Club Nocturne Part 2

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Club Nocturne Part 2 “Addison, you’re my mate,” his words were soft, but the intensity of his eyes held me captive. I found it nearly impossible to look away from his gaze as his words slowly seeped into my addled brain. “What the hell does that mean?” I yelled a bit louder than I meant to. His smile was gentle as his fingers brushed over my cheek gently like he couldn’t stand not touching me. “It means that you are the one person on the planet that was made just for me,” he said softly. “And I was made just for you.” “Like a soul mate?” I whispered. “Exactly,” he murmured, leaning towards me, his lips beckoning to me. My head was swimming, whether from the concussion or the sheer amount of information that I still wasn’t entirely sure I believed, I couldn’t be sure. I leaped to my feet, happy to find that someone had removed the heels I’d been wearing earlier so I was able to pace the floor comfortably barefoot. “This is crazy! Things like this don’t happen in real life! People do not stumble into a club full of Halloween monsters and find the person they’re supposed to- what? Fall in love with? Spend the rest of their life with?” I scoffed. I knew I was ranting, but I couldn’t stop myself. “This is insane! And you!” I stopped and turned to face him, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “You’re crazy! And you need to work on your pick-up lines! Pick-up lines are supposed to be like, ‘I lost my number, can I have yours?’ or ‘What do you want me to make you for breakfast tomorrow?’ Not ‘You’re my soul mate, marry me!’ That’s not how this is supposed to work!” I huffed, irritated that he was still smiling benignly at me. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered,” he said happily. “I am not adorable!” I growled at him, no longer aware of the nonsense I was spouting. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted, finally looking around the room. “Where are we anyway?” His brows drew together in concern and he was instantly on his feet and by my side before I could even realize he’d moved. “You must have hit your head harder than I thought,” he crooned, his fingers moving over my scalp. I fought off the urge to purr, and slapped his hands away, taking a step backwards. “Don’t do that,” I snapped, horrified that my voice sounded breathless with barely contained lust. Every time he touched me, I felt like all I wanted to do was get naked and feel his hands all over my body. “Baby, I just-“ “Don’t!” I interrupted as he reached for me again. I wasn’t sure if I’d have the strength to put space between us again if he touched me. It was hard enough not collapsing in his arms and begging him to take me on the couch in this… “Are we in an office?” I asked, looking around again. “Yes,” he frowned as he slid his hands in his pockets. I felt bad. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings or make him sad, but in my defense, this was a lot to deal with. “This is my office in the club.” “The club?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “So, we’re still at Club Nocturne?” “It’s my club. I own it,” he nodded and walked across the room to a cabinet built into the corner. When he opened the doors, I saw it was actually a mini bar, and he poured a glass of amber liquid before turning to me with a questioning look. I nodded, feeling like I’d never needed a drink more than I did at that moment. As I accepted the glass from him, our fingers touched, and I groaned at the heat that raced through me. I caught his grin before he could turn away to pour himself a drink. He took his glass back to the couch and settled into the cushions, spreading out until he was comfortable. “Ask me anything you want,” he said, c.ocking his head at me. “I have no reason to lie to you.” I sipped my drink thoughtfully, trying to get a handle on the thoughts rushing through me. I should have questions for him. I should have a lot of questions for him. Unfortunately, the only thoughts I seemed capable of involved the two of us being naked and writhing together. The memory of the tingles that spread through my body every time he touched me sent a shiver down my spine and I had to close my eyes to stop the moan that wanted to escape my lips. When I opened my eyes, he was studying me, his eyes dark and I noticed the growing bulge in his pants. Blushing furiously, I gulped my drink. “You said you could read Nat’s thoughts,” I said quickly. “Can you read mine, too?” The thought that he somehow knew all the dirty things that had been flitting through my mind filled me with an intense embarrassment and I couldn’t look him in the eyes. “I can’t read anyone’s thoughts,” he assured me. “A mind link is different than telepathy. As I said, Natalie is part of my pack so it’s a way we can communicate with each other. And although I can’t read your thoughts, I can see the way you’re looking at me, and the scent of your arousal is overpowering. It’s taking all of my self-control not to rip that dress off you and taste every inch of your body before claiming you.” My jaw dropped at the easy way he said the dirty words. I’d always loved the idea of someone talking dirty to me, but the guys I’d dated always said they felt awkward attempting it. Hearing Elias say he wanted to taste me so casually made so much moisture flood between my legs, I was sure it was going to start running down my thighs. He closed his eyes with a groan. “Damn, baby. If you get that wet with just words, I can only imagine what you’ll be like with my tongue in your p.ussy.” I threw back the rest of my drink and set the empty glass on the desk. I chewed my lip nervously, questioning my sanity, but when his eyes opened again and fixed me with his hypnotic green stare, I couldn’t resist anymore. I crossed the room quickly, straddled his lap, and captured his mouth with mine. Our tongues undulated together, creating an illicit dance as we feasted on one another. His hands gripped my hips, pulling me down to feel his hard on underneath me, still trapped in his pants. I groaned at the feeling of him and rolled my hips, my body taking over, knowing what I wanted, what I desperately needed. He tugged at the hem of my dress, pulling it up and over my head before tossing it aside. “F.uck, baby,” he breathed at the sight of my boobs. His large hands cupped them lovingly, squeezing and kneading the firm globes. He pulled me forward until he could suck one of my hard n.ipples into his mouth, biting the fleshy point until I cried out and arched into him. His hand continued to tease my other breast, pinching the n.ipple roughly, pulling it until the point of pain before soothing it with the pad of his thumb. I ground my hips against him, feeling almost feral in my need. “Elias, please,” I panted, only