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Skylar I left Chester's room, angry. I wasn't sure who I was angry at. But Kylo sure knows who he is mad at. Me. Fuming, I left traces of heavy steps down the hallway until I arrived at the main hall. I turned on my heels and headed to the back of the house. Once out, I shifted to my brown wolf, my clothes falling off me in pieces. My wolf dared to growl at me after I told Kinsley about him bringing trouble and now he wants out and let loose. I needed to run. It's the only way I could rid of my raging emotions when it comes to that kid. Kinsley being unable to link with the pack became the biggest disappointment to me. He and I share the same birthday. That midnight of his twelfth birthday, I was there, somewhere. I knew before that he couldn't communicate with anyone in the pack through the link but that night, I wished he would be able to once he gets over his primal shift. My father, the alpha, and my brother were there with the omegas in the clearing at the back of the pack house for Kinsley's primal shifting. The moment he morphed into a wolf that almost looked like mine, Kylo yipped excitedly. He was very happy. And I was, too as a matter of fact. But that's something I would rather not admit to anybody. The brown wolf was wobbly at first, and soon as he found his balance, he howled happily. My brother was the one who accompanied him on his first run. And I, I ran from a distance following their scent as a guide. After that day, I learned from my brother that Kinsley was still unable to tap the pack link. My shoulders dropped and I turned really angry really fast. I lashed out on an innocent table inside my brother's room, flipped it over and ran away from the house. I didn't know where I was going. I was mad but my wolf was greatly saddened. From then on, when it comes to Kinsley, we almost don't see eye to eye. The human in me grew stubborn and heartless. But Kylo remained firm with how he was. A born leader of a pack but bias towards that pale deaf member of our pack. I say, I am thankful that he keeps me balanced. We are one after all. It's ironic how my own wolf has gentle side but the human in me is more tilted towards the side of being unforgiving, arrogant, even vicious if I want to be. That's why I hear that I am more suitable to be an alpha than my older brother. Being strong willed, having the heart of a leader aren't enough. My father has proven that. The death of my mother has turned him weaker at one point and that affected the state of the pack. If an alpha is weaken emotionally and mentally, the whole pack suffers. Their defense is lowered, their guard crippled. My father knew we couldn't afford to put the pack in such vulnerable state again. And he rose from that almost helpless state and redeemed himself. Consequently, our pack was back to its feet. My wolf kept reminding me that Kinsley being unable to link isn't a burden. And I would say it's a weakness. Sometimes I would go as far as saying he's useless. And so through my runs, my wolf and I would battle our wits out. Sometimes it even goes as far as overpowering each other's consciousness. Even if he has the upper hand given I am in his form, I don't back down. It's a challenge for me. Then I would reach a certain stream after weaving my way through the thick woods. That's a few miles of ground I cover every time I come here. I would pant and stare at blackness when it's dark or at the moon's reflection in the water when it's out. Full moon is in a few days so it's bright out tonight. I can see the broken image of the moon in the water, obscured by the shadows of the leaves of trees surrounding the stream. Arriving here, I get to calm down from the running and my wolf is soothed by being in the presence of the stream. Or more precisely the scent surrounding it which pacifies him and his disappointment for me. For being an ass, obviously. On my way back from my run, I caught a strong whiff of that same scent. And instead of making my wolf jump in happiness, it made him angry. I growled as I neared the area, running towards where the scent of blood was most intense. And there, where there must have been a thick bed of fallen dry leaves like everywhere else, lies a hole, knee deep. By the light coming from up above, I saw the glistening edge of something inside the hole. A rumble escaped my throat when I realized the hole itself was a form of trap. Any unsuspecting animal, running at full speed then falling in here will surely get their leg slashed. The bigger the animal, the more damage it will leave. And werewolves in their wolf form are much bigger. I saw red as my wolf took over and the heat of his anger rising a thousand degrees. My paws were light as I ran back to the pack house the fastest I had ever been. I didn't stop Kylo from taking control of my emotions. Somehow, I wanted him to. When I arrived not far from the house, I howled in deep rage. Mostly, it would be directed to an enemy of the pack, an aggressive howl to ward them off, but this time it's towards four members of mine. I called them in my link, summoning them towards the back of the house. Soon as my eyes saw them come to me, I snarled at the four owners of the scent that surrounded Kinsley's back in that hole I found. I was deeply disappointed that one of these assholes is my best friend, Jax. "Skylar...calm down, man. Whatever is wrong?" Jax tried to come near me but I was in a verge of tearing him to pieces. I bared my fangs, snarling his way as I paced, my eyes blazing their way. I commanded him. I growled. I was boiling in anger still and I knew I wasn't gonna come back to my proper senses so long as my wolf was in control. Kylo snarled, fangs and teeth ready to do some damage as the four boys my age were replaced by four wolves in front of me. I asked them again, my stance in offense position, the fur in my back rising, my fury not dying any minute. I asked the smallest of them. I didn't let Jax finish his words. I lunged his way and caught him by the neck between my teeth. He yelped as I bit, shook him before throwing him off towards the nearby tree. He fell with a loud thud. I sensed the shock and fear from the other three. My wolf wasn't satisfied. He wanted to lash out more and release his rage on the other three who hurt his favorite pack member. The memory of the scent of Kinsley's blood was very fresh. It only fueled his outrage. One by one, I faced Jax' minions and each wolf fell on the ground, wounded, bleeding. And under the light of the moon, I howled. Kylo felt victorious. But I shouldn't be. I hurt four of my own for one member I considered weak and useless. Realization hit me but my wolf scolded me for feeling the slightest of doubt and guilt. And it's not even my character to feel bad for doing this to Jax or to anyone if they anger me. 'Don't you dare!' He bellowed. 'Nobody should ever feel bad about standing up for the weak. Especially not you. You are me. Stop denying your true self, Skylar! You care!' I do. And that vexed me so many times I lost count. I care for Kinsley like I care for anyone in my pack. Even the pack we house after they lost their home. White Moon. My wolf and I were on our own little world when I heard a muffled sound of my father's voice calling my wolf's name. Only then I realized I had been looking up to the moon in a daze. The rustling sound grew louder in my ears as not only my father came to my direction but also a few others. I met my father's eyes and walked away shortly after. I told him why I did what I did through the link. With that, no one stopped me from going back to the pack house. "Take them to the infirmary." I heard my father order his warriors. "Yes, Alpha." Was the answer of four voices in unison. As I walked towards the house, I felt someone's eyes looking at me. I looked towards the eastern wing where the omegas' quarters is located on the ground floor. One small window caught my attention. Kylo whined seeing the familiar face that retreated soon as I met his eyes. Somehow, I felt better after all that. I didn't fatally hurt Jax and his friends and even if I did, I doubt the slightest of guilt I felt earlier would come crawling back to me and the linger. Right now, with the little admission I allowed myself, I feel content. I stood up for him.
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