Club Nocturne

3809 Words
The whole club scene has never really been my thing. They’re too loud, smell like stale sweat and cheap alcohol, and there are too many bodies packed too close together. I like my personal bubble of space. But when my best friend, Natalie, told me we were going out tonight, I couldn’t say no. It was actually our agreement. I couldn’t say no to her for the entire night. I’d lost a bet, and this was her demand. I didn’t have anything suitable to wear, though- like I said, clubbing has never interested me- so I had to borrow one of her dresses. On her, the dress looked slutty. On me, it was so much worse. I’m a few inches taller than she is and have more padding, especially in the boobs and butt departments. “There is no way I can go out in public like this,” I whined as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. “Get off it, Addison,” Natalie said, smacking me on the ass. “You look f.ucking hot! I think you may have to keep that dress, it looks better on you than it’s ever looked on me.” I rolled my eyes at her and tried to tug the hem of the dress further down my leg, but I couldn’t invent more fabric out of thin air. “I’m having second thoughts about this,” I whimpered. “Too bad,” Natalie grinned at me. “Come on, we’re going to be late!” She dragged me out of my apartment before I could voice any additional concerns. We were supposed to meet up with some of her friends, a few I’d met in passing before, but I didn’t really know them. Apparently, there was this hot new club that was super exclusive or something. I wasn’t sure how we were going to get in if it was so special, but Nat reminded me of our agreement that I couldn’t say no to her all night. Secretly, I hoped we’d be turned away at the door. No such luck. When we walked up to the club’s entrance, there was a line stretching down the street of people dressed just as slutty, if not more so, than our group. I couldn’t help the smile that broke across my face seeing that line and knowing I was not about to be subjected to the inside of the club. The booming bass coming from behind the doors was already giving me a headache! I guess it was the smile that did it. The bouncer looked over at me and waved me over. My knees shook as I tottered on the borrowed heels, the hope that he would tell us to leave draining with every step that brought me closer to the red velvet rope that stretched across the entrance. As we approached, he held the rope aside, motioning for us to go in without a word. Nat squealed and hugged me, mostly it was to push me forward so I didn’t remain standing in the doorway like some kind of scantily clad statue. Inside wasn’t as bad as I had feared. Yes, there were far too many people shoved together. Yes, the music was so loud I’m pretty sure it altered the rhythm of my heartbeat to match the thump of the bass. But it smelled divine! Like toasted coconut and vanilla. And I don’t think I’d seen so many hot guys under one roof ever before in my life. Not that I was interested, I reminded myself. I’d had a really bad break-up the week before and had sworn off men for the foreseeable future. Still, there was no harm in enjoying the view. Right? We had a few drinks to loosen up and get into the spirit. I was still nursing my second vodka and lime when Natalie and the other girls decided to hit the dance floor. “Come on, Addison!” she yelled to be heard over the music. “Let’s dance!” “Let me just finish my liquid courage first!” I shouted back at her, holding my half empty drink up so she could see. Had I not been wearing the stilts she insisted I borrow, I may have downed my drink a little faster. I’m ok in heels, but Nat’s shoes are a lot taller and skinnier than I’m used to, and I didn’t want to risk falling flat on my face. “As long as you meet us out there!” she giggled. “You can’t say no!” I smiled at her as she jiggled through the mass of writhing bodies onto the dance floor where she was swallowed by the crowd. Heaving a sigh of relief at the moment of relative privacy, I sagged against the bar and sipped my drink, scanning the crowd. My eyes fell on a man who seemed to be watching me. Like a magnet, I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him. He was the old cliché of tall, dark, and handsome. In the dim lighting of the club, it was impossible to tell if his hair was dark brown or black, but it was long enough to hang across his forehead in a haphazard way. His full lips grinned at me, making me think of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood- dangerous, but so alluring. His dark shirt strained to contain his broad chest and shoulders, and my fingers tingled at the thought of running my hands over his body. It was his eyes that most held me in place, though. Even from this