Private Tutoring Session

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Nell stared in horror at the number on the top of the paper placed in front of her written in bold red lines. “A seventy-five percent?!” she thought to herself. But she’d studied so hard for this test and had felt so ready. She knew history was her worst subject, which is why she’d left it to her last year of school, but now she was worried about ruining her impeccable GPA. Next to the grade at the top of the paper, Mr. Day, her history teacher, had scrawled, “See me after class,” in his loopy penmanship. For the rest of class, Nell found it impossible to concentrate on the lesson Mr. Day was giving. Instead, she fretted over her grade and what he wanted to talk to her about. When the bell rang, signaling the end of the class period, Nell remained in her seat while her classmates packed up and headed out for break. “Come here, Nell,” Mr. Day called from the front of the classroom where he was seated behind his large wooden desk. She stood and approached him slowly, fidgeting with her fingers the entire way. “Nell, we need to talk about your grade on the last test,” Mr. Day said lowly, staring at her over the top of his glasses that sat perched on the tip of his nose. “Yes, sir,” Nell whispered sadly. “You’re a very bright girl, Nell,” he said gently. “But you need to apply yourself more.” “But, I did study!” she cried out suddenly. “It’s just that the dates get all jumbled in my mind and I can’t make sense of them!” Mr. Day nodded his head, taking off his glasses and setting them on his desk thoughtfully. “You know,” he said slowly, “I believe this has more to do with test anxiety than not knowing the information.” “Test anxiety, sir?” Nell asked uncertainly. She’d never had problems taking tests before. “Yes, but don’t worry, my dear,” he smiled at her. “I can help you with that.” “You mean, you’ll tutor me?” “Something like that,” he shrugged. “Come around this side of the desk where I can see you better.” Feeling very unsure of herself, Nell creeped around the desk until she was standing directly in front of her teacher, a little too close for comfort. He was an attractive older man, and all the girls in school had, at some point, fantasized about what he was hiding under his professional attire. His hair was cut short at the back and sides, longer at the top- just enough to curl over his ears. There was just enough grey mixed in with the dark brown to make him seem worldly and wise to his teenaged students. His eyes were dark and broody and seemed to see everything. No one got away with anything in Mr. Day’s classes, yet he was easy going and his students loved him. His lips were a little thin, but when he smiled, a dimple popped out on his left cheek, making the girls all swoon. “Now, the secret to overcoming test anxiety,” he explained patiently, “is to give your mind something else to focus on.” Nell nodded, not really understanding what he meant, but she wanted him to be happy with her. Mr. Day could see the confusion on her face and he let out a small sigh. “Take your top off, Nell,” he instructed. “My top! But- but why, Mr. Day?” she exclaimed. “Do you want my help or not, Nell?” he huffed. “Y-yes, b-but I don’t understand,” she whimpered. “Right now, you don’t need to understand, just do as you’re told,” he said before c.ocking an eyebrow at her. “Or would you rather I call your father and tell him what a naughty girl you’ve been?” “No, no please don’t call him,” Nell sniffed. “I’ll be good.” Her fingers shook slightly as she unbuttoned her blouse, letting it slip from her shoulders to the floor, revealing her lacy white bra underneath that showed her rosy pink n.ipples clearly, already hardening into firm little points. “Much better,” Mr. Day smiled at his pupil, pleased with her obedience. “Now your bra, too.” Nell’s eyes went slightly wide, but this time, she didn’t argue. With one hand, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, letting the straps slide down her arms while her hands held the thin cups to her breasts for a moment until she allowed it, too, to drop to the floor, joining her blouse. Her hands automatically rose back to try to cover her large breasts, but Mr. Day shook his head, gently moving her hands until they rested on his desk. “Keep your hands flat on the desk unless I tell you otherwise,” he told her, his voice deep and husky with lust as he eyed the firm round mounds of the girl’s breasts bared before him. Reaching up, he began to fondle the tender flesh, feeling the weight of her in his palms and gently pinching and rolling her taut little n.ipples between his fingers. Nell simply watched, fascinated, as his hands molded into her flesh. But when he leaned forward, capturing one of her n.ipples in his mouth and suckling on her, she couldn’t help but let her head drop back as a moan escaped her lips. Mr. Day smiled triumphantly as he sucked, licked, and nipped at first one breast, then the other. His d.ick twitched in his pants, but he knew he’d have to treat her carefully. With one last nip that was slightly harder than she had been expecting, and a firm squeeze to her t.its, Mr. Day sat back in his chair. “There now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he chuckled. Nell shook her head. “But I still don’t understand,” she confessed. “How does that help my test anxiety?” “Because,” the older man grinned, “when you begin to feel nervous about taking a test, all you have to do is picture me doing that, and you won’t be nervous anymore.” Nell thought about it. Her panties were soaking wet, and her p.ussy throbbed almost painfully. No, she supposed, she certainly wouldn’t feel nervous about taking a test while thinking about what Mr. Day had just done to her. “Now, Nell,” he said as his grin grew even wider, “it’s time for your punishment.” “My punishment?” she cried. “But I thought-“ “You do want to improve your grade, don’t you?” he interrupted. “Or should I call your father and tell him that you’ve been disruptive in class?” “But I haven’t!” she tried in vain to defend herself. “Oh, but you have, Nell,” Mr. Day shook his head. “You are very distracting. I thought maybe we could deal with it between us, like adults, but perhaps you’re right,” he added with a sigh. “Perhaps it would be better to call your father.” “No, I