The Restaurant

4556 Words
Maggie could barely sit still as Thomas drove them to the restaurant. She remembered the first time they’d eaten there last month, and wondered if the experience tonight would be just as exhilarating. It was difficult to get reservations, for obvious reasons, but she felt it had all been worth it. She had been so nervous that first time! She had fidgeted so much she barely drank the deliciously fruity cocktail they had been served after being seated. The first course had arrived and, though it had been excellent, she had been confused. Her friends had told her they had had their best s.ex ever after eating at the restaurant, but there didn’t seem to be anything about the food that would account for their glowing reviews. Until she and Thomas were instructed to remove an article of clothing before they would be served their next course! Course after course, they stripped. The rule was simple, if you didn’t remove an article of clothing, you didn’t eat. By the fifth course she had been completely naked. It took three more before Thomas was equally nude. She had been so turned on that she had made Thomas pull into an abandoned parking lot on the way home and f.uck her in the back seat of their car like they were teenagers again! She stifled a giggle thinking how surprised Thomas would be when she would be completely naked, except her shoes, after only one course tonight! She had enjoyed the feeling of sitting in a room full of strangers completely nude so much last time, that tonight she only wore a dress- no bra or panties. She wiggled in her seat, enjoying the moisture that she could already feel between her legs. Thomas glanced at his wife out of the corner of his eye and smiled at her obvious excitement. Not that he could blame her. The memories of their last meal at the restaurant had made the last month very interesting. Boring meetings at work resulted in a random e.rections as his mind would wander back to that night and he’d picture his wife sitting across from him, nude, along with half a dozen other women. It had taken all his will power not to pull her onto the floor of the restaurant, smear dessert over her pale flesh, and lick it off her before burying his rigid c.ock deep in her p.ussy. When she’d suggested pulling the car over on the way home, he’d happily complied, the two of them giggling like kids again. Tonight, he’d worn a few extra pieces of clothing. It wasn’t that he didn’t like being naked in a room full of people, but he’d found that he liked the idea of being one of the few attendees that were still clothed. Something about that made him feel powerful. Thomas held the door open for Maggie. He couldn’t resist giving her bottom a squeeze as she went inside. When he didn’t feel any panty line, he tried to hide his shock, thinking she must have worn a thong. She winked at him over her shoulder, and his smile grew even wider anticipating seeing his wife in skimpy lingerie in a public place. They were greeted by the hostess who smiled warmly at them. “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Brown. To begin tonight’s experience, the chef has requested you remove your clothing prior to entering the dining room. I will check your items here and you will receive them back at the conclusion of the meal.” Thomas gaped at the young woman. “We’re supposed to strip naked here?” “Yes, sir,” the hostess replied with a bright smile. Maggie didn’t hesitate to slip her dress over her head and kick off her shoes, handing everything over to the hostess to store. Thomas’ jaw dropped in awe as he realized his wife wasn’t wearing anything else. His d.ick twitched at the sight of her freshly shaved p.ussy and her firm breasts, bouncing slightly as she pulled the garment over her head. The idea that everyone already seated would be looking at her added to his excitement, and he quickly peeled out of his clothing without another word. The hostess efficiently catalogued their clothing and seated them immediately. Almost as soon as they were shown to their table, they were served a cocktail, their server assuring them that the meal would begin shortly. While they waited, they looked around at the other guests, who were all doing the same. The glass-top tables were arranged in a circle, the women all seated in the center with their backs facing each other, the men around the outside looking in. Within minutes, the chef took his place in the center of the circle and announced the first course was about to be served. He introduced the dish, speaking about the ingredients and his inspiration for the entire meal they were about to consume, but Thomas could barely concentrate on his words, and Maggie was finding it hard to hear anything over the rapid beating of her heart. Plates were quickly brought out with warm fresh bread medallions topped with caramelized pears and goat cheese, with