First battle with Tyrannosaurus.

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Jack's squad was already not far from Steilinbeath. It remains for about 10 minutes to fly to the appointed place. So it's time to pack up and change into your combat uniform. Very soon they will have to face dangerous enemies. New. Until now, the world has not seen and it is not known how strong. "Guys. Be all on alert. We are almost there. I can't even imagine how strong our new enemies are. Also, stick to your plan. What we have developed. " Before the start, Bryce gathered all subordinates and spoke to them to raise their fighting spirit and spirit. Like the good old days. They used to always do that. When they were, in a number of detachments of Flezia. This was a prerequisite and spelled out in the charter. As a good commander, he never violated it. And now it’s simple, it’s already become a habit. “Don't worry, commander. We will not let ourselves be offended. " Confidently, Harry told him. As usual, he considered himself invulnerable and that he would easily kill all of them. By oneself. Others shouldn't even interfere. Of course, he has no confidence in self-confidence. You have to be careful with this. And then this trait can turn against him. Yes, and you can suffer there. The strength of the enemy is still unknown to them. "If anything, as a last resort, we will call you to help us." Gently, said Catherine. Apparently, Jack will not participate in this battle and will remain on the sidelines. Unless, of course, his comrades call him. Then he will immediately rush to their aid. Without any hesitation. Because he worries, and worries about all of them. In the meantime, he can calmly sit in a chair and through the window, behave himself and be content with this show. And the way they destroy Tyrannosaurus. One after another. “So rest and just watch. We will show you how strong we have become. " Ron, in turn, came back with Emo. After talking with Len. Early in the morning they flew out of the city. To your commander. Their adventure has come to an end and judging by Herbert. He intended to agree to a deal with that villain. After he saw Nika. He was constantly, all in himself and in thought. “What have you decided about him? Are you going to accept his offer? " Lowes, just to be sure. I decided to ask the guy about it. The point is to think up and walk around the bush. If it's better, immediately find out everything and put a big and thick point. Although he himself would of course, he did not want that. But it’s not up to him to decide. After all, the beloved of his friend is involved in this, after all. "Do not know. I have not decided yet. First you need to meet with the commander and the rest of the guys. " Ron is still undecided. And also at that meeting with the commander's older brother, he did not give a clear answer. Before making a decision, he must talk to the rest of the team. And also discuss with Jack. Maybe he'll change his mind and take him to the very place where Nika is. Then you don't have to go for this damn deal. “Do you understand how dangerous it is? If you attack, the royal family. They will grind you to dust. This is for you, not the Giren squad, and certainly not the Fauns. " The scanner, just in case, once again warned that going against the family is suicide. They are much taller than anything they have encountered before. These opponents will be of a completely different level. The guy understood everything perfectly. But, what else was there to do. He was completely in a desperate situation. Better to die than live in a world where she is not next to him. "Yes. I understand everything perfectly. " So they went down, three of Jack's team, to the battlefield. They were Garry, Catherine and Brody. It was they who decided to give battle to new enemies, Tyrannosaurus. Three should be enough for such a crowd. The main thing would be to adhere to the rules. They did not violate the formation and the battle strategy agreed upon in advance. And then everything should be good with them. "Graaa." And here is just the Tyrannosaurus, appeared on the horizon. Uttering a wild roar from my mouth And so strong that the ears were blocked by the three Flairz who were on the battlefield. They looked more menacing and dangerous than the Fauns. And in size, they were larger. And also the speed, much faster. In general, one glance can already say that it will be more problematic to deal with them. "Well well. They are even bigger than the fauns and look much scarier. " Nolevis shuddered at the sight of these creatures. Inadvertently, on the machine. She didn't do it on purpose. And this does not mean that she is afraid of them. Just the first impression and reflexes worked here. No more. And they fought with harder monsters. The Giren squad was much worse. Judging by the level of the mineral in their bodies. Those monsters, not too far away, had gone from the Fauns. “I was scared. You can stand on the sidelines. And you too, Brody. I'll figure it out myself. " Lugertz, with a slightly harassed air, said. Thus, touching a girl from his team. And the third, too, offered to smoke on the sidelines. He turned on his self-confidence again. He considered that for a battle with people like them, he alone was enough. This will be completely with the head. No need to go, all three to the front lines. “Yeah. Why, I was dreaming. " Catherine, of course, started up. Yes, that he imagined himself. Does he consider his comrades completely for weaklings? Or thinks that they will interfere with him? No, really. So it will not work. They, too, will fight. The girl was the first to start emitting a powerful Fleziradia. Going to reincarnate in combat form and show this smart guy that there is nothing to keep them aside. “Warm my body. Bluebird, Lepra. " As always, beautiful and sexy. This robe is a tight-fitting body, it just looks gorgeous on her. Yes, and all the charms stick out. Well, just a lovely sight. Thanks to the super-speed rollers on its feet, it can also move much faster than others. No matter how you look, this is their transformation. And it is always many times better than that of other Flairz. Well, except for a dozen, the best commanders. They, too, are different. “Connect with my body. Thunderer, Treansaldo. " Raskart was the second to begin his transformation. Gradually attracting metal to him, he became a human robot. His own creation and the best. He himself created this form for himself. And all because of the knowledge and technology that he owns. This helped him complete and create an improved version, more powerful and dangerous. Than what she was in the battle with Mongi. “Give me strength. The Dark Lord. Jergo. " The last one was, Garry. His Form has always been dark and terrible. And the outfit looked like death with a scythe. He was in the hood. This man was the only one whose form did not change from the very beginning. His transformation has always remained the same as before. Unlike his other comrades. That after the crater of Celrun, they began to look different. "Graaa." The Tyrannosaurus were already close. And their roar was heard, more and more. Somewhere, a couple of hundred meters from our heroes and a kilometer from the town of Steilinbit. It's time to start the battle. And now only a few minutes are left before the start of the first battle of mankind with a new enemy. How will it happen? What will be the result? All this will be decided upon completion. “Well, guys. Let's go. " Lugertz, already at the initial stage of the battle, ceased to adhere to their original plan and strategy. Yes, I decided to go it alone. Despite the fact that the commander said about caution and attentiveness. All these warnings to him were up to the lantern. And all because of his confidence in the victory over the enemy. Only once can it come back to haunt him strongly. “Stop! Garry. Do not break, you go ahead. " Nolevis tried to stop him. Hoping that he will listen to her. Although this is unlikely. He never listens to anyone. So, he just waved his pen, said goodbye to his comrades and rushed into the thick of it. Where it was, the largest number of Tyrannosaurus and surrounded him, from all sides. Thus, blocking off all escape routes. "Bye. Bye. Whoever fails more than these monsters will win. " Next, the girl herself, stopped following the plan. Yes, I went ahead. Destroying enemies one by one along the way. She did not allow herself to be surrounded and acted carefully. Because in the past she already had a bitter experience. Where she made a mistake and almost died. If not for Ron and not for Nika. She would have been dead for a long time already. "I will not give in to you." Only Brody, to the last, did not leave the line of defense and stood firmly in place. Waiting for the enemy to come up to a certain line. But looking at how they raged there. It is unlikely that it will come to him. These two will kill them all themselves. After all, the difference in strength was on the face. After all, this unit has already surpassed the limits of all the units of Flezia on the planet and is rightfully the strongest of them. Although not officially. “Eh. By God. Well, the children are small. "
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