My step-brother

3169 Words
My father married my step-mother, Carol, when I was nine years old. I was a flower girl at their wedding. I was very happy for my dad when he found Carol. She was much nicer than my birth mother who had apparently decided I wasn’t worth the hassle after she dragged my father through a nasty divorce. Even though I was young at the time, and my dad tried to shield me, I knew my mother was trying to use me as a weapon against him and I hated her for it. What I was most excited about for Carol and dad getting married, was Carol’s son, Tyler. He was thirteen at the time and everything I’d ever wanted in a big brother. Where I was nerdy and awkward, Tyler was athletic and popular. It didn’t take long for me to realize, however, that the last thing Tyler wanted was a geeky little sister following him and his friends around. We weren’t very close, but I never got bullied again! In junior high, a few girls started talking to me and became my friends. They always wanted to hang out at my house. I pretended I didn’t know why, but I’d have to be a blind i.diot not to see the way they looked at Tyler and my dad. “You are so lucky to have such a hot step-brother,” Janelle said one day as we were hanging out by our pool. Tyler had his best friend, Brandon, over and they were on the other side of the pool doing their best to ignore me and my two friends, Janelle and Dani. “So, do you two have s.ex?” “Ew! No, that would be gross,” I hissed at her, hoping Tyler couldn’t hear her. “He’s my brother!” “Step-brother,” she corrected with a knowing wink. “If he were my step-brother, I would ride that every chance I got!” she giggled. Dani snickered along with her while I paled, glancing across at Tyler to see if he was reacting. Luckily, he hadn’t moved and didn’t glance in our direction even once. “Tyler’s not bad for a high school student,” Dani said quietly. “It’s your dad I want to see naked, though,” she licked her lips as I groaned and Janelle playfully hit her and called her a slut. I knew my dad was a handsome man, but it still surprised me to hear my friend talk about him in a s.exual way. He got hit on by women everywhere we went, but he was loyal to Carol. And although my room was two rooms away from theirs, I could easily hear just how much they loved each other. Several times a week. That was the summer before Tyler went away to college. Even though we weren’t close, I still missed him when he left. I also really missed having his hot football player friends hanging around the house in their swim trunks. I had plenty of nights with images of those guys dripping wet in the pool to fantasize about, even if I was way too shy to do anything about it. A few years later, the summer before my senior year, Tyler came home from college for summer break. He’d gotten a job for the summer, and I guess I was used to having the house to myself most of the time while everyone else was at work. It was an exceptionally hot day in July, and the air conditioner was struggling to keep up with the heat. I wandered down to the kitchen to get something cold to drink, and was lingering in front of the open refrigerator door, enjoying the coolness on my skin, trying to decide between an orange juice or a bottled water, when someone cleared their throat behind me. Startled, I squealed as I spun around to see Tyler’s dark eyes watching me intently. I thought I’d been alone in the house, so I was only wearing a pair of boy-short panties and a white mid-drift tank top that was loose enough to show a little bit of side-boob if I moved too fast. “Umm… I didn’t know you were home,” I said lamely, tugging on my shirt as though that would make it cover more of my exposed skin. “Is this how you always walk around the house now?” Tyler smirked at me. His eyes lingered on my n.ipples that pebbled under his intense gaze. “When it’s this hot and I thought I was alone,” I shrugged, trying to mask my embarrassment. “Maybe I should come home early more often,” he said so quietly that, at first, I wasn’t sure I could believe my own ears. He reached past me to open the refrigerator door, and I scuttled away from him, trying to suppress a little moan as his arm brushed over my sensitive n.ipple. He pulled a beer out of the fridge and gestured with it to me with a questioning look. I’d never had a beer before, but I wanted to look cool so I nodded with a small shrug that made the strap of my tank top slide off my shoulder. Tyler’s eyes darkened as they swept over the top swell of my breast before I tugged the strap back into place. He popped the top off the beer and held it out to me. As I reached for it, he pulled it back just out of reach smirking at me while I huffed in annoyance, before he finally handed me the bottle, getting one out for himself. I sipped the pungent liquid carefully, not sure if I liked the taste or not. Tyler watched me, taking a long pull from his own drink, his eyes never moving away from me while I shifted nervously. “So, why are you home so early?” I asked, trying to ignore the heat building in my belly. Tyler shrugged. “Not enough work at the moment. It’ll pick up.” I nodded as though I was worldly enough to understand the predicaments of the working life, and lapsed back into an uncomfortable silence. “So, is your friend still obsessed with your dad?” he asked suddenly. “I… what do you mean?” I asked, my eyes wide. If he knew about Dani’s inappropriate crush on