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Kinsley was restless in his room he shared with one of the omegas in the pack. It's not the pregnancy of his roommate that was bugging him that night, although it was worrying him for a few days. Neither was the pain in his wounded leg. It was the howl he heard that made him anxious. It was Skylar's howl, he knew it so well. The first time he heard it was five years ago but this howl sounded hurt and very angry. Kinsley paced back and forth. It wasn't a howl directed to a enemy but it was foreboding. "He's challenging someone." Kei, his roommate said. He's three months pregnant without his mate. The omega was rejected by his mate after they consummated their relationship as mates when they met for the first time. Alpha Kristoff took the omega back and let him stay in the pack. Kei's mate was from another pack. The Alpha would have punished omega's mate if he was from Silver. Kei's pregnancy had been delicate since. Kinsley remained quiet after hearing Kei's opinion. "Why do you think he would challenge anyone tonight? Blow some steam off?" The omega chuckled. Challenging someone for a fight is nothing new to Silver pack. It happens when a certain family member wants to fight for the right to be the alpha or during a ceremony between the alpha and his mate. The mate will be challenged by anyone for his or her right as the Alpha or Luna of the pack. It's a fight to determine whether he is strong enough to stand next to the pack's strongest member - their alpha. "It can't be Kelvin. He's not even here. And he's not eighteen yet to be challenged for the alpha seat." Kinsley murmured. "Right." Kei agreed. "Sky-dive is probably mad at someone." Kinsley chuckled hearing the nickname he gave the son of the Alpha. And Kei began calling Skylar the same way. Of course they only call him that when he's not around. A few minutes passed that Kinsley kept looking outside the window that overlooks the back of the pack house. He suddenly froze when his eyes caught the familiar brown wolf heading back to the mansion. And when their eyes met, Kinsley looked away just as fast as his reflexes allowed him. Having a cast wasn't helping his movement, so was the searing pain shooting from his wound. Kinsley's heartbeat was going helter-skelter as he crouched down on the floor as carefully as he could, hiding his face from the wolf's eyes. With pursed lips and a hand holding his chest as if his heart would escape from it, Kinsley remained hidden. Though he couldn't see what's outside, he could still feel his presence out there. Kei, who saw how his roommate reacted, looked out window much to Kinsley's glares and silent warning not to. The omega shook his head when he was back to his bed. "He's going inside. I can hear your heartbeat, slow it down. Geez." Flustered, the sixteen year old covered his face. He felt his cheeks and ears burn up. Ever since Kei was assigned to his room, the guy had been teasing him nonstop when it comes to the alpha's second son. Kinsley himself doesn't know why he acts the way he is when Skylar's name comes up in their conversations. If anything, he is very sure what he felt is nothing but fear for Kelvin's younger brother. And as much as he could, he stays out of his way. Skylar's eyes make him shiver and at times he flinches when he catches the seventeen year old glaring at him. "You do know he hates me, right?" Kinsley told the omega with clear dejection in his voice. Kei shrugged. "He dislikes everyone, Kinsley. He treats us all as mere subjects in his little throne. The alpha pride is strong in his blood." With a snort, Kinsley hummed in agreement. "But I know he dislikes me most out of everyone." He muttered to himself. He knows why the alpha's second born doesn't like him. His uniqueness. "Don't sweat it." Kei said as he gently lay back on his bed "You know, if we could find a powerful witch, we can ask them to cure you. It's not as if you're sick. What I mean is, maybe we can find a way to get your ability to link. Maybe it's just dormant." There was a glint of hope that sparkled in Kinsley's eyes. Witches are hard to find because they seem to stay out of the werewolves' way. But if there was a chance he finds one, maybe, just maybe, he can finally free himself from the eerie silence. "Maybe one day I'll find one, Kei..." Kinsley uttered above whisper. He lay down on his bed, hissing as he did so from the pain. His eyes darted back to the window and stared at the moon shining down with all her lunar goodness. Kinsley drifted to sleep with the thought that his little wish would come true. *** Skylar couldn't sleep after he had gotten back to his room, showered and lain down on his comfortable bed. The look of fear from Kinsley's eyes by the window earlier haunted him. 