
1235 Words
Alora POV It feels like we've been walking forever at this point. It's not that I'm tired. Being a werewolf means we have plenty of energy, but I really want to wash this disgusting blood off of me. I can feel it as it dries on my skin, crusty and awful but the smell.. the smell is turning my stomach. I keep trying to push through it, but I can feel my body trying to push my stomach contents out. I hate being sick, but no matter how many deep breaths I take, it's no longer working. I pull away from my mates and throw up at the side of the road. I feel hands stroking my back while another is trying to hold my hair out of my way. "We are almost there," Austin says worriedly. "I need to get it off me." I almost cry. I can't handle the smell any longer. "we are almost there, baby." I know there's nothing we can do until we reach Kylies, but it doesn't change the fact that I need to be clean. "It's the smell," I gag again, but there's nothing more to give. The hands from my back dissappear, and I hear the zip of a bag being slid open. I'm retching again. s**t. "Here," Austin says and gives me a cloth to wipe my mouth and blow my nose. "We are not far out now, baby," Aiden says as I straighten up. "Here, try and wipe your face best you can. Hopefully, it helps," Austin explains, popping open a lid from a small bottle, I can see its my hand moisturiser, and putting a squirt of the lotion on the cloth, after turning it inside out to a cleaner bit, I wipe my face the best I can. My stomach instantly settles at the flowery scent. My lip feels sore still, but I can tell it's already healing. Hopefully, completely before I see Kylie. I also realise the cloth he gave me were actually one of his t-shirts from his bag. I look at my gorgeous mates. They are also covered in blood, and I can see a few bruises and grazes that are already healing. 'WE are so lucky to have them,' Veda says, full of love and pride.'They are going to be amazing dads,' I say, agreeing with her. They are gorgeous, They are mine as I'm theirs, and I thank Selene every day. There's rustling in the distance ahead of me, taking my attention from my mates. "f**k" Austin said pulling me behind him, both of them dropping our bags. 'Be ready, sweet girl,' Veda says, full of determination. I try to listen for enemies, for anything, and I hear it. I can hear footfalls sounding like they are heading our way. "Stay where you are. We will protect you," Aiden growled as he came behind me, so I'm sandwiched in between them. I see their claws extend from their fingertips, ready for anything that comes our way. I'm guessing he isn't trusting that there is nothing coming from the opposite side. A look to my left and see a few cars approaching. we are in big trouble. I'm not sure which is going to get to us first, but either way, we have a lot to face against. What if they are all part of the same group. I hear the cars speeding and the brakes squealing to a halt before they hit us. I'm so relieved when I see my family. My mum is out of the passenger seat before the car has fully stopped. She ran at us faster than I've ever seen her move before. "ALORA" I must look hurt with all of this blood, that her scream breaks my heart. Her motherly eyes take me in, already searching me for injuries before she pulls me into her arms. Both of my mates are still on high alert, which, of course, alerts my dad and brothers of the same. Me and my mum are circled by my family and warriors from dad's pack. "What is it?" Dad asks, ready to strike anything that emerges from the trees. "We have no idea, we heard the footfalls, but now it seems to have gone silent," Austin explained. "Are any of you injured?" Dad asks while side eyeing us, trying to get a look at us. I can't do anything but shake my head, tears streaming. It's a mixture of releif at seeing them and also because I've missed them all so much. I don't doubt my mates' fighting skills or their ability to keep us safe, but with how many rogues there was when we got attacked, our energy is on the lower end, and also because I can't shift into Veda form. I know we would still kick ass but it would be a risk, especially for our pup. 'we would protect our pup always,' Veda stated, and I agree, we will always protect our loved ones. "It seems whatever was going to attack has decided against it," Austin stated. The tension leaves his shoulders slightly, but he keeps his eye on the woods. "What happened? Why are you covered in blood, and where the hell is your car and warriors?" Dad's questions come out in a rush and full of confusion and anger as he finally turns to me, taking my blood soaked being in. His arms wrap around both me and mum as she hasn't fully let go yet. "We were ambushed about an hour or so into our journey. Our car was totalled, and we have been walking for roughly an hour and a half." Aiden explains picking up our bags, 'are you OK?' he links me, and both him and Austins eyes are on me, I give them a smile 'yes my loves', and they both look relieved. "Are your warriors ok?" Jeremy asks, looking around us, but I just frown."It's just us," I say, but dad lost his mind "WHAT THE f**k!!" he shouts causing me to jump a little, I could feel both Aiden and Austin temper about to snap at my dad. I really don't want them fighting. I walk the couple of steps to my mates and take hold of their hands. I give them both a gentle squeeze, hoping they know what I'm trying to convey. "We have issues at our pack. Our warriors are needed there," Austin explained after taking a few deep breaths, causing my dad to calm down "Boys you go in the warriors' cars. We have things to discuss." He pointed at the cars, the boys nodded, gave me a quick hug, and we all started moving as one. I open the rear passenger door, its cream leather interior makes me stop. Aiden has already entered from the rear drivers side door, climbed in and shut the door behind him, Austin is stood waiting behind me "I can't, I'll ruin the seats with this blood" I say horrified "My darling girl, I don't give two f***s about this car now get in, your safety comes first" mum says and to say it surprised me would be an understatement, mum would never normally swear unless she is super pissed off. I climb in, and Austin follows suit, shutting the door behind him. We wait, and only when all cars are ready are we moving again.
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