distance, his green gaze was hypnotic. He walked towards me, moving effortlessly as people seemed to get out of his way. I stared in rapt fascination as he approached, vaguely aware that I should be thinking of something to say to this god-like man, so I didn’t make an utter fool of myself when it came time for me to speak, but my mind drew a blank, more interested in the predatory way he moved than in thinking up words that wouldn’t sound forced. When he was less than an arm’s length away, I thought he would stop, but instead, he stepped into my personal space, nuzzled into my neck, and sniffed me! What the actual hell? “Mmm… you smell good,” his voice caressed my skin, and despite being completely weirded out by this turn of events, a shiver ran down my spine, and heat began to build in my belly. “This isn’t your dress, is it?” he asked, his hypnotic eyes finding mine once again. Stunned, I shook my head. “I borrowed it,” I stuttered out, not sure how I was supposed to react to such an unusual question. “Hmmm… it doesn’t smell right, but that’s ok,” he practically purred. “Ok, well, I guess you get bonus points for the most creative pick-up line,” my brain finally kicked into gear, even though my body seemed to be responding to him. My n.ipples were trying to escape the confines of the dress and a hot, pulsing throb had started somewhere between my thighs. “I’m gonna go… somewhere else,” I whimpered, feeling like I needed to put space between him and I before he did something else weird that my body couldn’t seem to resist. His eyes turned hard, and I cringed away from the anger I read there. I started to step away, but his hand shot out, grabbing my wrist in a punishing grip. Tingles seemed to spread up my arm like tiny electric shocks and I gaped at him. “Do you know where you are, little one?” his voice was low and gravelly, once again bringing to my mind a wolf in a fairytale. “Umm… Club Nocturne?” I answered, knowing my shaky voice was too quiet for him to possibly have heard me. To my surprise, he seemed to have heard me just fine. He pulled me against his chest, his feral eyes locked on mine, “Do you know what Club Nocturne is?” “A… club?” I squeaked, trying to pull my wrist free of his grip, but his fingers were like steel clamped around my flesh. He let out a sigh and looked towards the dance floor. “Which one of your friends suggested you come here tonight and didn’t warn you?” he asked as his eyes scanned the packed dance area. “Come with me.” He didn’t give me a chance to refuse as he dragged me behind him towards the dance floor. I struggled to keep up with him as he pulled me along, my ankles threatening to give out on every other step. The crowd seemed to part in front of him until I spotted Natalie. She turned and paled as she saw us approaching, and bowed her head. My mouth dropped open in shock at how she responded to this overbearing man. “Are you the one that brought this human here without warning her?” he growled loudly. Human? My mind raced trying to make sense of what was happening. “I’m sorry, Alpha,” Natalie whimpered. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal. And I only left her side for a moment!” “Do you know what could have happened to her if anyone but me had found her first?” his voice was getting louder, making people turn to look at us. Heat rose in my cheeks as embarrassment hit me from being the center of this strange interaction. “I’ve seen humans here before,” Natalie said, a bit petulantly. “I didn’t think it was against the rules.” “Humans that have been warned!” his voice was practically a roar now, and Natalie cringed away from him. “Humans whose companions do not leave them alone!” I’d had enough. First of all, I was standing right there. It was rude for him to be talking about me like I was invisible. Secondly, what’s with all the ‘humans’ nonsense? Most importantly, though, he was yelling at my friend, and that just didn’t fly with me. I twisted my arm, breaking his hold on me. What? I’ve taken self-defense! He turned with a shocked expression, and I jabbed a finger in his chest. His rock hard, incredibly muscular chest. My finger hurt and my panties were soaked, but I glared at him and tried to be as intimidating as possible. Not an easy feat when he was a good six inches taller than me, even in my heels, and built like an Adonis. “Look here you over inflated, self-righteous, pompous, dill hole! I am not going to stand here and listen to you berate my friend for doing nothing wrong! I am a grown ass woman, and if I want to go to a night club with some friends, then I will go to a night club with some friends! I will drink, and dance, and have fun!” I was panting for breath, feeling like I’d run a mile, but he merely smirked down at me like I was a yappy puppy. Turning, I