my dad, did he know about Janelle’s obsession with him? “Please, you girls always forgot how well voices carry in that backyard,” he smirked at me. “At least my friends weren’t dumb enough to talk about f.ucking you while you were sunbathing.” My mouth dropped open in shock and heat rose in my cheeks. “They didn’t,” I shook my head in denial. Tyler’s friends never spared me a glance. I was just his geeky, awkward, irritating little sister. “They did,” he nodded earnestly. “I wanted to punch a few of them out, but I couldn’t really blame them either. Do you know how many times I’ve jerked off thinking about you, Emi?” I blinked at him, too shocked to react. He set his empty beer down on the counter and moved across the kitchen, closing the space between us moving like a predatory big cat. “Every time, I feel so f.ucking guilty afterward I swear it’ll never happen again. But then I think about you in those tiny bikinis you used to wear and I can’t help getting hard.” He was close enough now that I could feel the heat radiating off his body and my n.ipples strained at the fabric of my shirt even as my mind struggled to make sense of his words. He reached out then, running one impossibly gentle finger along the outside curve of my left breast, making the breath catch in my throat as I looked up at him in disbelief. “This isn’t going to help my resolve to not think about you tonight,” his voice was deep and husky as he whispered the dirty, exciting words. “But you’re my brother,” I whispered, feeling a shameful tingling sensation between my legs. His haunting words and closeness were turning me on despite knowing how wrong it was. “Not really,” he whispered, looking deep in my eyes. “We’re not biologically related, Emi. If we met any other way, this would be natural, normal,” he took the forgotten beer bottle from my hand, setting it on the counter behind me before running his hands up my arms in a delicate caress. “I’m going to kiss you know, ok?” I nodded dumbly, excitement at finally getting my first kiss waring with the shame of knowing it was with my step-brother. The moment his lips touched mine, however, every thought was chased out of my mind and all I could think about was the feeling of him pressing my body against the hard, unyielding counter. His body seemed to mold against mine, my soft curves fitting naturally against the hard planes of his muscles. I felt his hands slip down to grip the cheeks of my ass, grinding his pelvis against me. My own hands reached up to grip his shoulders, trying to steady myself against the onslaught of sensations crashing through me. His lips were impossibly soft and warm as they pressed gently against mine. His tongue snaked across my bottom lip, seeking entrance, and I opened up to him on a sigh. He dipped inside my mouth, sampling me. I could taste the beer on him, but there was something else underneath. Something more primal, wild and earthy, and I realized it was him. His natural taste was addictive, I wanted more. My hands moved up to tangle in his hair, abandoning all thoughts of right or wrong. I needed this. Needed him. What he was doing to my body felt sinful and delicious. Suddenly, his hands gripped my hips and he lifted me onto the counter, my legs automatically spreading to make room for him between my thighs as his mouth continued to assault mine. My panties were shamefully soaked with my arousal, but I couldn’t fathom being embarrassed by it as I rubbed myself on the front of his pants, wanting to feel friction down there. His hands left my hips to run up my sides, under my thin tank top, and cupped my breasts in his huge hands. His fingers were slightly rough as they grazed over my n.ipples and squeezed the sensitive flesh. I moaned into his mouth at the feeling. My p.ussy was pulsating now, and I was certain I was creating a puddle on the kitchen counter. He pulled away from our kiss to pull my shirt over my head, and then seemed to be hypnotized by my boobs. His hands kneaded the firm flesh slowly as though testing the feel of them as he stared. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. I wanted to touch myself between my legs, to try to ease some of the ache there. I’d m.asturbated a few times, but I’d never felt this hot before. Feeling unsure of what Tyler would think if I tried to touch myself, I rested my hands behind me on the counter, forcing my back to arch further into his touch. I watched with rapt fascination as he leaned forward and captured one of my n.ipples in his mouth, sucking the firm point between his teeth and circling his tongue around it. I nearly came then and there just from the way his mouth felt on me. Without realizing it, my hands once again found their way into his hair, holding him in place while I moaned in pleasure. Moving his mouth to my other breast and beginning the process again, his hand dropped to my crotch, easily locating my c.lit and rubbing it over my soaked panties. “Tyler!” I cried as my hips began to thrust towards him. He pulled back then, his fingers between my legs slowing, but he didn’t remove them, as he stared into my dazzled eyes. I was disappointed at this change of events. I’d felt like my release was so close! Why did he stop? “Emi,” his voice was so husky and breathless, it made me smile to know how much I’d affected him. “You’re the smart one, Emi. Tell me to stop.” “Stop?” Confusion and a twinge of hurt laced through the lust in my voice. His