Rules and adjustment of the Selection

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Morning comes and it’s the ringing sound of the bell outside that wake us from sleep. Like an alarm for all to finally prepare ourselves for the long day waiting ahead for all of us, as participants. Few minutes later, the maids sent us food and also royal apparel for me to wear during the meeting at three o’clock in the afternoon at the function hall “You look gorgeous. “-says Eda with a beaming eyes I was wearing a skin toned dress for today and it suits me well, I guess, considering how Eda got mesmerized at me. I looked like a Roman goddess with the adorable headdress that I wore, right now. And the hanging strands of my hair perfectly matches the mood. Thank goodness, I got just in time at the venue. Though I couldn’t still dodge the head turns as I was walking past the aisle with the other participants while reaching out to a vacant seat at the third row. “May I? “- I asked the girl referring to the seat “Absolutely.” – she said with a smile Oh. She’s got a bunny smile. It’s kinda cute and it suits her well. “Thanks.”-I said with a smile also. “Powhattan, by the way.” – she said extending her arm “Serra.” – I said. Just when I was about to reach out to her hand, the emcee then, interrupted. Speaking in front. And we both just give a laugh at each other getting the same vibe. “Good afternoon, young ladies! Welcome to the fortress of our beloved King of Ekkran, the most independent city across the world. As being one of the participants for the Selection, you all have the right to held your head up high. This gonna be a new beginning for all of you. More important for that “one” and who knows who?!” –the emcee said while acting like she’s in a deep thought searching in each one of us “Life on one of you here, is bound to change for a lifetime. This Selection, means a lot for all. So, I’m wishing you well in your endeavor on winning not just the crown but also, the heart of the people.” – she continued and I just realized, that was Vadet the officer in charge of the Selection. "The Selection would last for three months. All of you were to be beautified, trained to actually become a queen. More important, to be taught all the things you need to know about our beloved Empire. The language, history and culture here in. For now, you were altogether 135 individuals competing for the Selection. All coming from different cities and provinces across Southern and Northern Realms. For sure many of you here were already acquainted with each other. Considering most of you came from the same school. From the prestigious school at Kirhausen- the Capital city from the Northern Realms ruled by King Regus the conqueror of the Northerners. It’s so amazing for all you to be gathered here as one. Of course as one of the participants, let me remind you that all of you were obliged to follow rules and orders. And for further details with regards to the rules, let me call on the Mr. Klein. “- Vadet “Good afternoon once again, young ladies! As I can see, you were all looking good, graceful and elegant. But honestly speaking, beauty isn’t the main thing in this Selection. As you all know, Ekkran is no ordinary city. Being the center of commerce across Southern and Northern Realms, we just can’t let our guards down. Therefore, it takes great intelligence, power and bravery to take the crown and to be honored as the queen. For that reason, all of you were going to undergo a rigorous training physically, mentality and emotionally. So you have to be strong. From now on, forget all the memories you had in mind with regards to your homeland because I assure you that in this three month training and seclusion that you all should go through, it would all transform you to be a refined Elites. One of you here would be honored as a queen in our beloved city of Ekkran and have the opportunity to live her entire life in the Royal House with prince Drake. How about the others?” - Mr. Klein said with as if with a questioning look. “Well, I guess this would all surprise you. King Gregory had a little bit adjustment in this Selection. Or should I say more than a little? But first,let's start with the rules. “ – He added with somehow a serious kind of tone that’s making me shiver down through my spine. (Perhaps Mr. Klein is in his late fifties already as did Mr. Koala.) "First and foremost,nobody is allowed to go home and leave Ekkran as the Selection goes on,for whatever reason there is unless you were asked to. You would be given a black card as a sign to leave anyway." -he started "Secondly,you were not allowed to say anything,even more try to question,when given a task to do. Just keep silent and do the thing you have to do."- he added "Thirdly,don't go near to Prince Drake's quarter unless you were called out for." -he said with a stern look of his face and a narrow eyes "The rules are just simple. All you have to do is to keep that in mind. Okay,so moving forward,let's talk the adjustment that King Gregory has imposed. Instead of focusing on the Selection of Queen for Prince Drake,King Gregory of Ekkran changed the nature of this so called Selection. For that reason,we're going to choose 35 more to be trained to the extreme and for a great cause. These were in a sense to be bought as Ekkran's property. A hybrid elite as what they say. To be clothe with great honor,fame,status,power and thus be hailed as the Glamor of Ekkran. Amazing isn't it?" -says Mr. Klein I could hear gasps and chatters from other participants. I guess this announcement brought us a big surprise. "For that reason,give us your best shot and show us what you've got to be nominated and be chosen as one of the top-notch participants. Of course we won't make it easy for you though."-Mr. Klein reminded What do they really have in mind? Is this what King Lesvos had warned me from the start? What could this Selection all about? I hate it. I felt betrayed. I then realized, King Lesvos were right. I’m quite hasty. Additionally, I seem to have not used my mind after all. Well, I admit I’m not really good at suppressing my emotion. But of course, I just can’t sit still and watch my people being treated so bad by our subduer by imposing forced labor. The agony and the plea that my people kept crying, I could vividly hear it. Loud and clear in the back of my mind. “Hey, are you okay?” - asked Powhattan (Pointing the clutch of my hand.) I then get back at my senses.
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