Uncle Dean

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I sat on my bed reading the orientation letter for approximately the hundredth time. I still had a month of summer left before I left for college, and I knew I should be enjoying the freedom, but my friends had gotten me stressed out about the whole situation and I was obsessing. A knock on my door had me looking up as my Uncle Dean poked his head in with a smile. I blushed a little thinking of a few months ago when he’d forgotten to knock and had walked in on me while I was touching myself down there. I’d been so embarrassed, but he didn’t make a big deal out of it. Uncle Dean was cool like that. “Hey kiddo!” he said as he closed the door and came over to sit next to me on my bed. He looked at the letter in my hands. “Excited about going away to college? It’s not long now!” Excited wasn’t really the word I’d use for how I was feeling. The academics of school were fine. I had always gotten good grades and enjoyed learning. I was a nerd, and that was totally fine with me. Well, sort of. I had been fine with it until my friends started teasing me about being the only virgin in college. I couldn’t help it! I got so nervous around boys that I practically forgot my own name when I tried to talk to them. Not that any of the boys in high school had even known I existed. Of course, I couldn’t really talk to my parents about being stressed about having s.ex. Uncle Dean, on the other hand, may understand my predicament, and I’d always been able to talk to him about anything. He wasn’t actually my uncle, but he and my dad had been best friends since high school. Uncle Dean had been in my life since the day I was born. He’d never gotten married or had kids, but we were really close. I loved him more than anyone else. I knew he wouldn’t judge me for being a huge cringy geek. The problem was, I didn’t really know how to start that conversation. “What’s wrong?” he asked me with a nudge to my shoulder. I should’ve realized he would know I wasn’t as excited about college as I should’ve been. I shrugged, searching for the courage to say the words out loud. “It’s stupid,” I muttered. “Hey, you’re a smart girl,” he said. “You know your feelings aren’t stupid. It’s totally normal to be worried about starting this new journey.” I looked at his handsome face. Although he was the same age as my dad, Uncle Dean seemed to have stopped aging sometime in his thirties. There were a few little wrinkles around his eyes from his easy smile and quick laughter. A few grey hairs sparkled in his dark hair, but that just made him look even more debonair. There was a slight shadow of stubble on his strong jaw, and I had the sudden urge to touch his cheek to feel that roughness against my fingers. His hazel eyes held so much compassion, and I looked away before the words began tumbling out of my mouth. We sat in silence as he digested everything I had told him. I couldn’t say I felt better having said it out loud finally. If anything, it just made it feel even more real. And the longer he didn’t say anything, the more I worried that maybe he, too, realized what a loser I was. Finally, he ran a hand through his hair. “That’s… a lot to take in,” he said at last. “And I… I need to make a confession.” He paused, and I held my breath not knowing what to expect, but waiting for the worst. “After that day I accidentally walked in on you, I’ve… I’ve thought about it a lot. More than I probably should have, if I’m being honest,” his voice was quiet, but his words echoed in my ears. “It was possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. When I saw your shaved p.ussy, I guess I just assumed you’d done it for a boyfriend you weren’t telling us about. The idea of you losing your virginity to some bumbling boy made me so jealous. I’m not sure I can be ok thinking about some drunk frat guy doing it.” “I shaved for swim class,” I mumbled feeling like an i.diot for explaining why I didn’t have any hair on my private area. “I didn’t want any hair coming out the sides of my suit, and I guess I got kind of carried away. I… I like the feel of it, though, so…” I could feel Uncle Dean’s eyes boring into me, but I was too embarrassed to look at him. His strong fingers brushed gently down my cheek and under my chin before forcing my head up to look at him again. His eyes were dark, holding mysteries I’d only ever read about. My own eyes went wide as he closed the gap between us, pressing his soft lips against mine. I felt his tongue caress my lower lip, and my eyes fluttered closed on a sigh as I opened up to him. He tasted warm and inviting, his tongue rubbing mine intimately, before he sat back. I leaned forward, not wanting the contact to stop, but quickly jerked back when I realized what I was doing. “Never did that either, huh?” his voice was deep and husky. I shook my head. “Is it that obvious? Am I really that bad?” I whispered, ashamed of my own inexperience. “No, not at all,” he leaned towards me again, his warm breath fanning my face. “You taste amazing.” I blinked at him, wondering if I had heard him right. His mouth was distracting me, making me wonder if he would kiss me again, or if I was brave enough to initiate. Suddenly, the warm feeling of his hand squeezing my breast through my