pointed at the first guy I saw. “You, dance with me.” There was a low sound behind me that may have been a growl, and the guy I had pointed at held up his hands in the universal show that he wasn’t a threat and backed away. I pouted, but a moment later I found myself spun around, my front pressed up against the incredibly sexy yet infuriating stranger. My whole body was tingling, and the intoxicating aroma of coconuts and vanilla surrounded me. Who wears cologne that smells like coconuts? “I don’t think so, little one,” he hummed in my ear. His arms encircled my waist, pressing me closer to his hard body as we began to sway to the music. His leg pressed between my thighs, and I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips. His mouth trailed soft kisses along my jaw and throat, sending delicious shivers of lust racing through my heated body. My head fell back as his lips continued to explore. It felt like we were the only two people on the planet, all thoughts of why this was a terrible idea fell away. All I could do was let my reaction to his presence overwhelm my senses happily. His fingers tangled in my hair and I opened my eyes to see him watching me intently. My eyes dropped to his lips, and I felt my tongue flicker out to moisten my lips, my mind going hazy as I thought about tasting him. His eyes darkened as they followed the movement of my tongue. My heart was pounding, my breathing coming in small, shallow gasps, as he lowered his lips to mine. His kiss was just as demanding and overbearing as I had expected it to be, and he ravished my mouth. The skirt of my ridiculously short dress rode up higher on my hip as his hand slid under to squeeze my ass. My hips flexed against him, seeking friction to ease the ache pounding between my legs as I moaned wantonly in his mouth. What the hell had gotten into me? I didn’t even know his name! This wasn’t like me at all! The thought was enough for me to hastily pull back, attempting to tug my excuse of a dress back into place. He grinned at me, a self-satisfied smirk that had my hackles rising even as I felt heat pool through me. Trying not to be too obvious, I glanced around to see if I’d made a complete spectacle of myself, but no one seemed to be paying us any attention. His arms were still wrapped around my waist, and I tried to wiggle free, but that just made him hold me even closer, once again nuzzling close to my neck. “What’s wrong, baby?” he crooned softly. “I am not your baby,” I said as forcefully as I could, but my voice still came out a little breathless. “I don’t even know your name!” “I forgot how sensible you humans can be,” he chuckled, finally pulling back so I could glare at him easier as he smiled back at me. “I’m Alpha Elias.” My face fell at his words. “Oh, God, you’re one of those alpha male types?” I groaned. “You even introduce yourself like that? Geez! Get off me! If you think that’s supposed to impress a woman, you have got the wrong girl!” He laughed and shook his head like it was the biggest joke. I had half a mind to kick him in the balls. “It’s not what you think,” he said. “It’s not like when humans call themselves alphas. Alpha is my rank, that’s all. You can just call me Elias.” “Oh, I can, can I?” I sneered at him, trying, and failing, once again to put some space between us. “And that’s another thing! What’s all this talk about humans? You’re freaking me out!” His look softened and he let out a soft sigh before turning me around and pointing to a couple in a shadowy corner. “Tell me what you see,” he said in my ear. I blushed as I took in the scene. “Looks like a goth boy necking with a chick. She seems pretty into it, though.” “Look harder,” he chuckled. I squinted my eyes then gasped. “Is that... is that blood?” I shivered as a drop of red liquid slowly slid down the woman’s slender throat from where the man’s mouth sucked on her. “Is he biting her?” “She’s his snack, so yes,” he said casually. I tore my eyes away from the distressing scene and turned to him in horror. “Are you saying he’s killing her right now and you’re perfectly fine with that? Do people get murdered in here that often?” “Oh, sweetheart, no,” he smiled at me, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear, letting his fingers linger on my skin. “He loves her quite a lot, and she feels the same for him. They’ve been together for several decades now.” I turned back to watch the couple as he licked her neck that was flawlessly smooth, with no traces of the blood I had seen a moment before. “You’re trying to tell me he’s a vampire,” I said dryly, wondering when I would wake up from this nightmare. “Mmm-hmm,” he hummed his agreement before spinning me in his arms so my back was pressed against his chest. “And over there, what do you see?” A