vaguely aware of the words tumbling from my lips. Tomorrow I could feel embarrassed at how needy and wanton I sounded. Right now, I just needed him inside me. He released my n.ipple from his mouth with a gentle pop, and brought my lips back down to his, his hand tangled in my hair as he held me close. I moaned, the sound swallowed by his mouth as his tongue speared into me. I felt his hands grip my hips a moment before he stood up, lifting me effortlessly. I wrapped myself around him instinctually, my legs clamping around his waist like a vice. The cool wood of his desk touched my buttocks as he lay me on the surface. The ripping of my lace thong echoed in my ears, and he tugged his pants down before plunging into me in one, hard, deep thrust. One of his hands captured my wrists and held them above my head while his other held my hips still as he pounded relentlessly into my hot, moist depths. He seemed to fill me completely, stretching me to capacity. He really did seem to be made just for me, and I’d like to shake the hand of whoever had designed this part of him in particular. “F.uck you feel so good, baby,” he grunted. “I’m going to f.uck you every day, would you like that?” I whimpered my response, being completely incapable of coherent speech as he drove his c**k into me. His hand moved from my hip to the sensitive nub of my c.lit, his thumb circling it as I gasped and bucked my hips under him. His thumb pressed down on me, pulling my first o.rgasm out and I screamed with the intensity of it. “F.ucking yes,” he moaned, rubbing my c.lit harder, drawing out my pleasure until I thought I would pass out. He pulled out of me, flipping me onto my stomach face down on the desk before sliding into me again. His fingers gripped my hips hard, dragging me back towards him as he resumed his brutal pace. I was in heaven. I raised up on my elbows to give myself some leverage, loving the feel of my t.its bouncing on the desk every time he drove deep inside me. I could feel my second orgasm already building up, ready to burst. “, baby,” he growled. “Let me feel you!” My body tightened and I cried out as pleasure coursed through me. My body shuddered, even as I pressed back against him, demanding more. My knees were threatening to give out underneath me, and it was only the desk and his strong hands holding up my hips that kep me from sliding bonelessly to the floor. “Come here,” he murmured, picking me up and spinning me around in his arms. I blinked at him, my mind completely taken over by lust and I thread my fingers through his dark hair, wanting to feel his mouth on mine again. My back hit the soft cushions of the couch and I felt him push into me once again. This time, he was slower, but just as deep and all consuming. His mouth was on mine, his tongue mimicking what his c.ock was doing to my p.ussy, as he set a deliberate pace. My nails raked across his shoulders as I gripped him hard, trying to feel every inch of his body on mine. As his tongue retreated, mine followed and I felt the sharp point of his canine teeth. He pulled back suddenly, his thrusting slowing and I watched his face contort in what looked like pain, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Concern flooded through me, and I reached up to caress his cheek. His eyes flew open and focused on me. They were flashing between the beautiful green I found so alluring, and the exotic amber of the wolf I had met out on the terrace. His body was rigid as he fought for control. I don’t know what instinct took over or why I did what I did, but I tilted my head to the side, baring my neck to him while my eyes never left his. “Baby, I…” his voice sounded strange, deep and gravelly, and like two people were talking. I should have been terrified, but I wasn’t. There was a calmness that had taken over me. My tongue flicked over my lips and I watched his eyes darken. I flexed my hips, closing my eyes on a moan of feeling him buried so deeply in me. When I opened my eyes again, his lips had parted, revealing impossibly long, sharp canine teeth. I smiled, feeling oddly victorious as he leaned down and sank his teeth where my neck met my shoulder. To my surprise, it didn’t hurt. In fact, it triggered my biggest orgasm of the evening and I screamed my pleasure as my body convulsed around him. I could feel him thrusting into me while his teeth held me still, and he seemed to swell impossibly bigger before he released my neck and roared out his own release as he spilled into me. I must have blacked out for a few minutes, because the next thing I knew, I was snuggled up on his chest while he ran his hand through my hair and I felt so blissed out I couldn’t move. “Are you ok?” he asked, sounding a little worried. I grinned and hummed happily in response. “Better than ok,” I assured him. I propped myself up on my elbows so I could look into his beautiful face. His eyes drifted down to my neck and he winced slightly as he brushed his fingertips over a strangely sensitive spot there. C.ocking my head at his look of concern, I asked, “What’s wrong?” He let out a small sigh and smiled sadly at me. “I shouldn’t have… I should have waited until you were ready,” he said cryptically. “Baby, I’m not sure what you mean,” I grinned at him. “Surely you could tell I wasn’t saying no.” “Not that,” he grinned back at me, but his eyes were still sad. “I marked you, and I should have waited until you knew what that means.” “Marked me?” I was confused, but then it occurred to me that he hadn’t moved his mouth when he’d said that. In fact, it almost sounded like he was in my head. He nodded, his eyes watching my reaction warily. “We’re now tied together forever. We share a mind link.” “How are you doing that?” I whispered. “I’ll teach you,” he said as his hand came up and gently cupped my cheek. “But, Addison, I need to know that you’re ok. That you don’t regret this already. I know this must be strange for you. Honestly, it’s not really how I imagined it would feel finding my mate.” Now it was my turn to feel a touch of sadness mar my afterglow. “I’m sorry I’m not what you hoped for,” I whispered as I looked away from him. “No! That’s not what I meant,” he said quickly, turning my head so I had to look at him again. “You’re so much more than I ever expected. I had hoped I’d like my mate and eventually grow to love her over time, but already I feel like I’d do anything for you. Addison, I already love you more than I thought possible. And I know this is a lot for you, but will you please just give me a chance?” The sincerity and hope I saw in his eyes was disarming. “You’re crazy,” I said quietly. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes as I tried to deny what I was feeling. “And I guess, so am I. I think love you, too, Elias.”
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