just a hint of cinnamon. A spicy white wine complimented the dish well, and there were several appreciative groans in the room as the guests took their first bites. Maggie closed her eyes and savored the rich flavors dancing on her tongue, letting out a soft moan. Thomas’ eyes darkened as he watched her pink tongue flicking over her lips to get every last morsel. When she opened her eyes again, she gave her husband a wicked grin, noticing his hardening p.enis under the clear glass of the table. “That didn’t take much encouragement,” she teased him. “You’re an evil woman,” he laughed, knowing she had played up her reaction to the tasty food on purpose. Maggie merely smiled at him and licked her fingers, enjoying watching his physical reaction to her teasing. They took their time, relishing the food and wine, already knowing that by the end of the seventh course, they would be wound up so tight they may not even make it to the parking lot they had pulled into after their last meal there. As the dishes were cleared away, the chef reappeared to announce the second course- a cheesy broccoli soup, with sourdough bread, and a buttery chardonnay. “However,” he continued with a sly grin, “before we can serve, ladies, I need you to all stand up and move one seat to your left.” There was an audible gasp as the guests hesitated. It was one thing to be in a room naked with strangers, but to actually dine with a stranger in the nude? Slowly, one by one, the women stood and shuffled to the chair to their left. Thomas watched with wide eyes as his wife settled herself across the table from a large man with long, dark hair, a goatee, and tattoos covering his chest and arms. He looked like he would be more comfortable in a biker bar than in this upscale place, but he sat composed and seemingly unphased by his proudly displayed body. Maggie smiled shyly at him, and introduced herself, and Thomas had to force himself to turn his attention to his new companion- a dark skinned beauty with blue highlights woven through the intricate braids on her head. Her breasts were small, but perfectly formed, and he was intrigued by the dark n*****s that were pebbled and pointing straight at him. Between her legs, a sparse patch of dark, curly hair framed pink lips that seemed to wink at him as she settled onto the chair. Thomas licked his suddenly dry lips, and wished for a moment that they had been given napkins so he could hide his obvious e.rection from this woman whose name, he realized with a start, he didn’t even know. “Umm… hi, I’m Thomas,” he introduced himself, feeling like an awkward teenager. The woman across from him finally looked up and met his eyes, a blush coloring her cheeks. “I’m Shauna,” she said almost too quietly for him to hear. Thomas searched his mind for something appropriate to talk to her about. “Is… is this your first time eating here?” he sputtered out. She shook her head with a pleasant smile playing on her lips. “No, we’ve come here twice before,” she explained. “Every time is different and… memorable.” “I can believe that,” Thomas nodded sagely, glancing over at his wife who had let out a small girlish giggle at something her companion had said. “It’s only our second time here. We were a little surprised that the experience has been so different from our first.” Shauna smiled at him, her dark eyes twinkling. Her exotic beauty took his breath away, and he struggled with his growing e.rection. “Each time is surprising, that’s for sure,” she said, her voice sounding slightly breathless. “Last time we came, we weren’t able to use our hands to eat.” “Sounds messy,” Thomas grinned at her. She nodded her agreement. “It was! But the clean-up was… enjoyable,” she finished, glancing at her husband with obvious affection. Bowls of soup were placed in front of each guest, and they savored the delicious liquid while drinking their wine and flirting. By the time the second course was finished, they were all feeling more relaxed with this new way of interacting with previously unknown dining companions. The muted conversations that filled the room were deep and meaningful. There didn’t seem to be any reason for trivial small talk when the person sitting across from you was completely vulnerable, as were you. Once again, as the dishes were cleared away, the chef instructed the women to each move one chair to their left. Maggie had greatly enjoyed talking to the tattooed man who had introduced himself as Seth. At first, she had been intimidated about his gruff exterior, but he complimented her and made her feel at ease. Her heart melted when he spoke about his work with an animal rescue organization that he was obviously passionate about. As she moved to her next seat, the wine was beginning to take effect on her mind, and she smiled openly at the next man she was to dine with. “Hi, I’m Maggie,” she said with a slight giggle. “Roger,” he