scantily clad woman was dancing on a raised platform, and I was confused as to why that should be so unusual in a place like this. “It’s a woman dancing,” I blinked as the wings I’d thought were simply part of her outfit flexed and lifted. They were an iridescent red that caught the light and sent sparkles scattering over her skin. “Is she a fairy?” I whispered, feeling his smile against my throat. “She is indeed, little one,” his warm breath fanned over my skin, spreading goosebumps down my arms. “This is a club for supernaturals. A place we don’t need to hide our true selves.” “So, what are you?” I asked glibly, now completely convinced I was dreaming. “A ghost?” His hands tightened on my hips and I could feel his hard length rubbing against my ass. “Do I feel like a ghost, love?” I shook my head, not sure I could trust myself to speak. Dream or not, he felt big and so very enticing. He spun me around in his arms so I was once again facing him. One hand came up to rest lightly on my throat. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but his eyes seemed to flash at me. “What are you?” I whispered. “Will you come outside with me?” he asked softly. “It’s considered rude to shift in here.” Feeling like a slave to my body, I felt myself nod slowly. He led me to a door that opened onto a small courtyard. It was just the two of us in the chilly night air, and I wrapped my arms around myself as he let go of my hand. “Don’t panic, Addison,” he smiled at me reassuringly. “You’re safe with me, ok?” “How do you know my name?” I asked. I was certain I hadn’t told him before. “Natalie told me,” he said. “Just now when I asked her.” “How could you... she’s inside?” I thought I must be losing my mind. “She’s part of my pack,” he said gently. “We share a mindlink, and someday, you will, too.” I shook my head. This was all too much! “Do you still want to see what I am?” he asked. “Why not?” I shrugged. If I was going crazy, might as well go all in. My eyes widened as he began to strip out of his clothes. I may have objected if the sight hadn’t shocked me senseless. My mouth began to water at the sight of his incredible body. His muscles gleamed in the moonlight, and the very well-endowed member between his legs had me clenching my thighs together at the thought of having him ram into me. I blushed at my dirty thoughts and forced myself to look him in the eye again. He smirked at me as though he knew exactly what I had been thinking. There was a sound like a large stick being snapped in half. Then another and another. Popping joined the sounds echoing around me, and I watched in fascinated horror as his body changed before my eyes. Where Elias had been standing mere moments before, now stood a huge black wolf. His golden eyes watched me closely, but he made no move to come any closer. I’d like to say I took seeing my first real life werewolf in my stride. I’d like to say that I handled the situation in a cool, calm, unflustered way. I’d even settle for saying I was a little detached from the experience, assuming, as I had earlier, that it was all just a dream. The truth is, I passed out cold. When I came to, I found myself on a black leather couch with Natalie crouched over the top of me and Elias pacing in front of a large desk. He’d put on his pants again, but remained shirtless, and the sight of his muscular torso helped wake parts of me up faster than others. He sniffed the air and spun to face me, his eyes flashing, but the concern on his face made my heart do a little flip. “Good grief, Addy,” Nat whispered. “It hasn’t been that long since you got laid. You’re acting like-” she stopped suddenly, her eyes going wide and turned to Elias. “Out,” he growled at her. She squeezed my hand with a small smile, but scrambled quickly to her feet and hurried out the door, leaving me alone with Elias once again. I sat up slowly, my head pounding painfully. Elias rushed to my side to help me, and I shocked myself for the countless time tonight by letting him. “I told you not to panic,” he grumbled as he fluffed a pillow behind my back. “You should probably give people more warning before turning into a wolf in front of them,” I mumbled, wincing as he touched a tender spot on my head. He c.ocked his head at me with a wistful smile. His fingers caressed my skin, and it felt so good, it didn’t even occur to me to tell him to stop. “It’s even worse than that, I’m afraid,” he grinned at me. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him, caught off guard by how comfortable I was sitting so close to him. Our thighs were touching, but instead of pulling away like I normally would, I had a strange urge to climb into his lap and snuggle into him. “Addison, you’re my mate,” he whispered.
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