Aptitude Test

873 Words
I then find my exit when suddenly, I screamed as I fell out of nowhere. I was puzzled as to how did it ever happened. I was supposed to find Eda outside waiting for me. But, I don’t know why on earth am I falling right now. I grunt in pain as I landed. Thank goodness I landed on a safety net. I felt dizzy. I blink a couple times. Wait. I then froze. Everything felt strange. No matter how hard I try to look around, I can see nothing but darkness. I’m the only one in the spotlight. Yea. The light from above is the only one that provides lit in the spot where I am at, right now. “HEYYYYY!!” – I screamed at the top of my lungs in the heat of frustration My voice echoed around. I kinda hate it. This place is strikingly enchanting. Lots of trapdoors might be lurking in the corner. I wonder if it has something to do with the choice I made. It really must have. This competition is quite indecipherable, really. Or was it really a “Selection of Queen” are they conducting? I think my mind began to blow with all the thoughts that clouded in my head. All of a sudden, I was stunned. I think I heard something like a lion, growling in the corner. Whoa! Am I being thrown into a lion’s den?! I felt betrayed. I immediately rolled down from the safety net. I don’t know where should I go but considering my location at right now, there’s nothing left for me to do but to make a move while there’s still light. Amazingly, as I landed my foot on the ground, the room has gradually been lit up. I was taken aback seeing where I am in right now. The closed room also shifted gradually. The metal walls disassembled. Everything shifted into a mazelike basement. But I haven’t seen a lion just yet. And I better keep my mouth shut. I can sense that it’s just a few feet away. I had a bad feeling about this. I turned around and examined the room. Cold metals seem to be just movable and it’s beyond my framework of mind as to know why. Yea. Literally. Wait. Something just caught my eye. Guess I’m not just the only one in here. I’m pretty sure I saw a silhouette of a guy. My heart starts racing. I hurriedly followed without any hesitation. In just a few turns I already managed to keep his pace. I’m being careful though not to make any sound. After we made a lot of turns, we reached into somewhat a secret passage. A different kind of wall to be exact. This guy is really something. The guy seem to notice that he’s been tailed at considering how he subtly tilt his head. Oh-oh. This ain’t good. Though it’s all so dark on the right side, I still prefer to take a detour. Much better to try and take a risk at the unknown than being caught up. Hopefully I could still find a way to get through this maze on my own. I heave a deep sigh I as thought I was able to hideaway. When suddenly, I bumped into something. Wait. Is it really something or someone?! I gasped in surprise. He then instantly covered up my mouth with his hand to keep me from screaming. The sound of metal chains whisking on the floor resounds across the room. Then it hits me. The lion. It must have been awakened. “Dang.”- said the man behind me I then tapped his hand that covers my mouth. Signaling him to let go of me. “Help me find my exit, pls. I won’t disclose your identity for sure. ”- I reassured He doesn’t respond to my request. Instead, he moved forward and I just followed his track. We turned back to a bizarre kind of wall. But before he opened it, he first turned back to face me. Though his face got fully covered, perhaps just to make sure I won’t ever recognize him, perhaps he first got it covered before he went after me earlier, I saw his eyes glows a bit. “Who are you?”- he asked “I’m Serra, the Heiress of Troav. I came here to participate for the Selection. That’s all. So, if you could help me get through this maze, it would be of a lot of help. ”- I honestly said in response without even bothering to ask him in return “Okay, but promise me one thing. Don’t even mention about me being here.”-he negotiated “Of course. I see nothing. I would keep that in mind. How will I ever repay you? “-I asked coz I hate owing to someone “You don’t have to. There, that is the way out of the labyrinth. ”- he replied while guiding me on the other side “Perhaps you should wait a few more minutes before you’ll went out. So they won’t have any doubt. Okay?”-he added. After that, he began to move away.
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