our journey pt2

2093 Words
*** s****l content *** Alora POV I honestly don't know why my mates put up with my hormonal s**t. I will be trying harder in the future to contain my crappiness. I'm still clinging onto Austin, reluctant to let go. "Baby," he spoke almost like a whisper, but I held on tighter, making him chuckle. "We should get going," he groaned, but if I'm being honest, I don't think it's because we are going to be late. It's because he is rock-hard. I can feel his hardness pressed against my core, making me wet. "Alora.. we.." he all but moaned as I pushed harder against him, trying to find the right traction. "Mmmm," I found the right spot, grinding against him, wanting the sweet release only my mates could give me. Austin hands are now under my dress, firmly holding my hips while almost moving his. My lips take his, and my hands find his belt buckle, trying to free him, wanting him deep inside me, wanting to feel him slide deep inside me. Before I could make work on his belt, his hands leave my hips and grasp my hands. Pinning them behind me all without breaking our kiss. I half moan and groan, disappointed that he has stopped me in my quest to move things along but also lost in the sensation of my high growing to the point that I'm so close to giving my body the sweet release that it chaces. I c*m so hard, I ride my high still grinding against him. I shudder to a stop, and my eyes closed and leaned my forehead against his. "Mmm, that was.." But I can't seem to find my words. I feel his hands gently take a hold on either side of my face, lovingly. My eyes are still closed, and I am not quite ready to open them just yet. "As much as I would love to stay like this, we should start moving again," Austin said and kissed my face over and over, making me giggle. "Fine, but you owe me later," I say in between giggles. I give his lips a quick kiss and climb back into the back with Aiden. "you can have as much as you want" Austin said and slapped my ass, making me squeal. Both of their lust matches my own, and if I'm being honest, I'd love nothing more than to enjoy both of my mates right now. 'Me too, let's take them now.' Veda growled full of lust, too. My yawn stops me from replying to her, horny wolf. she does have a very valid point, though. 'You're just as horny as I am,' she replies to my thoughts. Aidens arms wrap around me, pulling me onto his lap. He was obviously enjoying the 'show' as he was solid, his d**k pressed into me. He nuzzled my neck and was setting my body alight with want. The car starts to move again, and unfortunately, I'm lifted from Aidens knee and placed on the seat, and the seatbelt is secured around me. "As much as I want to take you right now, safety first," Aiden said, stroking my belly and kissing my head while sounding gutted that we couldn't take it further. "You both owe me, big," I yawn again. Damn what is happening to me, I've literally just woke up. "You always have big," Aiden chuckles, making me shake me head at him. He's definitely not lying, though. "Try and get some more sleep, beautiful." He kisses my head again as I lean into him, enjoying his comfort and heat lulling me back to sleep. I'm startled awake as the car jolts. what the goddess. "Beautiful, you need to brace yourself." Aiden growls out, and I'm pulled into full alert. "What is happening?" I rub my face, wondering what is going on. I look out the window as the car swerves again. I'm met with the sight of the wolf snapping it's jaws trying to keep up with the car. s**t. "Austin," I say his name as he swerves to the right, hitting the wolf with the car. It whimpered and disappeared from our view. I soon realised that it wouldn't make much impact apart from the fact it would slow it down, plus I could see another 5 wolves around the car, too. Two hit the car from the left and make the car swerve. They are obviously trying to get the car to stop, and Austin is trying to keep us moving. They hit us again, and this time, they get their desired results, we swerve and come to a stop. Before I could process what was happening, the car was getting attacked by the angry wolves. "No matter what, stay in the car," Austin says, and he leaves the car, panic hits me. "Stay safe," Aiden said before also jumping, leaving the car. What should I do? 'stay in the car, we shouldn't shift because of our pup,' Veda says, full of worry for our mates. I try to see where they are, and even though I can't see them, I know they are not hurt, I would feel it through our bond if they were. I unclip the seat belt and try to look around the car. I can now see them, and they are getting the upper hand against the attacking wolves. Shit. s**t. s**t. we need to help them. I say, going for the door. 'Stop, Alora, we need to stay here so our mates don't get distracted.' Veda states panic hitting me. s**t. I agree to it as I think back to when I first arrived home and we were attacked, mum said the same thing about dad. I stop myself and try to think what to do. I didn't really get a chance to think when a wolf started attacking the car, trying to get to me. its paws are hitting the window while it's slavering mouth was snapping in anger, no doubt raring for them to sink into me 'Can we partly shift Veda? can I have your claws? my dagger is in the boot inside my bag.' I ask, hoping we can at least do that. 