starting our journey

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Alora POV we are packed and ready to head to see my beautiful sister Kylie. I've missed her so much that I can't hide my excitement. I speak to her often on the phone, but I can't put into words how much I miss our everyday catch ups and hugs. "Have we got everything? What about kylies prezzy? " I ask, heading for the car. I can't wait to surprise her. 'Me too. I've missed them all too,' Veda says with as much excitement as me. 'It feels like forever since we last seen Kylie. it has been too long.' and I suddenly feel sad. 'we can share our news with her. Kylie and Janey will be the best aunty.' and I'm back to being excited again. My mates are leaving the pack in the capable hands of Greyson and Gage until we get back. I know they are worried about everything that is happening, especially with the possibility of an attack. I suggested that I would go alone, but they refused, I even said I would take a couple of warriors if that made them feel better, but it was turned down. and so all 3 of us are going, apparently with a threat looming in the unknown, and with me being pregnant, they are adamant that I stay with them so they can keep us safe. I wouldn't mind going alone honestly for 2 reasons. 1- I'll only be gone until tomorrow night and 2- I can handle myself. 'WE can handle ourselves' hearing Veda correct me with determination I know we can handle anything. 'True. but you know what our mates are like, especially since finding out about our pup.' I roll my eyes and chuckled at the same time. "Yes, we have everything," Aiden sighed probably because it's the 100th time of me asking. "We will be available for emergencies," Austin was saying to Gage as I shut the car door. I sat in the passenger side, seat belt on, and ready to go. The door closed behind me as Aiden climbed in. Come on. Come on, it was all I could think while Austin is still talking I can see him laugh at something Gage had said "We will be going soon" Aiden chuckled at me as I was practically bouncing. I don't reply, and instead, I watch Austins moves impatiently. "Come on," I groaned when I saw Austin still hadn't moved. I feel Aidens hand on my shoulder trying to calm me, but I want to go. I leant over, best I could with the restriction of the seatbelt, to the steering wheel and pressed down on the horn. I burst out laughing seeing both Austin and Gage jump at the unexpected noise. Aiden bursts into laughter too, and that is when Austin gets the hint to hurry up and get his sexy ass in the car. He shakes his head at me and gets into the car. "Really?" was all he said starting up the car. "What?" I feigned innocence, but with Aiden still laughing in the back, I couldn't keep a straight face. "Well, you were taking too long," I tried to give him my sad puppy eyes, but it wasn't working. I'll need to work on that. "We don't need to be there for another 4 hours, and it takes about an hour and a half to get there. You have us leaving earlier than early, " he huffed because I've done their heads in since opening my eyes, his comment makes me laugh. "I know, but what if it starts early or maybe she needs me before?" I try to reason with him, but he rolls his eyes and smirks "well that's not going to happen, is it?" he replied looking at me with a quirked eyebrow but while I'm still trying to figure out what he's talking about Aiden speaks "because it's a surprise" honestly I shock myself sometimes with my train of thought. "Good point." I almost sulk at my stupidness. "Anyway, we are better getting there early," I state and fold my arms, and decide to look out of the window. Ignoring their stares. "Are you going to sulk all the way there?" Austin asks, and his question pisses me off, sulk? like I'm a child. "Sulk?" it comes out like a whisper and his smile drops from his face "I didnt mean it like thst I was just sayin-" I cut him off because he sounds like I've no right to be upset with him "no I'm not," was all I said before unclipping my seatbelt, and I'm climbing through the middle of the front seats, over into the back seat. Austin slows down to stop while berating me. "I would have stopped the car Alora, you could have hurt yourself," he fretted, but I'm not talking to him. "I'm fine." I say, strapping myself in with the seatbelt, and I once again fold my arms, looking out of the window. He really is zapping all the fun out of this trip, and we've only just set off. "Can we just go?" I say, wanting to see my family as soon as I possibly can. Austin didn't say anything, but I could feel his confusion through our bond. "I'm sure Aiden didn't mean to upset you, baby." Aiden says gently, reaching his hand out to me, and I should have guessed that he would stand by his twin, but at the same time, it's hurtful. "Of course you would stick up for your brother." I scowl at him now pissed at them both, but he looked offended. "What?.. what's that supposed to mean?" and I feel his hurt through our bond. How can they both feel that way when I've done nothing wrong apart from being excited. It is too much, so I put my barrier up. Now they are hurt, and I'm the bad one just because I'm excited to see my family. "Nothing. Just go sit with Austin. After all, you're both thick as theives anyway im the bad one, obviously." I say and almost turn my back on him. He huffs at me but doesn't say anything else. I hear his buckle unclip and movement and then a click of a seatbelt again. I side eye them, and now they are both sitting in the front. We all sit in silence, for I don't know how long. I'm feeling exhausted. Darkness takes me. I start to wake up, but I don't think I've been asleep long because I'm sure I could sleep again. I can hear my mates talking between themselves quietly, obviously trying not to wake me up. I was going to stretch, but as their words hit me, I stayed still. Austin - "Yeah, well, stop being pissed at me, bro. I don't even know what I've done," Aiden - "apologise anyway, whatever it could be, it has upset her. Kyn has been giving me silent treatment for upsetting her, too, and getting kicked up to the front with you." Austin - "Xav the same with me. What did I say that was so bad she would risk hurting herself climbing into the back? " Aiden- "I know what you mean, I wanted so bad to reach out and help her incase she slipped but she's pissed bro and I didn't want to upset her more, even though I did" They sound defeated, confused, and upset, and if I'm being honest with myself, I actually don't even know why I even got mad. 'pregnancy hormones' Veda chuckles at me, but instead of making me feel better, it's like a bucket of cold water hitting me. My mates hadn't even done anything wrong, and I was angry for no reason. Sulk. one f*****g word sent me into being a b***h. What a mega b***h. I have no idea what is happening to me. I open my eyes and look at me mates who are still talking, oblivious that I've woken up. "I'm so sorry," I say quietly. Both of my gorgeous mates have now stopped talking. Aiden is turned in his seat, looking at me, and Austin is looking through the mirror at me. "No, it's me that should be apologising to you, I'm sorry," Austin says, but it makes the shittyness grow in my chest, and I can't hold my tears in any longer. "No. I'm sorry. I was a total b***h. I have no idea what I'm doing" I'm now a sobbing mess. I let down my barrier and their emotions hit me full throttle and it makes me feel worse. I feel Aidens' arms around me as I cry into his chest. I hadn't even heard him move, but I'm so glad he did. I need his comfort even though I know I'm in the wrong. How on earth did I get lucky to have mates like mine. Aiden was stroking my hair and soothing me until I was cried out. After a while, I wiped my face and sat up. "are you OK?" Austin asked and I nodded my head yes "Yes I'm OK, I'm sorry" I say looking at him through the mirror and I swear I'll never get used to his panty dropping smile. "Do you think we could stop for a minute?" I ask looking around at the deserted Road around us. Austin slows the car to a stop. I unclip and climb back into the front but instead of climbing into the empty seat I straddle Austin, taking him by surprise. he wraps his arms around me as I tuck my face into his neck. It still amazes me how a mates scent can calm you down and give you comfort. His hands are stroking my back lovingly, enjoying the contact between us.
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