shirt drew my thoughts away from his mouth. His thumb brushed across my rigid n.ipple, feeling like electricity was shooting through my body. I hadn’t put on a bra that morning, so the only thing between his hand and my breast was the thin material of my tank top. A low, rumbling groan sounded in his throat as he continued to fondle, his lips brushed my ear, and I was very, very aware of every nerve ending in my body begging for more. His hands slipped down, and before I could react, he’d pulled my shirt over my head. His hands cupped me again, this time I could feel the slight callouses on his palms rubbing my sensitive flesh. He pinched my n.ipples, not too hard, and a shiver ran down my spine at the sensation. I closed my eyes again, becoming overwhelmed by the feeling of his hands on me and my body’s reaction. “Lie back, baby,” he crooned to me, and I did as he asked, stretching out on my bed as his muscular body molded against mine. I gasped as his mouth closed around one of my n.ipples, sucking and nibbling it gently, pulling a moan from me- a wanton, sexy sound I’d never made before. His lips and tongue trailed up my chest, over my collarbone, and up the column of my neck, leaving a moist trail along my skin, until once again we were kissing. It was more desperate than the first time, deeper, as though he were demanding my submission that I was only too willing to give. I could feel the hard length of his e.rection pressed against my leg through his jeans and it intrigued me while also terrified me with the unknown. I felt his hands trailing down my waist, his fingers hooked into the waistband of my shorts, and I lifted my hips automatically to allow him to pull them down, leaving me completely naked before him. He sat back and looked at me, licking his lips. “You’re so beautiful, Sasha,” he whispered, his fingers trailing over my warm skin. A firmer touch on the insides of my thighs had me parting my legs for him, and I felt myself opening up for his gaze. His fingers touched my bare mound softly and it sent tingles throughout my body. “So wet,” he smiled as I blushed. I’d only m.asturbated a few times, gently rubbing my c.lit, trying to muffle the whimpers that escaped my lips while my heart pounded. Usually, I only did it in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep, but occasionally I’d do it in the afternoon. Especially after he caught me that one time. I think that was the only time I truly o.rgasmed. But the feel of his fingers on my sensitive little nub was so different than when I did it, more intense somehow. My hips seemed to move without my input, thrusting towards him demanding something I didn’t have the words for. He just smiled at me and continued to push me to the edge. When I felt his tongue swipe across my heated slit, I almost came undone right away. My heart was pounding in my ears, all but drowning out the sound of him licking and slurping up my juices from between my thighs. I cried out as that clever tongue flicked my c.lit, the pleasure almost too much and I felt like I was going to pass out. “Tell me how you like to finger yourself,” he said between licks, his fingers rubbing at my entrance. Confused, I wasn’t sure how to answer him at first, my mind still reeling from the intensity of the new sensations my body was experiencing. “I… I’ve never…” His eyes met mine and I bit my lip at the erotic sight of him, still fully clothed, between my thighs, my juices glistening on his chin. “Never?” he asked. I shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat with embarrassment. “Do you have a vibrator?” I gave an unladylike snort. “Mom won’t even let me use tampons,” I whispered. The surprise on his face was quickly replaced by something I wasn’t sure I understood. He lowered his eyes back to my most intimate place, muttering something under his breath I couldn’t quite hear. He stood up then, and I whimpered, worried I’d done or said something wrong that made him stop. But he just smiled at me and pulled his t-shirt over his head. I’d seen his bare chest countless times at the pool or the beach, but this was somehow different. I wanted to run my fingers through the coarse hair curling on his tanned skin. Wanted to know what his skin tasted like. What it would feel like to have his muscles bunch under my fingertips. He pushed his jeans and boxers down, his e.rection springing free, and my mouth went dry at the sight of him. There was no way that could fit in me, was there? Uncle Dean just smiled at me while stroking his shaft. “Do you trust me?” he asked softly, laying back down on the bed beside me. I nodded my head eagerly, that was an easy question to answer. “Of course, I do,” I said, my voice sounding foreign to me, husky and thick with desire. “You know I would never do anything to hurt you, baby,” he murmured in my ear. “I’m going to take care of you, ok?” I bit my lip and nodded again before his lips caressed mine in a soft but passionate kiss, his hand returning to the slippery slit between my legs. It wasn’t long until my hips were moving with the rhythm he set with his fingers, my moans and whimpers muffled by his hot mouth. His scent, which had always given me so much comfort, filled my nostrils and helped to put me at ease. Gently, he pressed a finger