At the Orange House

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Perhaps about thirty minutes I went out. I slowly opened the door when I heard the deafening scream of Eda. “Thank goodness your safe!”-happily said Eda as she hugged me tight “You must have been so afraid. But you sure is quite impressive. Congratulations, on passing for the aptitude test. Just so you know, all the applicants for the Selection has gone through this. All of you were timed up and a thirty five minutes of completion is far beyond our standard rating of accomplishment.”- the girl from the interrogation room said with an applause “So, what if I haven’t gone out on time?”- I inquired “Of course our rescue team is always ready. Three hours and the participant - like you doesn’t comes out yet, they will come inside for your aid. And it’s up to the participant if she’ll continue to sign up for the Selection or back down if they’re too afraid to go on for the competition.”- she explained “Okay, and so much for that we better keep moving. The royal house has been waiting for us. Welcome to the league. Being the 135th participant, you just closed the call. Welcome aboard.”-she added guiding me and Eda to the royal carriage Eda has been doing all the talking along the way, I was being told that all the things that has been put up underground was only for scaring the participants. The lion has been caged at the corner and the more you’ll going to provoke him, it’s roaring sound sends vibration to the sensor and the metal walls would disassemble creating a dramatic scene to further cause fear and panic to the participant. Eda seem to get closer to the girl. Oh, her name by the way is Vadet. One of the upper class princess here in Ekkran. The officer in charge for the Selection. And I was informed that she’s two year older than me. Haven’t I told you that I’m bad at guessing ages? I really thought she’s a year younger than me. Looks can be deceiving though. We’ve passed several different infrastructures that’s so strange for me. Unlike the Southern cities that is so traditional, here the cityscapes were lavishly sophisticated. This place is no wonder why of a lot of interest to King Lesvos and for sure to the Northerners also. Ekkran became the center of commerce to the Southern and Northern realms. It is only the independent city that is quite untouchable coz both sides were very keen in each dealings. One wrong move on either side could escalate war. That is why King Lesvos had to change his strategy. Instead of using his army, perhaps he thought that negotiation would be the most efficient way of getting an upper hand. Silent sweet attack as what they say. We're finally at the entrance gate of the royal quarter where royal guards lined up at their posts. The hallway welcomes us with a couple of royal maids and butlers to accommodate us, for our settlement. “Bring them in to the orange house. The royal quarter for all participants of the Selection.”-says Vadet to the head of the maids and butlers “I wonder if I could still get close to you while the Selection goes on.”- she said “I don’t know either. Let’s just see and wait for the instruction. Who knows I might go back home in just a couple days?”- I said in reply “I don’t think so. King Lesvos would be disappointed if that’d happen.”- she counteracted “We’ll, yea. I better not let that thing to happen.”- I determinedly said I cannot let myself to fail in this competition. For the sake of the people of Troav. I would compete and win this one. I cannot let King Lesvos to continue slaving my people. Putting a lot of workload to them just so we could pay the burdensome amount of taxes imposed by our subduer. The officer of the house then meet us. Reviewing my documents and she finally give us the key to my room- numbered 135th. She seem to be very strict. Having that kind of signature look from a savage housekeeper. She took a glimpse in me and got stunned for awhile but she instantly manages to keep her cool. She then guides us and we just followed through. “How long is the duration of the Selection, Madame”-politely said Eda “Everything will be discussed tomorrow at the function hall, the rules and regulations during your stay here and also the criteria of the Selection. It’s not for me to disclose it to anyone just yet.” – she replied looking intently at me and Eda “Okay, understood.”- we humbly replied with a slight bow We passed to different rooms and as I can see it were all occupied already. “Just suit yourself and take a rest, ladies. It’ll gonna be a long day ahead. “-the lady of the house said “Yea. It surely is.”- I said in agreement After that, they left us in our room. We then arranged all our stuffs in the room, eat something and dozed ourselves off to sleep. Yea. Seems like it became a habit of mine these past few weeks. Traveling from place to place, meeting different kinds of people and experiencing different types of adventures.
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