Collin's POV

1001 Words
I was already upset at the fact that my father had decided to choose my mate because I hadn't yet found mine. The moon goddess had blessed every alpha with a mate, so where was mine? Ruby had rushed in demanding I talk to her. I didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with her, not right now at least. Before all this went down, I used to have plenty of time with her, she was special to me, her long slick black raven hair and those beautiful emerald green eyes. I could never say no to her. I had wished the moon goddess would have matched me with Ruby as my mate but it never happened. She hadn't even met her wolf yet. I remember when I was first introduced to her family, her mother told me stories of how she got her wolf at 19, how she ran away from her abusive family in another pack and how she was mated to Rick Hale, my father's Beta, with one look. How I wished I could look at Ruby and feel that very same way. "Collin please, I just need a minute." Ruby sounded like she was choking on her words ``I have nothing to say to you, as you can see, since I have yet to find my mate , and you have yet to discover your wolf father has decided to choose my mate.” I said through clenched teeth. It wasn't my intention to upset her more than she was. I could tell from her face she had been crying, but the reason was beyond me. After the confrontation, I watched in horror as my father banned Ruby right in front of me. I'll never forget the words she said before she left. "I will never come back, even if I'm ordered to, mark my words, you will regret this!" I left my office to find my father talking with his Beta. I stayed a good distance away and carefully listened to what they were saying. Beta Rick was speaking " all I'm saying is banning her from the pack has destroyed my mate, it's like a part of her is missing, even her wolf won't come out." Alpha Michael looked concerned "I can't have my son involved with your daughter while my Luna is prepping Heather to be the future Luna of this pack.” Fucking Heather Bishop! He chose the pack w***e to be my chosen mate and future luna. What the hell was my father thinking? Before I could think straight, I mind linked my father! Are you out of your mind? You want to have me mated to the pack w***e? You haven't found your mate, son and time is not on our side. You will have Heather or you will not succeed me as alpha. You're not giving the moon goddess a chance. I refuse to have a w***e as my mate! I ended the mind link and left. Nothing pissed me off more than a tramp who slept her way to the top. Heather wasn't bad looking. If she hadn't slept around with everyone she could have been perfect for the role, but I didn't want her. I stripped off my clothes and shifted to let Chase, my wolf, run wild in the forest. He was huge compared to other wolves in our pack, with dark fur all over, and complete silver eyes. Relax Collin. Heather may have been the pack w***e but she has changed. She will soon be our mate and the pack's future luna. Chase reassured me but I didn't listen to any of it. Chase ran to his heart's content. He was faster and stronger than anyone in the pack. He was untouchable. As we ran, the wind picked up and a familiar scent hit my nose... Ruby, but Ruby had been gone for weeks, so why was her scent out there? Investigate Collin Chase cried. We followed the scent to the pack gate and even up the road till the scent stopped near a long white stick. I had seen one of these before, when my sister Kathy came crying to me that she and her mate were finally having a pup of their own. Chase inhaled the scent on the stick and blurted out She is having our pup. She is pregnant....mine…. we need her! My eyes widened with fear as I realized now why Ruby wanted to talk to me that day. She had found out that she was carrying my pup and I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. Had I just listened to her, I could have made her my Luna, with or without a wolf. I would have convinced my father and kept her safe. I sprinted off back to the pack house. I have to deal with my father and the Heather issue. He may have banned Ruby. I'll be the new alpha of the Emerald forest pack. I will fix this even if I have to take the title by force! I shifted back, picked up my clothes and went straight to Kyle's room. Kyle Griffin is one of my longest friends and soon to be beta. I pounded on his door. "One sec", Kyle shouted. A second later, the door opened. There Kyle stood in his blue jeans and tight fitted black shirt that profoundly showed off his muscles. "Collin, what's up man?" Kyle asked, dumb witted " do you remember Ruby?" I asked, getting straight to the point "vaguely why are we asking about a girl who was banned?" Kyle asked intrigued. I tossed the test to him and his eyes got big. " What do you need me to do, boss?" Kyle asked, getting straight to the point. " find her and bring her home. I will take her as my luna. Tell no one, not even my father. As of tomorrow, I’m the new alpha and things are gonna change."
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