replied, returning her smile. “So, what do you do, Roger?” she asked, feeling oddly comfortable in her skin now. “I’m an electrician. And you?” he c.ocked his head at her and she got the feeling that he must be an excellent listener. He would also be a kind and patient lover, she was sure, and couldn’t help thinking about his roughened worker’s hands massaging the most sensitive places on her body. “I’m a teacher,” she squeaked out, blushing furiously at her illicit thoughts. “What grade do you teach?” he asked, c.ocking his head with a small, knowing grin. “I teach high school English,” she answered, desperately trying to redirect her naughty thoughts. “I had the biggest crush on my high school English teacher,” he said in a conspiratorial tone. “Mrs. Kingsley. I can only imagine how many of your students would love to see you now.” Maggie blushed, but was saved from answering as plates of oysters with a delicate avocado mousse and crisped potatoes were served alongside a refreshing glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Roger was much more flirtatious than Seth had been, but the heady combination of the wine, the elegant food, their shared nudity, and the sophisticated atmosphere put her at ease and she allowed herself to enjoy his attention. Before she knew it, she was openly flirting back, and feeling much lighter than she had in years. When it was time to move on for the fourth course, there was no longer any hesitation in the women. They all thanked their companions and moved along, eager for the next round of stimulating conversation and innocent flirting. A woman with bright red hair and freckles across the bridge of her nose sat across from Thomas. “Hello, I’m Lilliana,” she said immediately. Her large breasts with pale peach-colored areolas bounced as she dropped gracefully into her seat. If Thomas hadn’t already been rock hard, the sight of the glistening moistness between her legs under a small stripe of red hair would have done the trick. “Thomas,” he managed to remember his name and pulled his eyes away from the hypnotic sight to meet her green eyes. “I don’t know about you,” she laughed happily, “but I am having the hardest time not touching myself right now!” He chuckled which made his e.rection bob and he noted that her eyes fixed on it as her pink tongue flicked across her lips. Over her shoulder, he could see Maggie’s back, and wondered if she, too, was struggling not to touch herself. She loved m.asturbating, especially when he watched her. Was she thinking about making herself while the entire room cheered her on? He cleared his throat, struggling to find an appropriate topic to discuss with the woman sitting across from him while his thoughts were fully mired in s****l deviancy. “So, I’ve asked the others I’ve met so far, and you’re next,” she grinned wickedly at him, apparently oblivious to his dirty thoughts, “where’s the weirdest place you’ve had s.ex?” The blunt question seemed to momentarily stop his brain. “Wh-what?” he stuttered, not entirely sure he’d heard her correctly. “I… we… No, we haven’t really… I don’t suppose you consider the backseat of our car in an abandoned parking lot as being weird?” She giggled good naturedly and shook her head. “Nope, doesn’t count. I love getting off in public. Something about the thrill of it, you know?” Thomas thought for a moment, his eyes once again drifting over to his wife. If she got caught, it would mean the end of her career. His own reputation would be difficult to recover. He wasn’t sure he would call that thrilling. “I’m not really sure,” he said slowly, not wanting to look childish in front of this woman. “So, where’s the strangest place you’ve… done it?” She shrugged with a friendly smile. “Well, after the first time we ate here, we went to the bathrooms here, and it was nice, but, like, everyone does it so it didn’t feel very… illicit. So now, we usually go down the road to McDonald’s or the Denny’s.” His eyes went wide. “You have s.ex in the bathroom at McDonald’s?” She giggled again and shook her head. “No, we usually pick a booth towards the back.” “And the workers don’t kick you out?” he wasn’t sure he believed her. “Of course not!” she laughed. “Last time, one of the guys asked if he could join in! We did it in the play place once, but there were already two used condoms in there so we figured too many people knew about that one.” Thomas was not often at a loss for words, but he had no idea what to say to this woman. “I guess don’t let your kids play on the equipment at McDonald’s, then.” “At least not that one!” she agreed as the servers brought out plates of crab stuffed ravioli with a light sauce, and glasses of gewurztraminer. The wine’s strong floral aroma complimented the dish perfectly, and Thomas was deep in thought as he enjoyed the combination. “Ok, so you’re not into public displays,” Lilliana said at length. “So, is this the most shocking thing you’ve done?” Her question brought Thomas out of his reverie, and now it was his turn to grin at her. “I suppose that depends on your definition of shocking,” he shrugged. “My wife enjoys being tied up and gagged while I spank her before f.ucking her senseless. It took us a while to find the right combination. She doesn’t like the ball gag, you see, but she does like an o-ring or a p.enis gag,” he said simply, in the same tone one might use when discussing what sort of car they drive. Lilliana nearly choked on her wine. “Wow! Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! Good for you! And especially good for her!” she praised. Thomas just smiled and sipped his wine. Maggie sat down across from a man whose eyes were riveted on the area between her legs. “Wow! You are the first woman I’ve ever seen in person with a completely bald p.ussy!” he exclaimed with a soft southern accent. “I… really?” she couldn’t hide her surprise at the information. “Yup,” he said, emphasizing the p. “So far, the other women here are trimmed. A few with… whaddaya call it? A landin’ strip? But you’re the only one so far that’s completely shaved. Or do you wax?” “Shave,” Maggie answered quickly, too stunned at the bold question to not answer. He nodded with a friendly smile. “So far, my wife’s the only one here that has a full bush,” he said proudly. “I love her bush! I love runnin’ my fingers through that thick, soft matte of hair and how it glistens with her juices after she c.ums. How’s your husband feel about you being smooth like that?” Maggie c.ocked her head at him and decided if there was ever a time and place for full honesty, this was it. “He’s the one who shaves me,” she said with a grin. “He prefers it this way when he goes down on me because then he doesn’t get hair in his mouth.” “I can see that,” the man smiled. “I never really minded it myself, though.” “I’m Maggie, by the way,” she finally introduced herself, not sure if she was comfortable not knowing this man’s name while they discussed such a personal topic. “Glad to meet ya! I’m Ed,” he responded. His manner was so friendly and open that Maggie didn’t think he could offend anyone no matter what questions he asked. “Sorry, I’m used to workin’ with horses and they don’t really care what your name is long as you treat ‘em right.” “I’ve always loved horses!” Maggie smiled. Their conversation was paused as the servers brought out lamb chops grilled with rosemary and a balsamic glaze, with asparagus in a verjuice sauce, and a deep red pinot noir. Maggie closed her eyes in joyful abandon as she took the first heavenly bite. “I have to admit,” Ed told her, “I do appreciate a woman who loves her food.” “It’s hard not to love this meal. The chef is very talented!” she smiled. “That’s true,” Ed agreed. “A body can live off of beans and bread, but to really enjoy the life we’ve been blessed with, a person hasta eat good as often as they can. Plus, it don’t hurt to have a pretty woman to look at while you’re eatin’!” When it was time to move to the next course, Maggie was almost sad to say goodbye to the cowboy, but she knew there were only two more short courses left in the meal. She was tempted to tell Thomas to take her in the parking lot of the restaurant, not sure she could wait a second more with how turned on she was. Thomas’ eyes couldn’t help sliding over to his wife who sent him a shy smile in return before focusing on her newest dining companion. He gazed across at the woman who sat across from him. Her arms and thighs were covered in tattoos, and she had piercings in both her n.ipples, navel, nose, eyebrow, and several in each ear. Her hair was dyed a shocking shade of pink, and her intense makeup made her seem almost otherworldly. He glanced to his left at her husband and decided they made sense as a couple, before turning back to her and introducing himself. “Elaine,” she returned. “But most people call me Laney.” “I must say, I can’t imagine how much it must have hurt to have your n.ipples pierced,” Thomas remarked, unable to tear his gaze away from the shiny silver rings that adorned her breasts. “It was a pretty intense feeling,” she admitted. “But the payoff is so worth it! My n.ipples are so much more sensitive now.” Thomas struggled to find a topic to spark discussion with this woman who he apparently had nothing in common with. “What do you do, Laney?” he finally asked, switching back into a safe field of conversation. With her extensive ink and bright hair, he imagined she worked in a bar or club. “I’m a cyber securities specialist.” She c.ocked her head at him, “And you?” “I’m a professional services consultant,” he smiled at her. He should’ve known better than to make an immediate judgement over her based on her appearance. She laughed and shook her head. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I thought for sure you owned a book store or something.” “A book store?” he laughed with her. “Why on earth would you think that?” “I don’t know. You have this preppy kind of vibe about you,” her cheeks burned a bright pink with her admission. “I suppose that’s the reason for this experience. We really can’t make snap judgements about people based on nothing.” “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing,” he smiled at her. “Although, there is one assumption I feel fairly confident in having about everyone of us here tonight.” “Oh?” she lifted her pierced eyebrow at him, making the jewelry wink in the light. “And what might that be?” “None of us are boring,” he grinned. A variety of cheeses, dried fruit, and a chutney spread was served with crackers, paired with a particularly good glass of Armagnac. The conversations taking place were decidedly more s.exual in nature than any previous ones had been the rest of the evening, as they all continuously slid glances at their partners, anticipation for the end of the evening evident in their eyes. When it was time for the final table change, Maggie reached out her hand and Thomas clasped it firmly in his. They hadn’t had physical connection with any of the other diners tonight, and the innocent touch had their nerve endings tingling. “This was amazing!” Maggie said breathlessly. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this alive before!” “Did you know,” Thomas said casually, “that you are the only woman here with a completely shaved p.ussy?” Maggie blushed and glanced over her shoulder at the cowboy, Ed. “I had heard something like that.” She paused and bit her lip as a thought occurred to her. “Do you want me to… ummm…” suddenly feeling shy, she wasn’t sure how to phrase the question. “Darling, I love your p.ussy,” Thomas assured her, guessing what she was trying to ask. “In fact, I can’t wait to bury my face between your thighs and make you scream my name.” Color rose in her cheeks. It was tempting to drag him out of the restaurant and skip dessert, but before she could voice the idea, a slice of tiramisu and a small glass of port was set in front of her. “I sincerely hope you have all enjoyed your evening,” the chef said from the center of the room. “I feel it is utterly important to allow ourselves to be vulnerable with each other, and to remember that people are deeply complicated individuals. Take what you have learned tonight and apply it in your every day lives, and I am sure you will find more joy than sorrow. When you are ready, you may make your way to the front where Jasmine will return your belongings. Don’t forget to book your next experience with us before you leave!” Maggie and Thomas finished their desserts quickly, but, as she made a dash for the front of the restaurant, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the bathrooms. There were six rooms, and already, four were occupied. Thomas dragged a confused Maggie into the fifth small room, understanding dawning on her when he closed and locked the door. The inside of the restroom was simple, with a commode and a sink, but it featured a long, heavy counter backed by a large mirror. Thomas turned to Maggie with a hungry look in his eyes that her body instantly responded to. He bent her over the counter, wrapping one hand around her throat gently to force her to look in the mirror. Their eyes met and held as he plunged deep into her moist depths. Sounds of pleasure seeped through the walls, Maggie adding her own moans as Thomas held her hips and thrust into her repeatedly. Her knees went weak and she trusted Thomas to hold her up as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body, until at last Thomas gave one last hard lunge and came deep inside her with a loud, masculine grunt. They stood, locked together, reveling in the intense o.rgasms they had just experienced. Their hearts beat rapidly in their chests, and their breathing began to slow to a normal rhythm as the sounds from the other couples died down. Slowly, almost regretfully, Thomas slid out of her and grabbed a few paper towels to clean himself off and then her. He turned her to face him then, and kissed her deeply, letting all of his passion pour into it. “I love you so much,” he whispered. “I love you, too,” she murmured against his lips. “I want to get you home and use the ropes,” his eyes were darkly intense on hers and he could read the excitement on her face as his words sunk in and she nodded eagerly. Wrapping his arm around Maggie’s waist, Thomas led her to the front of the restaurant where they collected their clothes. Maggie easily slipped her dress back on, and Thomas decided to only wear his pants and shirt, left unbuttoned. The moment they stepped back in their house, he would have her naked once again, and screaming into her gag all night long.
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