don’t want to bother him at work,” she whimpered. “What… what do I need to do?” “Good girl,” he praised. “Turn around and face the desk, put your hands palms down. And remember, don’t move unless I tell you to.” Nell did as she was told, turning slowly. She had to bend over slightly to lay her hands flat on the desk. Her heart was pounding, wondering what her teacher had in mind. She flinched a little when he lifted the back of her skirt up, revealing her red, lace thong, but he was pleased that she didn’t move, and didn’t protest. “Such a naughty girl,” he tsked as his fingers traced over the tiny lace peeking out from between her pale, perky ass cheeks. Hooking his fingers under the fabric, he tugged the garment down past her thighs and let it drop around her ankles. He put his hands between her slender thighs, applying pressure until her legs were spread wide enough that she could feel the straps of her thong firmly hugging her ankles. His hands gently caressed the firm globes of her ass. Squeezing gently from time to time. His mouth salivated at the sight of her little rosebud back passage as it winked at him every time he spread her cheeks apart. He pushed his chair back so he could stand, palming himself through his pants to gain control over his reaction to her young, nubile body. With one large hand, he pressed her shoulders down until she was bent in half over the desk, her breasts pressed against the chilly surface. The other held a thick wooden ruler. He caressed her backside with the cool wood, before suddenly drawing it away and quickly back down on her flesh with a loud thwack! Nell squealed at the painful sensation spreading across her buttocks. She struggled to stand up, but his strong hand held her in place. “What did I say about not moving?” he growled at her. “And you need to be quieter. The door isn’t locked. You wouldn’t want someone to come in to find you like this, would you?” “No, sir,” she mumbled pitifully through the tears spilling over her cheeks. “Good girl,” he praised her before once again bringing the ruler down across her upturned ass. She bit her lip hard to stop herself from making too much noise, wincing as he hit her again and again. Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he set the ruler back down on the desk, and gently rubbed his hands over her ass that was now warm and glowing pink. “You did very well, Nell,” he whispered, a touch of awe in his voice as he reveled in the pink stripes now covering her cheeks. A strange sense of pride welled up in Nell’s chest. She didn’t understand why she felt this way. The spanking had hurt, true, but hearing the pride in his voice made her feel warm and cherished. And his gentle touch eased the pain in her backside until it almost felt… good? Mr. Day sat back down in his chair, scooting it close so he could see her reaction more clearly. Just as he had suspected, her p.ussy was dripping wet, the l.abia engorged and very nearly visibly pulsating with her need. He ran a finger through her wet folds, loving the little mewling noise she let out as her back arched even more. “Has anyone touched you here?” he wondered out loud. “No, sir,” she whimpered. “What about you?” he asked deviously, his finger circling around her c.lit. “Have you touched yourself here?” “Only a couple of times,” she admitted breathlessly. “Do you use toys?” he asked, applying a little more pressure to her aching p.ussy. “No, sir,” she shook her head. “Just my fingers.” “Like this?” he asked, but instead of expecting an answer, he plunged his finger into her tight v.aginal opening. Pumping his finger in and out while she bit her lip to keep from crying out. She writhed under him, flexing her hips to demand more. He pulled his finger out of her, only to replace it with his tongue, his nose pressed firmly into her a.sshole, and the stubble on his chin scrapped her sensitive c.lit while he shoved his tongue as deep into her c.unt as he could. She tasted like heaven, sweet and delicate and addicting. His tongue was buried deep inside her, and the obscene sounds of slurping as he lapped up her juices that were flowing freely now, filled the classroom with their illicit romance. He felt the walls of her p.ussy begin to quiver and tighten on his intrusion as she started to o.rgasm. Rivers of her spilled into his mouth and over his chin as he drank her down. Panting, feeling more satisfied than she could ever remember, Nell collapsed on the desk. She knew the break period must be coming to an end, but she didn’t want Mr. Day to stop. Not yet. She wanted to feel him pump into her, drive his massive c.ock into her untried p.ussy, to fill her with his seed. Instead, he sat back, wiping his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. “You can put your shirt on now, Nell,” he said. She glanced at him over her shoulder, surprised and disappointed that he was dismissing her so easily. He merely smiled at her and shook his head. “Break is almost over,” he explained kindly. “Students will begin showing up any minute, and if any of them find you like this, they’ll all want a taste.” She bit her lip, not sure why the idea of a class full of her peers watching her being eaten out, all waiting for their turn to feast on her turned her on so much. With a sigh, she reached down to pull up her panties, but Mr. Day stopped her. “I’ll be confiscating those, Nell,” he said. “Hand them over.” She gaped at him, not sure if he was being serious, but he held out his hand. “Quickly, now, Nell,” he urged. “Before someone sees you.” She handed her thong to him and quickly got dressed, only just managing to button up her blouse and step a respectable distance away from his desk as the bell rang and students began to file into the room, giving her curious looks as they passed. “Run along to class now, Nell,” Mr. Day told her as he slipped her panties into his pocket. “We’ll continue this discussion after school.” Nodding absentmindedly, Nell walked on shaky legs to collect her things. As she bent over to retrieve her backpack, she inadvertently flashed several of the boys her p.ussy, still bright pink and wet from Mr. Day’s attentions. She stood up, noticing the hungry look in their eyes, and blushed furiously, running to her next class hoping not to be late.
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