Chapter 1 The Truth

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I can’t say my life was always easy. I got good grades while I was in school, kept up with the chores at home, even had a part-time job at the pack daycare, even with everything going on, I was the odd ball out. At 19 years old, I still didn't have a wolf. I was a part of the Emerald forest pack located in Portland, Oregon, that was until Collin's father, Alpha Michael, banned me. That same week, I found out I was pregnant and finally met Flora, my dire wolf. I knew Collin and I could never really be together. Eventually, he would find his mate, and maybe I'd find mine too. I must have been traveling for a few hours when the train conductor came over the intercom and spoke to everyone on the train. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we will be coming to a stop in the next fifteen minutes. If your stop is in Bar Harbor, Maine, then we wish you safe travel and thank you for boarding Amtrak." Get off here, we will take a taxi to the airport and catch the flight from Maine to the south. Flora spoke in haste. When am I gonna get some answers? I mumbled under my breath. As soon as we are out of danger I will tell you everything Flora huffed. Danger! Why would we be in danger? Soon, Ruby, I will explain, but not now. I made it off the train and into a taxi. "Where to miss?" The driver asked "Portland International jetport please." The ride took about 30 minutes. I paid the driver, slung my bag over my shoulder and entered the airport. I wasn't sure where I was gonna end up. Flora said we needed to head south, so south we would go. I walked straight to the airport ticket booth and greeted the female attendant with a smile. Hello, I need a ticket to Florida please." I asked nicely " where in Florida, ma'am.?" The ticket lady looked me up and down. "You must be on spring break. All the college kids are heading to Jacksonville. Is that where you're going?" She asked "Yes, ma'am thank you". I replied "one way or round trip?" She asked "oh no I'm not coming back one way is fine." I responded so fast it almost sounded like a choke "that will be 238.00 one way to Jacksonville Florida will that be cash or card?" She responded.” cash” I pulled out two hundred bills and two twenty's collected my change and my ticket. " your gonna go through security and from their its off to the left at gate C, enjoy your flight ma'am" Security wasn't too busy. I was able to get through it with time to spare....gurgle.... The familiar pain of hunger set in, I was so busy with getting far from the pack that I forgot to eat anything. I spotted a little cafe on the corner by my gate and decided to stop and grab a bite. I got a hot ham and cheese and a bottle of water. I immediately inhaled my food whole and continued to my gate. I sat down looking at my boarding pass. The boarding time was 2:30pm. I checked my watch which showed it was only 1:35pm. I sighed and began to think over the many questions I would have for Flora. I almost dozed off when the flight attendant came on and announced the boarding for Jacksonville. I got up and made my way to the line. Once boarded, I found my seat by the window and slowly started to relax. A few moments later, the plane started to take off. The flight was about nine hours long. When we landed in Jacksonville, I finally felt like I could breathe a bit easier. I made my way to the nearest hotel, paid for a week, settled in and started asking my questions. "Flora...are you there?" I am here Ruby. I've always been here. I will answer anything you have to ask. I breathed a little better... Wait, what do you mean you've always been here? I could not reveal myself to others because we are special, we are royalty! Flora said with much pride. Dire wolves are a royal breed. I said I was always with you and that was true. The moment you were conceived, your mother was given my wolf to protect you until you were born. What do you mean royalty and my mother knew? What is going on? The questions seemed to be overpowering me and that panic started to set in. Calm down Ruby, the more stress you obtain the worse it is for our pup. My pup, that's right, I had almost forgotten. I placed my hand on my stomach and started to relax. Now that I have you, can't I just mind -link with my mother or at least call her on the phone my dad left me? She must be worried about me. No, it's too dangerous. If the Emerald Forest pack finds out that they banned a royal Dire wolf and an alpha, at that from their pack they will hunt us and force us to be the next luna for.... I'm sorry did you say royal alpha?...Shock started to set in. Immediately, I went over the things I had been told so far. I'm not like regular wolves. I'm a rare breed, a dire wolf. I'm a royal, and an alpha?I'm pregnant with Collin's baby. I've been banned from the pack Flora, tell me everything. If you want me to remain safe, I need to know everything. I promise, whatever the outcome, do not think poorly of your family and remember they did this to keep you safe. Flora and I talked for awhile that night. I learned so much information, about my mother, Flora and even myself. I felt like I was drowning. We eventually decided to take a midnight stroll where she taught me how to shift for the first time. I didn't feel much pain. I watched as my cute face turned to a snout, my hands stretched out into long white paws, my body started to be lined with pure silver fur. I looked in the water and, to my surprise, we were beautiful. Even my green eyes had more of a radiance to them, they shined like jewels in this form. I felt untouchable, strong, and even superior. What is this feeling? It's the alpha aura, it warns others we are not to be messed with.  The alpha aura was something I'd seen Collin and alpha Michael use before when the pack started to get out of hand. However, I'd only seen Collin use it while in school to bully the omegas.
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