into my entrance, and the feeling was like nothing I’d ever imagined. My hips shot up off the bed and I moaned loudly. I heard his breath catch, and he worked his finger in and out of me a few times before adding a second one and lights exploded behind my closed eyelids. Every thought in my head seemed to disappear. The only thing I was aware of was the bed and the fingers that were prying me open. My fingers clutched at his muscular arms as every nerve ending in my body seemed to be on fire. I was keenly aware of his chest hair tickling the side of my breast, his warm breath on my neck where he was teasing me with kisses and nibbles, his throbbing c.ock pressed against my thigh leaving a sticky wet trail, and of course, his thick fingers buried deep inside me, turning me into a writhing animal. He removed his hand, and I whimpered pitifully. “Please,” I had no idea what I was begging for. No idea what it was my body instinctually needed, craved. Uncle Dean smiled again as he shifted on the bed to settle between my wide spread thighs. He ran his c.ock through my lips, and I closed my eyes with a shiver at the sensation. I felt the tip of his p.enis nudge at my entrance, and panic and excitement warred within me. It felt much bigger than his fingers had felt. “It might hurt a little at first,” he told me truthfully, “but then it’ll feel good. I promise.” I was beyond speech. Beyond anything but the primitive, primal noises of need. I winced a little as he slowly pushed inside me. Inch by inch, he slid in until he was completely sheathed in my moist tunnel. He kept still then, giving me time to adjust to his size. It wasn’t painful, really, mostly I just felt pressure, like an uncomfortable fullness as my insides tried to stretch to accommodate the intrusion. Until suddenly, I realized it wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling anymore. It felt… good. I wiggled my hips a little, testing the new feeling and gasped in surprise as little tingles spread out, warmth seeping into my belly. “Baby, if you keep moving like that, I’m going to lose control,” Dean whispered. I opened my eyes, shocked to hear the strain in his voice. Beads of sweat were forming on his brow, and he was shaking slightly. “I’m… I think I’m ok, now,” I whispered back. “It… it feels good.” As though to prove my point, I wiggled my hips again, and both of us groaned in pleasure. Dean’s gaze met mine and held me rapt as he pulled out of me, nearly all the way, before once again pushing forward slowly. My hips rose to meet his, eager for the full feeling of him seated deep within me to return. Over and over, he pulled out before pushing back in, a slow easy pace that had the warmth in my belly spreading out to my limbs. As his pace became faster, I wrapped my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his ass encouraging him to thrust harder, faster. Every thrust made my breasts heave, their shifting weight on my chest a lewd reminder of what my uncle was doing. I screamed out my release as the pleasure dams broke within me. The o.rgasm tore through my psyche and left me quivering as vaguely I became aware that Dean had thrust even deeper inside me and was groaning his own pleasure while his seed coated my womb. He collapsed on the bed beside me, and pulled me over to snuggle on his chest. I listened to his rapid heartbeat and panting breaths, pleased that he seemed just as affected by what we’d just done as I was. Completely satisfied, I closed my eyes and drifted into a happy sleep. The rest of that month, Uncle Dean and I spent a lot of time together. He taught me things about my body, and his, that I would never have imagined. Heights of pleasure that seemed too fantastic to be real. On the day I was to leave for college, I stood sobbing in his arms, ready to forget all about college and just stay wrapped up in him forever. “Come on, honey, it’s ok,” he crooned. “You know I’ll always be here for you.” He brushed my tears away with his thumb and gave me a soft kiss. “Besides, you still have to open your present.” He handed me a gift bag and I tried to calm down. Looking inside the bag I let out a sound that was half sob, half laughter. “Think of me when you use it,” he winked. Inside the bag was a pink vibrator and a small bottle of his cologne wrapped in one of his t-shirts. I smiled at him through my tears and launched myself back into his arms. “Thank you, Uncle Dean, I will,” I promised him. “I’ll see you at Thanksgiving, right?” He nodded and wiped my tears again. “I’m counting down the days already.” It turned out, Uncle Dean was right about the guys at college. They were much more attentive than the high school boys were, and I even dated a few over the years. My roommate that first year and I got along really well, and would sometimes fool around to help relieve stress. Especially during finals week! No one ever held a candle to Uncle Dean, though, and I always looked forward to my visits home. A few years after that magical summer, Uncle Dean married a wonderful woman and she became my Aunt Janice. She’s an incredible cook. And I swear that woman can do things with her tongue I would’ve said were physically impossible if I hadn’t been on the receiving end.
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