'Yes' and with that, her sharp claws push through my fingertips, and it hurts a little, but we need to arm ourselves and protect our pup. I feel a pain in my shoulder, it's obviously not me, it's one of my mates. My eyes scour the areas around the car, but I can't see Austin. Aiden is dealing with the wolves surrounding him, but I can't see Austin. I need to find Austin, but I don't want to take Aidens' attention as he faces 4 wolves. there are 3 wolves lying dead at his feet, but they seem to keep coming. The wolf who is trying to get in growls at me and shifts back to his human form. he gives me a nasty smirk and goes to grab the door handle. s**t. I can't even lock the door as I can't see the lock anywhere. Instead, I grab the inside handle and pull it with all my strength, trying to stop him from opening it. It just pisses him off though and he puts his fist through the window 'Be ready' I say to Veda and we are as he puts his arm through trying to grab me I let go of the door and scoot back while slicing through his forearm, blood sprays my arm and the car and he shifts, his wolf is angry, his massive wolf head is now in the car snapping it's jaws at me, it's white sharp teeth graze my arm before I get chance to scoot back. f**k. 'NOW' Veda growls in absolute anger, and I quickly swipe their neck. Our claws glide deeply through his neck like butter, and this time, the blood sprays my face and dress. The wolf is dead, the weight of his body is pulling him out of the car but the deep cut I made, gets caught on the sharp shards of glass sticking up from the bottom of the window holding him in place. I was just taking a breath when the window behind me breaks through, and I'm grabbed by my hair by a hand that has reached in. I refuse to cry out in pain, even though it hurts like a b***h. I grab their arm in my left hand and wildly swipe my right hand hoping I hit them. it's definitely a man and his strength is impressive that I know if I let go of his arm he will pull my hair out. 'Fight Alora' Veda gives me strength, pushing me on when my right hand hits nothing. I feel a hit connect with my mouth, making my lips bleed. I let go of their arm, letting them pull my hair. I twist the best I can and see the fist flying towards my face again only this time I meet his fist with our claws. blood gushes from his hand as he yells. I'm surprised his grip on my hair doesn't falter. bur I don't give him time to make his next move, I grabbed his hand that's tangled in my hair, his body moving closer, close enough to stab my hand into his stomach a few times, his grip finally loosens and I'm free. I'm looking around for Aiden and Austin hoping they are both OK. I look towards movement exiting the woods to the left and I'm so thankful and relieved to see my mates running toward the car. They both look horrified. "Alora" Austin shouts as our eyes connect. The wolf that had hold of my hair is groaning. He's obviously healing but Aiden doesn't let him. Austin has opened the door closest to me ad Aiden rips apart the man. "Baby, I'm so sorry" he says and I feel both anger and guilt flood through our bond. "you have no reason to apologise" I lift my blood covered hand but as I see the blood I don't want their blood on my mates gorgeous face. I drop my hand but he just pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I feel tension leaving my body as safety envelopes me. "What I'd more wolves come?" I ask hoping there isn't but we can't be too sure. "We killed all the others, we should be ok for at least a little while. "How far are we out?" I ask because I have no idea how long I was asleep "we've been travelling a few hours, so maybe about an hour and 40ish minutes." Austin replied letting me go from his hug, helping me out of the car where I'm pulled into another bone crushing hug from Aiden. I dint want to let go but I feel his top is really wet, I look at my hand and it's blood. "Are you hurt?" I panic but he shakes his head no, "It's just a scratch" and holds me again. "I want to KILL those bastards again for hurting you" Aiden growled out and his deep growl was an indicator that Kyn was near the surface just as pissed off as Aiden. He pulled back looking me over and his eyes turned darker with anger "I'm ok" I try to soothe him but he shook his head in disagreement "honestly I've had worse" I try to make light of it, even if what I said is true, "you shouldn't be hurt at all, we are supposed to protect you" he was seething now and I had no idea what to say to make him feel better "You both did protect me and our pup, it's a few scrapes honestly I'll be healed in no time." he pulled me back into a hug. Looking at the car it's totaled, 2 of the tyres are flat, windows are busted and not to mention the naked body hanging out of the back window. "We will have to walk the rest of the way" Austin states, opening the boot and taking out our bags, luckily we are travelling light but he refused to pass me my bag to carry, instead he held my hand and Aiden held the other and we set off. Thank the goddess it is a surprise for Kylie otherwise she would see me in this state and I know she would go to whatever resting place they were in and kill them again. Sisterly Love.
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