beautiful grey eyes were dark, but there was compassion in them as he looked back at me. He grabbed my hand and moved it to his crotch, rubbing my hand over his monster of an e.rection. I gasped at the size of it, but I couldn’t tell you if it was from excitement or nerves. “I know you’re a virgin, Emi,” he whispered, letting my hand go. “I don’t want to pressure you into anything you’re not ready for.” I blinked at him as his words seeped into my brain and began to make sense. Yes, I was a virgin, but only because no other guy even came close to Tyler in my mind. He was everything I’d ever wanted. Sometimes at night, with the sounds of Carol screaming her o.rgasm, I used the vibrator I’d bought with the money Grandma sent me for my birthday, and imagined it was Tyler thrusting into me. “Tyler, I want you to be my first,” I whispered, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I built up the courage to say the dirty words I’d never said out loud before. “I want you to f.uck me.” He audibly swallowed, but there was no need to tell him twice. His lips claimed mine again in a passionate kiss as we let ourselves go. His hands slid under my ass, lifting me until my legs clamped around his waist and my breasts pressed into his chest. He carried me upstairs and deposited me in the middle of his bed. As he stood up, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my panties and pulled them down over my hips and off my legs until he tossed them onto the floor. He stared at me for a moment, palming himself over his pants. Under his hungry gaze, I felt beautiful, desirable, powerful. “Touch yourself for me,” he said in a deep voice. My fingers instantly flew to my netherlips without any hesitation at the sound of his command. I spread my l.abia apart so I could rub at my entrance, spreading the copious moisture all around while I watched him slowly undress. The more skin he displayed, the wetter I seemed to get. By the time he slid his boxers to the floor, his massive manhood jutting forward proudly, I was furiously rubbing my c.lit and gasping for breath. He ran his hand over his shaft as his eyes settled on the movement of my hand between my legs. The bed dipped as he knelt between my wide-spread knees and I closed my eyes in surrender to what he was about to do. Nerves churned in my belly, but I was so far gone with lust that it was a distant sort of feeling. To my shock, he didn’t take me then. Instead, I felt his hot mouth close over my p.ussy. His tongue dived deep into my hole, slurping the juices that were now running freely from me. I moved my hand away, delighting in this new feeling and wanting to commit all of it to memory. His tongue thrust into me several times before he replaced it with a finger while his clever tongue moved up my slit to circle and tease my engorged c.lit. He pumped his finger in and out of me a few times until I was screaming for more before adding a second finger and stretched me open even more. It didn’t even feel like my body anymore. I had no control as my hips lifted to meet his thrusting fingers and I sobbed in the most all-consuming pleasure I’d ever felt in my young life. He pulled his fingers from my body and I whimpered. He merely smiled down at me, and reached into his bedside table for a condom. I watched, enthralled, as he rolled the rubber onto his long, hard shaft. “Are you ready?” he asked quietly, his eyes studying my face closely for any signs that I’d changed my mind. I nodded my head eagerly. “Yes,” I managed to say. It was more of a moan than a word and I didn’t recognize my own voice. Holding his d.ick in one hand and steadying my hips with his other, he lined his tip up with my entrance and began to push inside me. I could feel my walls stretching around him, hugging him, throbbing against the pleasurable intrusion. He was much bigger than my vibrator, but that just made the pleasure more intense. I felt him bottom out in me and moaned as I rolled my hips up trying to feel every inch of him. “Jesus, Emi,” he groaned. “You feel so f.ucking good!” I moaned at his words as he pulled out and pressed back in again, going so slowly I thought I would lose my mind. His fingers gripped my hips, lifting me slightly on every inward movement, positioning my body where he wanted me. As I adjusted more and more to his size, he began to move faster until his c.ock was pistoning inside me so hard and fast that his balls were smacking my ass on every thrust with an audible slap, making it feel like he was spanking me as he drove our mutual pleasure to higher and higher levels. He seemed to swell in me and I felt my entire body spasm as I screamed out my release. He plunged in me one last time, deeper than ever, and grunted as his body jerked as he reached his own c.limax. I felt like jelly as I lay on his bed under his hard body, his softening c.ock still buried deep inside me while we tried to catch our breath and let our hearts slow down. After a few moments, he pulled out and went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he came back, he lay down beside me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against his chest. “I’m definitely going to need to come home early more often,” he muttered sleepily and I could hear the smile in his voice. I was definitely looking forward to the rest of the summer before he headed back to school in the autumn!
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