'Why did he look scared of me?' Skylar thought as he rolled a certain shiny black pebble in his fingers. It was a pebble he got the first time he discovered the stream he visits to when he goes for his therapeutic 'anger management runs'. As a wolf, he carried that pebble in his mouth all the way home that day. When he's unable to sleep, he takes the pebble in his hand, rolled it between his fingers and palm, and then he can doze off and reach his dreamland. The next day, he woke up to his father's summon. It was a little past six. The seventeen year old was to get to his father's office in the pack house pronto. "Father?" Skylar entered the office after a tentative knock. For what he did the night before, although he told his father the reason why, he knows there are still consequences. It could be the very reason why he was summoned. Kristoff was sitting behind his desk with a stack of papers in front of him and a cup of coffee on the left side. It's still steaming hot. Without looking up, the tanned muscular man in his late thirties, gestured his second son to sit down. "I told Jerome what you said after you left." The Alpha started off. Jerome is his beta, Jax' father. "He came with me to the infirmary. I had a tracker scan the area you said and he gave me the report." He clicked his tongue, still in disbelief of what the four friends did. There was no trace of anger from his father's voice as the latter told him exactly what the report was. Skylar stayed quiet to let his father finish, balling his fists on his side because Kylo's anger was rising after he recalled what happened and then now listening the extent of Kinsley's suffering the day before. "I had Kinsley checked as well. It seems young Chester had given him the proper care. He's very slow to heal so it was timely for him to arrive at the scene and take Kinsley back home." Kristoff raised his head from the documents he was looking at his desk. His son momentarily averted his eyes soon as they met his. "He doesn't know about you teaching those four a lesson nor that did you do it because you were angry." "He doesn't have to know." The Alpha scoffed and then chuckled. Rarely does he see his son flustered over something and it amused him. "You openly admitted you hated the kid yet you stood up for him." "Father-- "Right. Right." Kristoff waved his hand in resignation. "By the way, those four will be put on a watch list. I can't tolerate bullying in this pack. That's cowardly. We are werewolves but we have pride. Jax is your best friend and I know somehow you felt guilty for hurting him but you taught him and the other three a lesson. What they did is unforgivable." Skylar's wolf smirked for he knew it was a good statement directed to him. He was proud of it. "But I won't necessarily say, 'good job'." Skylar's father continued. "Next time, announce to everyone why you challenged them. That way, we all know. You won't be questioned by the council about this. But watch your actions next time." "Yes, Alpha." "By the way, you are to go to your brother's camp." Kristoff's words stopped his son from getting off his seat. "Why?" The camp is for the future alphas of packs around the country. The prospective future leaders of packs come to this place to get to know each other, build friendship and for some, build alliances. "Your brother called me. He asked for you to come to the camp. I know it's just an excuse." The Alpha sighed. "You and I both know he's not ready for this. But I had been pushing him anyway. If you are ready, I'll give you this year to prepare. For now, you can go to the camp then take him back home." Skylar was ecstatic to hear his father considered him for the alpha seat. He wished for it, he wanted it, always had. Even if Kelvin was to take it, he even planned on challenging his older brother. It's actually something Kelvin asked him to do once. Right then he knew, his older brother wasn't up to the task of being the leader of the pack. Kelvin cares for Silver but he would rather oversee it next to his younger brother. Kristoff briefly discussed to his son his plan to let Kelvin decide. And if he declines the alpha position, Skylar is to prove himself worthy for the year to come until he turned eighteen. "You can be an arrogant, uncaring fool but I know deep down, you care for everyone. You're my son. I know you more than anyone does. What you did last night proved to me that even with the boy you so sure of yourself you hate, you stood up for him. I won't interfere with your youthful escapades, but show me what you got to run this pack. Even Kelvin is probably praying to Goddess right now, wishing you're the big brother." Skylar softly chuckled. "I'll do my best, father." "That, you have to."
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