. They swore to themselves that they would never leave anyone in trouble. And also, to all of humanity. So they just don't have a strong choice. Then it turns out that they contradict themselves. “But is it possible for us? We were expelled, and we no longer belong to the fighting unit of mankind. " True, one of the team members objected anyway. Team technologist, Brody Raskart. He was against going to help them. It seemed to him silly and not rational. In addition to now, they have enough other worries. Let them deal with all this s**t yourself. Why should they get involved in something from which the world authorities themselves have long since fenced them off? Unclear. "It does not matter. A new war is brewing and we cannot stand aside. Because of this, people may suffer, there is nothing innocent people. " Bryce did not accept the objection and still insisted that they should fly to the capital. Because, there are involved many of those who have not done anything bad. Yes, and people are good. You can't treat them so cruelly. So his deputy immediately changed course to the capital of the whole world. Reijin. And the ship flew there. "Then we're heading for Reijin City." Ron and Emo, in one of the cities called Skyfolks. What to be in another part of the world. So far they have already, wandered in search of Nicky. And that's all, to no avail. She's nowhere to be found. Too good, Prince Nero and Commander Bryce hid the girl from human eyes. Yes, they returned it back to the capsule from which it was actually released in the past. “I interviewed all residents and examined all possible places here. There is no trace of Nicky being found. Sorry. This time too, we wasted our time." Lowes finished interrogating the residents and going through all the hiding places. Everything is in vain. Absolutely nothing. They wasted again, their time wasted. It seems that they will never find her again. It's pointless. Better to return to the team and continue to live on, without Nicky. After all, she is not the whole world. But that's not about Ron. “That's how it is. We flew further to the next city. " Only Herbert did not give up and decided to continue further, searching for his beloved. He won't rest until he finds her. Because they promised to be together and never leave each other. No matter how long it took. Even if you have to, look for ages. He will do it. Without her, life is not dear to him, in this world. "Enough already. You and I, half the world flew by and nothing. It seems to me already, it is useless to look for it. We won't find anything anyway. " The team's scanner tried to convince him and give up this venture. You can't get hung up on one thing. No matter how difficult it is, but you need to continue to live, further. And say goodbye to your past. It is all the more perfectly clear that they cannot find Nick. And only a miracle will help them find the girl. Nothing more. “If you want, you can stop. But I will never stop looking for her. If necessary, I will search for it all my life. " For Ron alone, it was unforgivable. Take it and give it up. If his friend wants to, let him return to the others. But he certainly won't. For him, only this woman has the meaning of life and nothing more. For him, surrender means death. And he would never die. Because they have not yet seen this world together and could not feel all the delights of life together. "No. I'm with you." Emo will of course follow his friend. After all, he, too, decided to help him. So, will not leave him alone. If you do this, it turns out that he is a man whose word is worthless and his friendship is false. And this is absolutely not true. They boarded their little ship and flew to the next city. In the hope that there will be at least some traces of Nicky. "Where are you? My love. I miss you so much. I beg. Return to me."
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